CHAPTER 2: Introductions (Malcolm)

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The train hurtled to a stop and I jumped off the train.Yup I had decided to come to Moscow(Russia) from U.S.A so that my friend  stayed safe and I could meet people like me and probably learn how to control these things and stay there my whole life so that I can also help other people like me when i grow up."damn it man it is cold out here"I walked out of the station and looked at the map that I had found with the letter. It said that In the Northwestern Administrative Area there is the River Skhodnya Valley in the Kurkino Nature Reserve. The natural park stretches 5.5 kilometres along the river,great now I will have to walk 5 km in woods where animals can attack now, I was thinking about staying in a motel tonight and then going in the woods but my curiosity won over me  and I started walking towards the creepy woods.When i reached the woods entrance,i saw that they indeed were creepy and I seriously couldn't risk going there then a thought suddenly struck me that i could fly because of the  powers I had and so I started trying to control over the  winds, I closed my eyes and concentrated with deep perspiration and then the next thing I knew I was on the sky. I whooped and this is when my concentration broke and I fell to the ground.Fortunately I hadn't rise much in the sky so the fall didn't break any of my bones but it had left a bruise. i groaned and again concentrated and again I was in the sky but this time I did not lose my concentration and started rising above the trees, when i was above them, I tilted myself a little forward and started flying at a slow pace. 

I had been flying for half and hour now when I started to notice that somebody or some people or something  was following me but how could they fly, so they must be birds and I flew without any doubt looming in my head after another half an hour of flying, I looked at my watch and looked aghast ! it was already midnight.I increased my speed again when something caught my hand.I looked at the hand,it had really long nails and  black shriveled hands as I looked upon the face,the face was very beautiful with a dark blue tint at the the end of his pronounced face and then suddenly it snarled and showed it's vampire-like long teeth which brought me back to my senses.I thrust my other hand on the vampire and a fire ball erupted and engulfed his face in it.I was too stunned to retrieve back my hand , i had actually thrown fire !! so cool !! but my wiser head prevailed and I surged ahead with a greater speed because if my suspicions were correct, I was in big trouble.I flew with great speed and suddenly  one more vampire like creature appeared in front of me and this time I punched him in the gut and my hand turned lava hot because of which even his bones got melted again. one more new power I had found about .I again started to surge ahead but this time i found my way blocked by three vampires, I again turned ready to throw a fireball but i was exhausted what I was able to throw wasn't enough and if I landed on ground I could not throw fire because then the woods will catch fire. while thinking this out three more came from the back I said " so you were seven huh ?"they cackled and one of them said "yes newbie and do you think only James receives a prophecy ?? then you are very wrong it is very sad for you that you have almost reached there but you will die"they all laughed and I thought if I could finish all six at once then even if I faint I will wake up tomorrow and go to this school to which I was so near. I suddenly created a big tidal wave of water which engulfed all six of them in water but they just laughed and another one said "thought we will get thrown away by this ??" now I laughed and said "no but now you all will die" they looked skeptical and then with all my remaining power I thrust my hand upwards and they were all struck by lightning. "well that was fun" I said and fainted. 

                                                                                   * * *

I woke up on a soft white bed, I sat up on the bed and saw that it was all white with many beds so I assumed it must be the infirmary I saw a shadow of two people were talking in urgent tones I leaned a little on my bed and heard them, one was Mr. James and the other  one I didn't know. The first man said "we cannot let teenagers take a quest and you know that very well" the other one groaned"oh I know but i also know that we have to do what the prophecy says and mind me Xenolophius these kids are powerful, every one of them fought five vamps on their own and the one of them right now killed seven and we are with the fact that two of them were the generals of the vamp army set by commander Hex of North America and they have entered this school on the blood moon only as the prophecy says and on blood moon vampires are really strong , you know that." said Mr.James whom I have met 

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