Tri-wizard Tournament

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Your POV

The sorting ceremony had begun and I watched and waited for it to be Maggie's turn. Then it finally was. She walked up nervously and sat down. She looked at me, worry flashing in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile and this seemed to calm her.

"Hmm yes it is very clear where I shall place you....HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat calls out. A big smile spread across her face as she makes her way to the Hufflepuff table. I knew she said she was fine with another house, but that she secretly was hoping for Hufflepuff.

She sat down next me. "I got Hufflepuff y/n! Aren't you proud of me!" She exclaims.

"Yes of course" I reply. I mean I would've been just as proud if she were to have gotten any other house, but I didn't want to bring her down in her moment of 'triumph'.

"Hello, Maggie is it?" Charlotte asks with an outstretched hand.

"Yes, and you are?" Maggie asks, shaking her hand.

"Charlotte, I'm y/n's friend"

"And I'm Cedric"

Maggie turns to me "is he your boyfriend?" She tries to whisper.

"She wishes!" Cedric says rather loudly.

"Oh really? Then why did I break up with you" I ask.

"So he was your boyfriend?" Maggie asks.

"No, no it was just a practical joke" I quickly reply.

"Oh y/n, but I said I will love you until the day I die, doesn't that mean something?" Cedric pleads.

"Well that day may be very soon if you don't kindly shut up" I say, trying to suppress my smile. I turn back to Maggie, "Cedric is a good friend of mine, he is graduating this year, good thing too"

"You know you'll miss me" he pries.

"I guess, but you need to give up that stupid act" I reply.

"Fiiiiine" he sighs.

"Good" I say and turn my attention back to Maggie, who is watching Cedric and I banter back and forth. Food appears on the table and we all talk whilst eating.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore calls from the front of the Hall. We all turn toward him. "Welcome back to Hogwarts and welcome to all who are here for the first time, our first years and our new defence against the dark arts teacher, everyone give a warm, welcome to professor Moody."

A  man hobbles into the great hall and up to where all the other teachers are sitting. He looks... interesting. He has scars all over his face and one of his eyes is missing.

"I would also like to announce that this year, Hogwarts will be hosting a very sacred event. The  Triwizard Tournament."

The Great Hall erupts with cheers. Dumbledore explains the tournament and how two other schools will be joining us at the end of October. He explained how a single champion will be chosen from each school.

"Now, the heads of the other schools and the ministry have imposed a rule this year, if a student wishes to enter the tournament, they must be over the age of seventeen" Dumbledore continues to explain.

"THAT'S RUBBISH!" "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" I hear someone shout. I could tell it was the twins. Other students were also upset and many people were booing.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore shouts again. "Now off to bed! All of you."

We head out of the Great Hall and Maggie stays close to me. She walks with Charlotte, Cedric and I to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Alright well goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow" I say and give her a hug.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Well on the first night of school, the third years and up get to have a sleepover in the Great Hall." I tell her.

"Oh ok" she says.

"Sleep well, you have classes tomorrow" I smile. She returns the smile and then goes into her dorm. I grab my pillow from my own dorm and head to the Great Hall with Charlotte. We found two mattresses beside each other and put down our pillows.

"Hey do you wanna play 'kiss, marry, kill'?" Charlotte asks me.

"Sure, but we should get a few more people" I respond.

We round up three other girls, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Jess. Those of us who were muggle-born, or me, who was raised as a muggle, explained the game to the purebloods. They seemed excited to play.

"So who wants to go first?" I ask.

"I will" Jess offers. "Angelina, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley and... Adrien Pucey"

"Hmm... I guess... kiss Oliver, kill Adrien and...marry Fred" she mumbles. We all burst out giggling. "Oh shut up!" She grumbles, embarrassed.

"Angelina your turn!" Charlotte sings.
"What are you gals up to?" Fred asks with George and Lee with him.

"We're playing kiss, marry, kill" I explain.

"Ooh can we play too?" Fred asks, but he was already sitting down.

"Yeah sure" I say and wink at Angelina. She blushes. George and Lee sit down as well.

"Ok, Y/n, Cedric, Lee and Ron Weasley" Angelina says.

"He's in fourth year!" I protest.

"So!" Angelina says back.

I sigh "ok, kill Cedric, marry Lee and kiss Ron" I say.

"I'm flattered y/n" Lee jokes.

"I thought you and Cedric were friends though?" Angelina asks

"We are, but he's an idiot sometimes" I laugh.

"Ewwww y/n's gonna snog Ron" Fred jokes. I roll my eyes.

"Ok, Fred, Angelina, Hermione Granger and Lee" I ask him.

"Easy, kiss Angie, kill granger and marry Lee" he answers.

"Ooh love triangle" Jess jokes.

"You tryna steal my man?" I ask him jokingly.

"Oh please, he was never yours" Fred plays along. We play the game for awhile longer and then just joke around and dare each other to do stupid things.

"Ok y/n, I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room" Charlotte smirks.
I think for a moment and then kiss my own hand. Everyone claps for me jokingly and they all laugh.

Soon enough, it's time for bed.

"Hey George!" I call to him. He lifts his head up confused. "Stay in your own bed tonight!"

"Shut it y/l/n!" He says and covers his head with a blanket and lays down. I smile and lay down as well.

Such a Hufflepuff (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now