CHAPTER 20: Not so fast

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I close my eyes as my life seems to pass, me as a child going through all that, that day when the truth struck me that the real enemy wasn't unknown but always with me, the one I considered my role model.

The grief is fresh as if it had been just yesterday...

Flashback of Malcolm's Past life

My eyes open up and sit on my bed, too excited for today I quickly raced to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and bath quickly, and ran downstairs where I was suddenly engulfed by a bear hug from my dad as I looked up at his sandy hair and sea-green eyes he hugs me and smiles "The birthday boy is finally awake eh?" He breaths down at me which makes me giggle as he puts me down and mother smothers me with kisses and I do the same, she moves me away from me and smiles as she pulls my cheek I grin at her and ask "Gifts??"

She makes a face as if thinking and then smacks her head lightly and says "oops!! we totally forgot it I frowned and then smiled as the bell rang and I ran to the door excitement welling up inside me and I unlatched the door with a man standing in front of with piles of gifts between us...and cried "Big bro!!!"

Flashback ends

Nothing has happened, I frown, isn't it too long? Suddenly a loud grunts make me open my eyes and the view hits me hard, the blade was just centimeters away from my body but it had suddenly stopped. I couldn't help feeling embarrassed about the situation.

"You are lucky that you are not alone" he groans.

Alone? I don't even know how I ended up here. I roll away from Spyridon and loom up there is a girl of my age standing there her hands held and she trembles a bit as if great exhaustion is placed over her soldiers. Suddenly she gives a sigh and drops her hands and his hand moves up suddenly as if I was still there.

"Enough" he declares "Now I will kill you all, I was thinking of letting you live ROSE!" He shouts the last word and suddenly disappears I prepare myself when he suddenly shows up behind the girl tries to knock her but she seems to be familiar with it and dodges it and tries to kick him but he has disappeared again. I close my eyes, nothing was making sense here, how was I here, who is that girl and the other people knocked, I got to make an escape, I couldn't care less as to what happened to them. Alright, my first step would be to make an escape.

Suddenly someone kicks my hip lightly, I open my eyes, I stumble slightly and I find the redhead right beside me. She shouts, "Get your ass moving already!" I stumble quite a bit as I get kicked again, this time really hard and, I fell hard against the floor. I take a deep breath, I am not really feeling like myself for some reason, it feels new to be inside my very own body and this was probably the worst day for me to be here sucks, I didn't even know I was here until now. I need to get out of this mess alive. I stand up and brace myself.

I cover my arms with fire and start zapping around the place, if I cannot stop his teleportation, then I will just cover up every place with my speed. He cannot even leave us alone cause then we will just escape which he clearly didn't seem to want.

He reappears right behind me, I land a roundhouse kick but he blocks it and thrusts his whip which suddenly straightens into a sword but it gets stopped one inch away from me for a few seconds which was enough for me as I zapped away from him. I was owing to the redhead more than I would like to with anyone. I analyzed my situation, it was clear that I could not escape from here, which meant the only option would be to immobilize him. which meant me and the redhead had to wake up the others who lay unconscious, I think hard while trying to look out for Spyridon who had disappeared again and suddenly I come up with an idea, no it is too reckless I think. But it is the only way out.

I focus hard, electrocuting the whole place, I was kinda sure she could create a barrier for herself. I take a huge breath and my body starts to tingle as I shout, all I see is electricity everywhere. This must have brought them back to consciousness, I had been wary of the voltage so that they wouldn't die instead. I open my eyes, it seems to have worked because I could hear some coughing as I look out for the redhead. She was alright with the barrier, though she seemed angry. She looks at me and shouts, "A warning would be good perhaps!" I nod and look around as everyone else gets up, Spyridon still hadn't reappeared.

I cough and everyone looks at me, "Well, nice to meet you all I am Malcolm and I ended up here I don't know how but we must run away because that guy cannot be beaten by the likes of us"

The boy with curly hair laughs nervously and starts, "Wha-" Just then rubble gets blown off and there he is standing. I ready myself. I was getting more and more used to his attacks so maybe I could hold my ground against him. I create lightning bolts in my hands and zap behind him and thrust them into him. Maybe he wasn't expecting such a quick reaction, but it worked and it hit him right on his shoulder blades, He gets blown off to the wall and rubble spreads everywhere. Everyone got ready for him to appear from the rubble, as the smoke dissipated there was no one to be seen.

"Beware! he can teleport!" he suddenly appeared behind the curly head and kicks him and disappears and reappears behind rose again tho she can form a barrier on time, it shakes her off a bit. Everyone else seemed to shake off their daze but still, they were new to this whole disarray.

"Alright. You all escape. I will make a path for you and I will catch up later!" I announced.

They all narrowed their eyes and the healthy guy said "And how will you do that?"

I sighed, "It's too long to explain just stay out of my way and I will do it. You have to run at the chance just be alert" before they could ask or comment on me I closed my eyes and started concentrating on the intensifying my mutational powers to great heights but this great power came at a high cost making this power immobile for 7-8 days. It was different for everybody and this would be my first time using it. The boost i9t will give me will be unfathomable.

I concentrate and the tingling starts to spread all over my body. Soon my whole body feels burning and I open my eyes to confront the enemy...


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