Caught redhanded

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"I'm sure that we can find some sort of healing potion for that" George says examining my hand.

"It's fine, really George. Hey where's Fred by the way? I haven't seen him very much lately and you two are practically always together" I inquired.

"He's off doing homework"

"Really?" I sounded really surprised, which I was.

"Yeah, I was surprised too"

"That's strange.... Charlotte has been paying more attention to her homework than me as well. Guess we have more time together then, huh?" I shrug.

"Yeah I gue- woah" George's eyes go wide.

"What?" I ask and look in the direction he was looking.

There, down the corridor were Charlotte and Fred....kissing.

"F-Fred and Charlotte?" I whisper, shocked.

"You mean homework and homework." George corrects me.

"Hmm?" I turn to him.

"Well that's what they said they were doing" he shrugs.

I cover my mouth with my hand to conceal my laughter so they didn't hear me.

"Should we go confront them?" George whispers.

"No, this could be fun" I smirk.

"Yes, I really have taught you well" George grins proudly.

We sneak down another hallway, sure not be seen by Charlotte and Fred. Not that they would even notice us. They were quite preoccupied.

"I'm still in shock honestly" I say once we get far enough away so they won't hear us.

"Same, but I have to say I did expect this" George admits.

"I guess I did to but...I always saw Fred with Angelina" I say.

"Yeah...but Lee also fancied her, maybe they'll get together" he shrugs.

"Yeah how are we gonna make this fun?" I grin.

"Well here's what I was thinking...." George begins.


Later that evening, Charlotte returned to the Hufflepuff common room where I was on the couch waiting for her.

"Y/n! Oh my god you scared me!" She gasps.

"Hey Char, sorry about that. Are you alright? You look kinda flushed" I inquire.

"Uh y-yeah, I'm good"

"Good, good. So uh, where did you say you were going this afternoon?" I interrogate.

"The library" she answers confused.

"Hmmm that's odd because I was there looking for you and I swear I didn't see you" I ponder.

"Uh- uhm well....what time did you go?" She asks nervously.

"Mid afternoon" I reply simply.

"Oh well yeah, I went on a walk to take a break from homework" she sounds relieved.

"You did, did you? Hmm yeah George and I went on a walk as well and we found something quite interesting"

"Oh yeah, and what was that?"

"Just something...I wasn't really expecting" I shrug. "Oh by the way, did you see Fred at all?" I ask.

"What? Why would I have seen Fred? I hate him. He's so annoying. I wish he were dead." Her voice becomes high pitched.

"Whoa there Char, just asked a question."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm off to bed" she says and hurries up to our dorm.

                                                  George's POV

"Hey Fred" I greet him as he walks into our dorm.

"Hey George" he grins.

"You're in a good mood" I point out.

"Guess I am" he shrugs.

"How was your homework?"

"Great very interesting." He replies.

"Oh, that reminds me y/n and I saw the most peculiar thing on our walk today"

"Oh and uh, what was that?" He asks.

"Charlotte was snogging someone in the corridors"

A small grin spreads across his face.

"Yeah that was me." He says simply.

I burst out laughing. "Well that was easy!"

"Just don't tell Charlotte she'll kill me" he laughs.

                                                   Your POV :)

"I don't know y/n!" Charlotte exclaims throwing her arms up.

"Cmon, you two were both doing homework in the library. He's really hard to miss"

"Look, I did not see Fred today, not in the corridors, not in the library and not anywhere else. Now let me sleep!" She groans.

"Ok fine, I'll give it up" I give in.

"Finally, thank you." She sighs.

We both lay down and pull the covers up over ourselves.

We lay in silence for a bit but then I say,

"You were snogging Fred in the corridors. Weren't you?"

She turns on her side to face me, looking ashamed.

"Yeah." She sighs.

"Ok." I reply and turn back over.

"He's so stupid. But...." she begins.

"I understand." I smile at her.

"And him being one heck of a good kisser is nice."

We both begin laughing uncontrollably.

"Must be a twin thing" I get out between wheezes.

Such a Hufflepuff (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now