CHAPTER 6 : The Battle

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I ducked as a vampire came and swooped low over me. I touched the weapon that was in Jane's grasp and turned into iron once more. I willed my hands to turn into sharp swords and I lunged myself at one of the vampire.

I slashed and hit and the vampire kept dodging it and the vampire just  cackled, I suddenly aimed my kick at his shin and he blacked out. I stabbed it,  just to make sure that it was dead. Another one swooped at my legs and before I knew I was in sky upside down. I screamed, suddenly an eagle swooped at the vampire, turned into a humanoid figure and killed the vampire. 

I looked at the guy and he was Kevin, he had a javelin in his hand which he turned into a sword, he grinned at me and said "cool isn't it ??" and then he again left fighting. I stood up and saw that there weren't just  vampires but all the dark dwelling creatures which couldn't even be named.

I stabbed at another but he just changed into dark smoke and appeared at my back, I again stabbed but it just disappeared. He just started appearing and disappearing at different intervals, I analyzed his moment and stabbed at the right moment. I had caught him by surprise, I extracted my sword hand and he sprawled on the ground. I forged ahead stabbing any monster who came in between. and reached the center of battle. It was just horrifying, a monster 

like that was fighting professor James and he wasn't alone someone was with him and I rubbed my eyes to make sure that it was him

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like that was fighting professor James and he wasn't alone someone was with him and I rubbed my eyes to make sure that it was him. It was Malcolm. 

The plants around him were withered and so were the grass, he gave some sort of death vibe and his each hand was fighting one of them and his hands were working with great agility. but he was having trouble with moving his feet around. I concentrated and found out that Malcolm was again and again trapping his feet. Nice move.


Ugh Vampires !! monster who are so bloody. I never understood why do they drink blood when they can have burgers, pizza, coffee, and tea and what not. 

My skeleton crew (the actual skeletons) were grappling with the vampires and I was also fighting them with the new weapon I got from Xenolophius. It was cool and it could turn into a bow with infinite arrow !! That simply won over my heart. I was shooting down Vampires from a big rock, possibly erupted by another earthy student. 

The count was huge. Rose was beside me using her powers to beat Vampires from one place to another, sometimes she will smack one Vampire with another. Whenever I have seen her fight Vampires, her pupils have gone all red and she gave some sort of anger aura which told me never to mess with her. 

Me and she were the quite people of the group. I shot another arrow at a vamp and asked her 

"Why are you so angry when you fight these demons ??"

Her eyes became unfocused and she looked at me trying to make a confused face and muttered "I don't know what are you talking about" she said that coldly and smacked two vampires so strongly that they crumbled to dust, I made a mental note to ask these things later and said "I guess we should move ahead.


After saving Lily I swooped like a vampire and stabbed another vampire with my nails but there were simply too much so I changed into a dragon and barbecued them. I soon learned that fire was effective against Zombies too.

I blazed every row of monsters one by one but I soon noticed that it was hurting the students also so I rose High in the sky and again changed my form. This time into an alien of Ben 10 ; Swampfire. I roared and threw a column of fire on the vampire. I was simply the best.

I was reaching the heart of the battle  now and still hadn't seen Malcolm and I was getting scared for him. Ya we had become best friends. 

And there I saw him fighting with professor James  with a big monster, with multiple eyes, spiked poisonous stings I guess with two sword like hands, with a big tail which must be very hard. In short he was a dinosaur much more powerful.

I decided to charge at him and changed into dragon again and rose to sky and charged at him from sky but I had underestimated him. He struck me with his tail and I could feel my ribs breaking. And then like most of the heroes, I blacked out. 

JANE POV (Very short)

I had been fighting Vampires for a long time when I saw a humanoid figure hurtling towards me. I slashed and whacked and slashed and whacked. I could now feel that the number of Vampires were going down and down. 

I had been fighting for an hour or so when Kevin was hurtled towards me and he hit me on the face and I was now being hurtled down with him. "Stupid" I muttered before blacking out.


After the blast that broke the barriers, me and Professor James stood alone at the spot when suddenly multiple red eyes staring at me. When I concentrated I could see that he was literally made of darkness. He loomed over me and Professor.

Professor James stretched his metal wings and said "can you fight him Malcolm ?? because they have come for you and your friends."

I nod and he hands me a weapon and says "you can change it into any weapon you want now..."

"Let's fight" I said and we both charged at him I slashed and whacked but had to stay away from his swords so that poison won't seep into me. I could barely parry away the strikes of the monster, firstly it was very fast and secondly it was really strong.

Each time it strike at me, my wrist felt like it was gonna break and it's each slash weakened me. Prof shouted encouragement at me whenever possible. Suddenly a dragon fully engulfed in fire charged at the monster but the monster just lashed its tail at the dragon and he hurtled towards the horizon and it transformed back into Kevin. 

Anger swelled inside me. This monster was creating way too much havoc. Every single particle of my body burnt with Anger. I felt like incinerating the monster. I charged at an unexpected speed and my dagger pierced through its eyes. It howled in agony and I retracted my blade back from it. I again stabbed at its legs but this only infuriated it. 

It lashed it's tail at me and I dodged it and slashed at it's tail with my sword and now it was a tailless monster. It again howled and charged with it's head. I was smacked by it  and one of it's poisonous horn scratched my hand but it had lowered it's defense and I chose that moment to turn my sword into a Javelin and almost severed its head. It fell on the ground and writhed in agony until it's last breath were over. 

I stumbled and saw that the fight was still going on but now the monsters left were only hundred or so, they were getting finished breath by breath. I sat and breathed raggedly till the battle was over. Every teacher grouped around me. Lily came running towards me. She touched my forehead with one of her finger and I could feel energy seeping once again in my muscles and bones. My wound also started healing rapidly. I could stand now. Kevin and Jane  were supporting each other. 

Prof James handed me Gatorade. I sipped it and again power increased. And then he made every one go to their dorms. And with that he sent us all. 

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