Chapter 10 : BOOM !!!

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We all stood at the gate from which we had entered this school. At that time I had been knocked out, but finally I could appreciate it's beauty. It was made up of redwood and had black steel which intersected at equal intervals. The door had a medieval architect hmmmmm interesting. 

A small party had come to the gate to wish us luck. I looked around, other than teachers all were seniors to us except Hikaru. She came to us seven and gave me a handbook on how to fly an aeroplane or jet as one might say. I looked at her skeptically and asked "What is that for ??" 

She looked at me with dumbfounded eyes and said "Don't you know you all are going to go to Australia with an aeroplane. Although I didn't know why were you going there but I was asked to make a jet for you and so I did it." And she added "And it will start from auto pilot only but it will be good if you know it. Just in case........"

I looked at her, shocked and asked "You know how to make aeroplane" 

"Yup" she says Now you must continue and be careful will ya ?? and come out alive"

I thought she was joking so I just grinned back and said "Got it." 

All wished us luck and Professor James called Rose for a little chit chat. I looked at both of them and could see Rose getting agitated after every second of the talk and nodding her head several times. Finally their chat ended and they came towards us. James started playing with a tree. I was just going to shot that there is no time for playing with trees when the tree showed a entrance gate. Woah. Technology today. I will tell my father about it soon. 

James looks at us and says "You just have to jump in." Malcolm looks over excited and exclaims "I will go first !" He nods and gesture him to come forward he goes through the gate and suddenly disappears. Next Kevin went, he was slightly nauseous but he jumped anyway. Soon only me and James were left and gestured me to go. I took slight steps forward. I took a step forward and where there should have been steps but I ended up falling and screaming. 

Just when I thought I was going to puke, it opened and i entered in a big room knocking Malcolm and he toppled over me but Kevin held him. He scowled at me and started looking away once again. I thought that he was angry but then I noticed what he was staring at and my jaw dropped. It was a big jet with dark steel cover. It looked like one may have in military. 

A voice from behind said "Well what are you waiting for ?? Hop in and click the red button to take off and start the auto pilot" We all broke from our trance and we rushed to it and Sam clicked on the red button and it started to take off. We waved our last byes to James and strolled ahead. Soon I drifted to sleep. 


I took the manual from Lily before she drifted to sleep and started reading it. Woah it was complex and I couldn't make heads or tails of it but soon I started understanding it. "Hmmmmmmmmmmm so this how it works" I muttered and Malcolm looked at me as to what I was doing. He saw the book in my hands, and snatched it away. I groaned "Give it Malcolm."

He grinned evilly and said "Surely you can try to take it." I sighed and as I was going to move to take it...... THUD. I looked over me and tried to convince myself, surely no monster will come above a jet, it is not a bus it is a jet. Suddenly a screen showed up and it showed 'Auto pilot disabled'. This is when everyone started to panic. 

Surprisingly I stayed calm. I ordered Malcolm and Kevin to go upstairs to check what is it and told Jane and Rose to protect me while I controlled the plane. I started clicking the buttons and slowly getting used to the thuds. 


After the auto pilot disabled I felt like we were as good as dead but Sam took in-charge and the way he handled us ....... It was way too professional. "You two" he pointed at me an Kevin "Go and see what is happening above we both nod and hustle forward to the gate. I jumped and settled over the jet using my powers. I looked at Kevin and saw that he had transformed into a Griffin. He screeched and pointed forwards with it's head. 

I look forward and almost lose control over my powers, There was a big group of Vampires. Maybe 500 or 1000. I gulped and they came charging at me and him. I could neither use Earth nor grass Because I didn't have a firm surface for fighting. I willed my weapon to turn into a javelin and it's pointed part turned lava hot as I surged my power within it. I slashed at him and he literally was cut into half. I charged at another one and again struck him with my sword. 

I then willed a lightning to come which blasted nine of them. Good but not enough to make them scamper away. I made a quick glance at Kevin and saw him eat a Vampire. Gross. I produced a big fireball and threw at them sizzling another five down. I dodged one. A big mistake. His hand closed around my leg and he threw me hard. While he was throwing, I poked him with my Javelin. But I still was thrown far away just to be caught by another two. They were gonna bite my head off. Just when I thought that I was gonna die, Kevin came and ate them alive.

I launched myself at another one and sliced him. Another lightning and another 10 down. This was turning out to be dreadful because they just kept coming. I sliced another one. And then then threw a fireball again. This Exhausting. I muttered "We gotta make a escape plan. You go and tell them while I fend them off. I sliced at another one.


I turned back into a human and entered the jet. Many Vampires lay dead. I looked at Jane and Rose, they were also exhausted. "Well" I said "Get me a bomb" 

Sam looked at me like I was crazy and said "What for ??" I kicked a vampire and said "Not much time. Give it fast." He gestured me to open a cabinet and I opened it there laid a bomb and then he said "When you click the red button it, the timer is set of ten minutes." I nod and set off. 

Malcolm was holding them off nicely. I reached him and passed him the bomb he nodded and set off to the jet for me take care of it." 


I reached the gate and said "Jane turn into many" she turned into four without a question. Nice. "Rose go and wait for Kevin, he will turn into a dragon to take you all." I had told Kevin to turn into a dragon and take them as soon as they come. 

"Now Jane control it somehow with one of your manifest and Sam and the real Jane go to the gate Kevin must have come by now. I fix the bomb and clicked the red button, the timer started, I went to the gate and flew away. I reached Kevin the dragon and did a quick check as to all were there but then suddenly it struck me and I cried out loud "Oh no.....Lily is still in there !!" 

"You all go; I will catch up with you"  I turned to face the vampires and rushed with blinding speed but Vampires just kept on coming in front of me even if I incinerated them with lightning. 

I finally enter the gate and could see her sleeping. I look at the bomb and see that only One minute is left, I try to open the seat belt, it wouldn't budge. I again did but it won't. I sighed exasperated and turned my weapon into a dagger and opened the belt. How could she have slept in the battle field.....unbelievable. Now now it was not the time to think about it. Only ten seconds left. I hold her to me and jump. 


I was surrounded by vampires. 


I roar and fifty lightnings zap the Vampires but suddenly I am stabbed I look at the vampire





I zap him with another lightning.


It dawns on me that I cannot fly with the speed of lightning so I create a strong shield.


I start to move but very slowly.


BOOM !!!

I am thrown away with my blast and land in water. So this was the way I am going to die. Suddenly I start to feel my head clear and my wound closing itself. Suddenly I am filled with extra energy. I look and see Lily healing, but she wasn't in a good shape either. I again take hold of her and fly to the big dragon and a small eagle with it probably Jane.

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