Sleeping bag

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So  some things may not exactly correspond with the book because I'm kinda sorta stupid and stuff.... so I'm really sorry about that.

Dear mum,
How have you been? I just was wondering if you've planned anything for Christmas. I have just got an offer to stay with George and his family. I understand if you are not ok with it, but I was just wondering. And since I know you will be asking, his parents are ok with it. Please let me know when you can,

I sign the letter and then send it off.

After about an hour, an owl arrives with a response.

Dear y/n,
I am very well, thank you for asking. Though your father is constantly boasting about winning that stupid bet. It's been months now and he still hasn't given it up. It is very annoying. I suppose you could stay with them, as long as you're sure George's parents are ok with it. And don't cause any trouble. I guess then we'll be seeing you for summer. Merry Christmas dear, your father and I love you very much,

I smile at the letter and then head off to tell George.

"George! Hey wait up!" I call after him as I see him down the hall.

"Yes?" He grins.

"My mum said I can stay with you"

"That's great news!" He cheers and pulls me into a hug.

"But only as long as you're super duper, absolutely, completely, positively, sure it's ok"

"Of course! Mum and dad will be happy to have you." He replies. "Though, we aren't staying at the burrow"

"Hmm?" I hum thoughtfully.

"Well we're staying at 12 Grimmauld place..."

"Oh- uh ok" I shrug.

"Yay! Ok so- so, oh this is so great. Ok, I'll go write mum. Ok- yeah" he says happily.

"Woah, don't sound so excited Georgie" I chuckle.

"Ok, I'll see you on the train tomorrow."

"Alright seeya then" I say.


"You sure you're 100% ok?"

"You've already asked me a million times. Yes y/n I am even prepared to say I am 101% ok" Charlotte laughs.

"I am so so so sorry you have to be here alone." I apologize.

"Y/n, I. Will. Be. Ok. Have a good time, ya hear!" She smiles.

" just- I feel wrong for leaving you here" I sigh.

"GO! You're going to be late y/n." She pushes me out of the door.


And with that she slams the door in my face.


"Now, I know you've met mum before at the train station, but that was just barely so..."

Such a Hufflepuff (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now