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It was now a week until the Yule Ball and I realized that I really wasn't going to get a date. Cedric hadn't told me what Cho said to him so I didn't even know if I had a friend to go with.

"Wanna sit with the Gryffindors?" Charlotte suggests.

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Why not?" She replies. I shrug and we walk over to the Gryffindor table.

"Mind if we sit here?" Charlotte asks.

"Not at all, sit, sit" Fred replies. We sit down and begin to eat our lunch.

"So y/ gotta date to the Ball yet?" Fred asks me suspiciously.

"No" I sigh.

"Well I'm sure there's someone who wants to asks you" he says and glances around the table. "Anyone?" He looks at George. I sit awkwardly, not having a clue what's going on.
"Ok then, I guess this must be done, y/n will you go to the ball with me?" Fred asks.

My eyebrows raise up and my eyes go wide. What?

"Excuse me what?" I ask him.

"You heard me, do you y/n y/l/n what to go to the ball with me Fred Weasley?" He repeats.

"Uh...can I talk to you outside for a moment?" I ask urgently. He shrugs and follows me out of the Great Hall.

"What the hell!?" I shout and hit his arm.

"What?!" He asks.

"Why are you asking me to the Ball?"

"Cause I want to go with you" he answers. I glare at him. "Ok ok, you caught me, I was trying to make someone jealous" he admits.

"Ooo who?" I ask.

"No, not a girl, I was trying to make George jealous" he says. I look at him confused.
"Guess I gotta tell ya now" he sighs. "George really likes you, and I know you like him back so I asked you to the ball so he would get jealous and get mad at me in front of you so that he finally revealed his feelings, and I just want you two to get together and be happy because you would be such a good couple and I just want to be a flower girl at your wedding" he spits out, I stand there for a second processing everything he just said.

"Wait, what makes you think I like George back?" I ask, making sure I wasn't being pranked.

"Well, y'know that "product" I told you to smell to test on the train? Well it was amortentia, so basically, by telling us what you smelled you admitted your feelings for George" he answers.

"WHAT!?" I shouted.

"Sorry, I just needed to know, but now you know he likes you back" Fred smiles.

"But, he didn't do what you said. He didn't get angry and accidentally admit his feelings." I protest.

"Yeah...I realized that George isn't really that type. But he's probably in there as we speak, planning on how to murder me" Fred laughs.

"Yeah" I give a small laugh and sigh.

"Just give him time, he'll ask you" Fred says. I nod

"So how are we gonna play this?" I ask

"Well how about you rejected me and I am so distraught" Fred jokingly suggests.

"Haha. But also, what do you think of Angelina?" I ask. His face goes bright red.

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Well, she likes you and I'm guessing by the colour of your face that you like her too" I grin.

"She likes me?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah, maybe you should ask her to the ball?" I suggest.

"Maybe I people shouldn't tell us secrets" Fred chuckles.

"Yeah we're terrible at keeping them" I laugh.

"It's for their own good!" Fred jokingly protests.

"Well we should probably go back in there before they get suspicious" I say nodding to the Great Hall.

"Yeah I guess so." Fred says, he takes a deep breath and all of a sudden his face is full of sadness, but it is so obviously a joke.

"Wow so convincing" I say sarcastically.

"I know right" he replies.

We walk into the great Hall and Fred plops down in his seat with a sigh. Everyone is staring at us waiting to hear what happened.

"She rejected me!" Fred cries before putting his head down on the table. Everyone begins to chatter and Fred peers up and winks. I smile.

"Yeah sorry Freddie, I got my eye on someone else" I shrug.

"I understand" he sighs. And we both burst out in laughter, everyone looks at us like we're crazy.

Such a Hufflepuff (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now