The shop

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*Time skip to summer*


I turned around to see Maggie sprinting down the stairs towards me.

"Whoa whoa, what's up?" I chuckle.

"You're going! And I'll be at Hogwarts all alone!" She cries, hugging me tightly.

"Maggie, we go through this every year. You're going to be alright. And if you ever need me, just write." I say.

"Why can't you stay here for the rest of summer?" She asks.

"Because, I'm promised the twins I would help them get ready for the opening of their joke shop. You should come in when you go to Diagon Alley." I explain.

"Mhmm always the twins" she shakes her head.

"You ready to go Y/n/n?" My dad asks.

"Yup, bye Mags, I'll hopefully see you soon." I give her one more hug and grab my trunk.

George's POV

"Fred, that display isn't centred." I say.


"It's perfect."

"Hello! Gred? Forge? Where you at?" A voice calls from downstairs.

I practically tumble down the stairs to greet her.

"Y/N!" I cheer, hugging her tightly.

"Whoa! Hiya Georgie!" She grins.



"Why. Didn't. You. Write?" I question, poking her arm between each word.

"Um excuse me- you said you wouldn't write me so I wasn't going to waste my time writing you." She explains,

"Fair enough" I shrug.

"Is that y/n!?" Fred asks from the top of the stairs.

He hurries down, links arms with her and spins her around in a circle.

She laughs and once he lets her go I lead her upstairs to where she would be sleeping.

"Nice room." She smiles, looking around the room with three beds.

"Make yourself at home" I say putting down her trunk.

"Uh...Georgie, why doesn't that bed have a mattress?" Y/n asks, pointing at the third bed.

"Well, we won't be needing it, will we" I say.

She hits my arm and I show her which bed is mine.

She immediately flops down tiredly and closes her eyes.

"Are you seriously going to sleep?" I ask

"Well I was trying" she mutters and rolls on her back.

"It's the middle of the afternoon, and we need help setting everything up."

"NoooOooOOOOooOooOooOoOoOoooOOO" she whines and rolls back over.

"Fine. Then you can sleep on the bed with no mattress"

"wOw, LoVe YoU sO mUcH." She says sarcastically and rolls off of my bed.

"I know" I say and place a kiss on her forehead.

She helps Fred and I prepare the shop and then we all head to bed.

"Now, don't be too loud tonight guys, alright?" Fred smirks.

Y/n's eyes go wide and she looks down. I shove Fred and glare at him.

"Sorry, hey! Sorry!" He holds up his hands defensively.

"Night." Y/n mutters, still looking down.

"Goodni-ight" Fred sings and lays down in his bed.

Y/n and I get into my bed and I hold her close.

She lays facing away from me for a moment then turns to face me and gives me a kiss.

"I lOvE yOu ToO" I whisper.

"I know. Who wouldn't?" She grins and rolls back away.

I shove her head and then we fall asleep.

But have any of you guys ever watched the movie 'Norbit'? I watched it the other night and I was like Gred and Forge? What're you doing here?
Also, last night I had spaghetti😌
Yk, every time I eat something interesting imma tell you guys.
Have a good day (or night) :)

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