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After detention I quickly ran back to the Hufflepuff common room before George could even try and talk to me.

I breathlessly said the pass word and darted inside. Cedric and Charlotte were talking in the couch. They both noticed me and confused expressions spread across their faces.

"" I panted and sat down on the couch.

"Whoa calm down, are you ok?" Cedric asks.

"Uhhh I don't.....really know" I sigh.

They exchange a glance and turn back to me. "What happened at detention with Weasley?" Charlotte asked, her tone scared me.

"He....he told me he really had feelings for me" I said, realizing what had just happened.

George had admitted he liked me.

"What a load of bullshit!" Charlotte bellowed. "You don't actually believe him do you!?"

I looked at her and she was not happy.

"He already tricked you once and now he's trying again!? That little git!" Cedric growled.

Oh my god, they were absolutely right! It was probably all still a prank.

"You didn't actually believe him, did you?" Charlotte asked.

"I...." my voice was small, I felt small. I felt stupid.

"God, you're such a Hufflepuff sometimes don't you know that?" Cedric sighed.

"Hey! We're in the same house!" I shot back.

"Yeah, but you show it more" he chuckles.

I roll my eyes. I had no way of telling if George was pulling a prank or not...but in this case I had to assume. WAIT I HAVE AN IDEA!

Truth serum.


"Professor Snape! Professor! Wait!" I called after Snape.

He turned around and cocked and eyebrow. "What do you need ms.Y/l/n?"

"I just had a question, about potions" I replied.

"Fine, go on" he sighed.

"What....ingredients are used to make a truth potion?" I ask.

"Well, you have a potions book, you can look it up yourself" he answers.

"But it would be so much easier for the both of us if you just told me" I reason.

"Ms.Y/l/n, may I ask why you need this information?"

"Uh...research purposes?" I reply, it comes out as more of a question than a statement.

"Well then you will be more than happy to go and research it in your books" he says and turns away.

I sigh and walk back to my dorm. Now I had to do actual work. UGGHHHHH. I sat on the floor and opened my potions textbook. I read through the pages and eventually came across truth serum.

Finally I thought.

As I read over the page it hit me.

What was I doing?

Give George truth serum to see if he was being honest. That was what I had thought. But even if I managed to attain some truth serum, how did I plan to make him consume it without him knowing. This was wrong, on all levels.

I shut my potions book and leaned against the foot of my bed.

What a predicament huh?

If I just assumed George was telling the truth, I could get horribly embarrassed again. Whereas if I decided not to trust George and just shut him out of my life completely... no, I couldn't do that. He was such a good friend, and so was Fred. If I shut out George, I was surely never going to so much as talk to Fred again. But, if it was all a prank, Fred had just as much to do with it. I could always try to just be friends again with them both. But then, if he was telling the truth, I could hurt George. UGH!

Charlotte comes into our dorm and sits down next to me.


"What am I supposed to do Char?" I ask looking up at the ceiling.

"I- I don't know y/n" she sighs.

"Maybe we should just get married and go live in a cottage in the middle of nowhere" I jokingly suggest.

"With a garden?" Charlotte laughs.

"Of course, and we could have a pond, with fish"

We both burst out laughing at the outrageous suggestion. Though it did sound nice, I had to face my problems.

"Man, that stupid Yule Ball!" Charlotte scoffs.

"Yeah... stupid happy people in love"

"Exactly! Why do they have to rub our loneliness in?" Charlotte animates her words but throwing her hands up in the air.

"Leave it to us to find someway to complain" I chuckle.

"We have good reason, though..."

"Yeah... so what's the plan?"

"Plan?" Charlotte asks.

"What am I supposed to do?" I sigh.

"I'm going to be honest with you, because I love you and you're my best friend, I have absolutely no clue" she replies.

"Thank you very much" I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry! Maybe ask Ced...I don't know" she shrugs.

"Yeah ok" I get up but realize I'm too tired to think about my problems anymore. I lay down in my bed and let out a big sigh, "maybe if I fall asleep, I won't wake up and all my problems will go away"

Charlotte gets up and lays down in her bed as well.

"Night y/n" she says and pulls the covers up to her shoulders.

"Night" I reply and close my eyes.

I couldn't help the thoughts swirling around my brain. My problems rumbling up like a storm cloud. But I could even get the satisfaction of a downpour. The dark cloud just fills my mind with worry and fear until I eventually drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Such a Hufflepuff (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now