Chapter 13 : Plans to Infiltrate

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I was breathing heavily, we had barely survived. As I would say. Malcolm was snoring Kevin was awake he too was a little shocked. Sam was filling him in while Jane and Lily were constantly trying to get things out of my mouth.

I was irritated, frustrated; Why couldn't I beat those three to pulp, Last time when we met..........

"We are a team Rose we should have no secrets especially secrets that may help us survive !" Lily broke my train of thought. My scowl deepened. These two weren't gonna stop. However, I was adamant about not telling them.

I rose from the log and started walking towards the woods. This was so annoying. At first, I thought of going in the woods and disappearing forever, yeah that will be easy than facing familiar faces again.

But I had a feeling that they will be needing me so I just turned back again and said "Wake him."

Kevin nodded "I was going to say the same, I can't stand his...."

Rose cut in "We will infiltrate." All awake looked at me as if I were mad. I repeated, "Wake him." Kevin took out his bottle and splashed some water on his face. He groaned and sat up "What was that for ??"

Kevin pointed at me and I said "We need to infiltrate his place."

Sam asked, "Do you know where is his place ??" I nodded gravely and they all let out a gasp. "How do you ??" Malcolm asked "And also whose place do we need to infiltrate ??"

Sam sighed in exasperation and said "Spyridos."

Malcolm giggled, I glared at him. He gulped and said, "Yes continue...."

"Okay everyone here please." Everyone shuffled forward and I started telling them the plan.

"Listen, this man is really flashy and has a huge fortress just for an entrance, he has bribed every minister in Australia (This is just fiction so please don't take it for real.) so nobody really points out at him. He is also widely feared. Now, as I mentioned that he is flashy, he redecorated his palace after every year. This is where we will enter as painters. We don't really need an Id for it. I know the head who is in charge of it, and he is fond of me so there won't be any problem." I continued "He has forty guards that are with him all the time, Kevin, we will kill one of them so that you can take its place and transform into it. Now that's when we will launch an attack and finish him off." I finished.

"Do you really think it will be that easy" Malcolm asked "I mean this guy must be really strong if everyone is feared by him" I nodded "It will not be easy" I admitted "Especially when he creates his own world to fight. Although he will not need it, he is a big show-off so probably to show off his power he will bring us to a world created by him and we will have to kill him there."

"But won't be it impossible to kill him in his own world ??" Jane asked. I nodded "But there no recruits will come and we will just have to take one person down and not his other 39 people."

The silence was ominous, everyone was thinking of ways to survive. "Won't his backdoor be open ? They usually keep it with weaker defences than the main door." Kevin asked

I shook my head "He-he is paranoid and he read a book in which the person got killed because his defences on the back door were weak."

Malcolm looked unconvinced, he asked "How do you know so much about him ??" he asked me.

Everyone looked at me expectantly hoping for an answer "Because he was my trainer." I looked down at the Earth. Stood up and said "Well it would be good if you all sleep for now because we cannot leave before dawn. Travelling at night will be highly dangerous." And I walked inside the tent.


I couldn't sleep. If everything went according to plan then we were gonna be on our campus in seven days. Malcolm was sitting beside me he too had had his sleep and was chucking stones in the ocean. Suddenly he gets up and says "I guess I will make a ship."

"Why ??" I asked

"Well boneshaker, I don't think we should waste our powers to reach there. I will make the ship, we will reach there and then we will go there and kill him." I looked at him as if he was crazy. "Looks like they don't have an army ??"

He winced as if the word 'army' didn't fit right with him. "Well I read a book in the school saying that our powers were shown as what they expected to watch and not real somewhat like magic obscuring their eyes to see anything that they may find harmful."

"But won't a ship take too long ??" I asked. Malcolm winked at me and said dramatically (a bit crossly) "What am I for ?? You know I can control elements !"

"So when will you start ??" I asked. He looked at the moon "Afer we discuss something."

I looked a bit skeptical "What ??"

"You see I want to know some more about these people. From the time they have started taking over OUR world, and of course who all are there."

I put my hand forward and said "I am in."

Malcolm smiles and continues "No one should know about it." I nod. And he walks off. "Hey, Malcolm !!" I call out, he looks back and I warn with a glare "Never call me boneshaker." Malcolm smiles and replies "Okay shakerbone !" and he trails off.

I skidded another stone when the ground beneath me started trembling. I stood up and I just kept rising. For once I thought that I was flying but then I saw beneath me and saw docks of a ship. Wait. Was I just standing on a ship ?? I jumped down and looked at the features. Yes, indeed it was a ship. It had medieval features and appeared to be as good as new. This must have been a stretch even by his standards. I couldn't help but gawk at it with my mouth open. "Insects will think that your mouth is a cave so shut it." 

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