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Your POV
It was now December. Christmas was coming up soon and though I would miss my friends, I was excited to see my family. I was sitting in the Hufflepuff common room reading, when a bunch of happy first years came in.

"Y/n it's snowing!" One of them exclaimed.

"Wait really?" I asked. I loved snow, it just felt so magical.

"Yeah, we figured it started snowing last night because it's easily up to our waists" they explain.

"Oh wow ok cool" I reply. I decided to go for a quick walk in the snow. I went up to my dorm and pulled a hoodie over my t-shirt. I put on my coat over top of that and my boots. I wore a knit hat on my head and then decided to go for my walk.

As soon as I stepped outside, my breath was taken away. It was absolutely gorgeous. The sun made the snow look like it was covered with glitter and I felt like I was in a snow globe as the flakes slowly fell. The first years were right, the snow was up to about my mid-thigh, (I was taller than them). I walked the grounds of Hogwarts, just admiring the snow. I had forgotten my gloves, so I just shoved my hands in my pockets.

I was ready to go back to the castle so I began to make my way. I was about half way back when something made me stumble and I fell right into the deep snow. I used my hands to try and stop me from falling as a reflex. Stupid. I stood up and my legs were full of snow and so were my hands. I shook the snow off my legs and wiped my hands on my pants, which were now soaked. My hands shivered at my sides, so I rubbed them together, hoping to warm them up a bit. I didn't want to put them in my pockets because then my coat would get wet and I would be even more cold. So I trudged my way back to the castle.

Just like that, a mystical experience had become a cold, freezing, shivering one.
I finally got back to the castle and I sighed of relief as I stepped inside. I felt as the melted snow soaked through my pants and clung to my legs. I started to walk to the Hufflepuff common room when I saw someone down the hall. I took a few more steps to see who it was and it was George. I felt embarrassed, I didn't want him to see me like this. I was leaving a small trail of water where I went and my hands were still freezing at my sides.

"Oh hey Y/n" he says walking up to me. He looked me up and down, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Hey George....I fell in the snow" I answer what he was thinking.

"Oooh" he nods. "Well, uh while you're here, I was wondering if you would like to come hangout in the Gryffindor common room with Fred and I?" He offers.

"Yeah, that would be great, but...can I change first?" I reply.

"Oh yeah of course" he says.

We begin to walk to the Hufflepuff dorms together. He insisted he would wait for me, even though I knew where the Gryffindor common room was. We were walking and I felt my hands still cold at my sides. It didn't help that they were now dripping with water from the melted snow. I was just looking forward, walking when I felt George grab my hand.

                                                         George's POV

I had grabbed y/n's hand without thinking. Her cold hand rested in my warm one. I could feel her look up at me but I just looked forward. Sh!t, I had made this awkward. I was about to pull my arm away but then I felt her interlock her fingers with mine. I felt myself blush as we continued to walk.

                                                            Your POV

After I changed I met back with George outside of the Hufflepuff common room and we went to the Gryffindor one.

As we walked we talked, about random things. At least it was better than awkward silence.

"So, who is your favourite professor? I know who your least favourite is" I say

"Hmm, my favourite would have to be...Flitwick" he answers.

"Really? Mine would be Mcgonagal"

"Cool, what is your favourite class?" He asks

"Care for magical creatures, or herbology" I say.

"Makes sense" George says.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"You just...seem like that kind of person, that likes magical creatures and plants" he says. I laugh at this.

"Oh WoW" I say jokingly.

"Whatever" he says trying to play off the stupid thing he had just said. I continue to laugh. "Anyways, what is your favourite thing about Hogwarts?" He asks

"Hmm..." I think for a moment, then answer "spaghetti"

"I beg your pardon?" He asks looking at me.

"Hogwarts spaghetti is just-" I reply and do a chef's kiss. George is starting to chuckle at this.

"So, not magic, not your friends, not the experiences, spaghetti?"

"Yup, listen, I would marry that spaghetti if I could" I say seriously. This cause George to burst out laughing, which I do as well.

"I can just imagine you walking into the Great hall when we have spaghetti and like just being way too excited and like, yelling at anyone who gets in the way of you, and your true love spaghetti" he manages to get out between wheezes.

"Yup, I would sacrifice my friends for that spaghetti" I say.

"WHAT!?" he is laughing even more now.

"Uh huh if I had the choice between spaghetti and my friends, spaghetti will always win" I say.

We get to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room and George says the password. The "door" opens and George says "after you mrs. Y/n Spaghetti" I bow at him and say

"Thank you kind sir, but that was so lame" we both start laughing again.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Ron, George's younger brother asks from one of the couches.

"Spaghetti." I reply. He gasps

"Hogwarts spaghetti!?" He asks excitedly. I nod. "Yes! Hogwarts spaghetti is the best!" He exclaims.

"Yes thank you!" I say and turn to George "he has good taste"

" get out" George says to Ron.

"What?! I'm allowed to be in here whenever I want, it's my common room too" Ron protests. George gives him a glare and Ron sighs "fine" "asshole" he mutters as he goes up to the dorms.

"What was that?" George asks

"Nothing!" Ron replies and begins running up the stairs.

I hang out with Fred and George in the Gryffindor common room for the rest of the afternoon along with some other Gryffindors.

I was now sure that we would be great friends.

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