Almost fight

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I feel like my chapter names are so stupid, but whatever.

I didn't go home for Christmas break. A lot of students didn't. Maggie had gone home, but it was understandable, it was her first year and she was excited to tell her parents everything.

I woke up on Christmas morning to see Charlotte still asleep, which was very surprising. I looked up and saw a small pile of presents sitting in front of my bed. I got up and sat down beside the brightly wrapped boxes. I planned on waiting until Charlotte woke up to open my gifts, so it would feel more like at home. I didn't want to be doing this alone.

"Mmmm" Charlotte stirred.

"Good morning" I say. Charlotte rolls over and smiles at me but sits right up when she sees the presents.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!" she exclaims.

"Yes, you are correct" I chuckle. She quickly stumbles out of bed and sits with her presents.

"You open one of your first!" She says excitedly. I smile and grab one of the boxes with snowmen on the wrapping paper. I tear it open and inside is a book. An empty book. There were no lines on the pages. It could be a journal. I looked inside for a note to explain it and luckily I found one.

Dear Y/n,
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you are having fun with Charlotte and not missing me too much. I got you this journal so that we can always be in contact. Also, you better tell me all about what happened at the Yule Ball!

I smiled at the note but realized I hadn't told Maggie about the whole George thing. She really liked him and Fred and the twins liked her too. Unless that was also all an act. I shook the thoughts from my brain and placed the note book aside.

"You're turn char" I smiled.

She grabbed a small box wrapped in a dark red wrapping paper. She opened it and inside was a necklace. It was very pretty and she looked very pleased with it. She put it on and held the pendant that was hanging on it in her fingers.

We opened the rest of our presents and then decided to go on a walk around the castle. I put on one of my Christmas sweaters and a pair of mom jeans and a knit hat. We walked out into the common room, some sleepy Hufflepuffs were talking and showing each other what they had received for Christmas.

We exited the common room and began walking around Hogwarts. We wished the paintings merry Christmas, along with Moaning Myrtle. We were walking down the halls when I saw two familiar red heads walking. I quickly turned down another hallway and Charlotte followed me confused.

"What was that about?" She asked looking behind her, and then back at me.

"Nothing" I say bluntly.

"Why have you been ignoring Fred and George lately? I thought you three were best buds?" She inquires.

"It's nothing" I repeat.

"Y/n, you don't have to hide stuff from me, I'm your best friend" Charlotte says, she sounds hurt.

I sigh "ok fine. I liked George, and then that day Fred asked me to be his date to the ball, he was only doing it to make George jealous, and he explained to me how they knew I liked George because they made me smell amortenia and I basically admitted my feelings for George. He also said that George would ask me to the ball, but he didn't, he asked Alicia. That's how I realized that it was all some prank they were pulling on me. They toyed with my feelings for fun" I explained.

"Whoa" Charlotte said "that's a lot, gimme a sec to process......THEY DID WHAT!? THOSE LITTLE ASSHOLES!" She growled and began storming down the hall after them.

"NO CHARLOTTE STOP" I called running after her, trying to grab the back of her jumper.

"HEY WEASLEY AND WEASLEY!" She shouted. Both boys turned around confused.

"Charlotte stop" I urged her.

"NO! YOU GUYS WILL NOT TOY WITH MY BEST FRIENDS FEELINGS AND GET OFF WITH OUT A SCRATCH!" Charlotte lifted up her fists. This confused the boys even more.

"Charlotte please stop." I pleaded, grabbing her arm.

She shook me off and bounced back and forth, her fists in front of her eyes. "Come on! Come at me!" She taunted. The boys raised their eyebrows and looked at each other.

"Charlotte you're making things worse" I say, completely embarrassed.

"Y/n, what they did to you should not go unpunished, you are the most awesome person ever and they shouldn't have hurt you" She replies.

"Please, let's just go" I sigh and tug at her arm. She sighs and looks back at the boys.

"Watch your backs." She threatens and walks away with me. I would apologize, but I just send the boys a glare and turn to face forwards.

"Maybe we could frame them and get them in trouble with Dumbledore" Charlotte suggests as we walk.

"Why did you go up to them?" I ask, slightly annoyed, but also grateful I had her as a friend.

"Cause they hurt you" she explains.

"Just- don't do it again" I sigh. She nods and we continue walking.

George's POV

"What do you think that was about?" I ask Fred as we walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Seriously? Well, we now know who the smarter twin is" he scoffed. "It was about you asking Alicia to the ball you dimwit"

"Jeez, calm down will you?"

"No, I will not. Y/n was a friend of mine too, and a good one at that. Now She won't talk to me about something my stupid coward brother did" he huffs

"I'm sorry! Ok? Maybe if you hadn't told her she would have known and very thing would be fine!" I shot back.

"But it wouldn't be fine! You would still be staring at her every chance you got and been the jealous snappy boy whenever another boy did as much as talked to her!" Fred argued. "Oh wait, I forgot, you still are that boy"

He was right. I hated seeing other guys talk to her. She was so pretty and funny and I wanted her to be mine. I had the perfect chance, she liked me back and everything was going good, but I was such a stupid ass and I asked someone else to the ball. How dumb would someone have to be to choose another girl when they could've had y/n.

"I want to go back to talking to her Fred, but I don't know how" I sighed.

"I understand Georgie, and I might have a plan. But you can't go dating another girl ok?" Fred said. I nodded eagerly, wanting y/n back.

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