Chapter 14 : Ugh Salties

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I stood at the docks, controlling the ship according to my will, and right now we were moving with quite a speed. We had a very short distance to cover but Rose insisted that we pulled up as much speed as possible. Lily was covering the ship with magic so that one could not see us. She likes to call it Mist but I am just gonna call it magic because it will annoy her.

I looked above and saw Kevin transformed into a hawk and keeping an eye for any dangers beforehand. Rose was discussing the plan with Sam and Jane because they were the only ones who weren't doing any work. I was surprised that I could do all this and stay awake.

Suddenly there was a thud and there stood Kevin with an excited look in his eyes. "We are going to reach their !!"

Rose composed herself and commanded "We can rest here for a while. Because when we go there we should be prepared for almost everything." We all nodded. She continued. "And, there is a slight change in plan." She announced.

Lily stopped her magic, I forced the ship to a stop and jogged near the group.

"So the slight change is that we won't be asking for the permission of work we will simply get in as painters and do the work and rest is the same." We all nodded. "And.." she continued "We must discuss the plan once again."

We once again nodded and sat down. She started summarising and it was so boring and all, I was longing for it to finish, While she was talking, her stomach grumbled and she laughed embarrassed "Perhaps we should eat something."

We all were quick for the food because who is not ?? I just love food.

We had some fruits but I meant to eat something else because we had eaten them just yesterday! Life was giving me a hard time. I shook my head "I will not eat it." And I jumped in the water. I could hear Rose screaming "Is he an idiot there are ....." I couldn't hear the complete sentence because I had plunged into the water and come face to face Oh myy, a big crocodile. For a second we both stared at each other and then it opened its mouth and I screamed. Thanks to my powers, I moved away quickly when it launched its jaw at me, otherwise, his mouth was gonna taste like a mutant for days. Due to the shock I just had, my clothes had gotten wet but that was the least of my worries, four more had emerged out of nowhere. True, I could have jumped back and landed into the deck of the ship but chances were that by then they would rip off my legs so I prevailed underwater.

I brought out my weapon and it turned into a javelin. One of the crocodiles swam towards me in blinding speed, I thrust my free arm, and a horizontal cyclone engulfed and it was thrown to the depths of the Indian ocean. The other two launched themselves at me, I stabbed one of them with my javelin but the other one had come dangerously close to me. A big ball with swirling air had formed in my hands, I smashed it in it, it fell unconscious.

Suddenly something caught my eye, from a sliding gate, another ten came. I launched myself back at the ship. I saw Rose was glaring at me and then she shouted "Get the ship moving NOW !!"

Lily and I took our position and that's when ten of those crocodiles came out of nowhere. I couldn't help but feel shocked. Rose shouted "Keep moving" And I brought my hands forward to make the ship move faster and faster while Rose and the others planted their foot in a battling stance.


I took out my sword and started for one of them. How come crocs have learned to jump so high ?? I brought out my wings and they shot the two with my special feathers, but even after getting stabbed by two, they kept moving.

One of them jumped at me again and I waved my sword slitting its throat. Yup, an instant kill. I swiped at another and lo! it was killed. Soon all of them were killed and no more could enter the ship because it was once again shielded. I didn't know why but Rose seemed to be really angry "Idiot !!" she spat at Malcolm. I was afraid that Malcolm would take this out and turn it into a big fight but he just stayed quiet.

"Do you even know what would have happened if there would have been more than twenty and we wouldn't have been ready ?? Do you even know that we have alerted him ??" And then she did something which I couldn't believe. She slaps Malcolm and goes inside the ship.

Malcolm wipes his eyes and keeps focusing on his work. Lily again shifts back to her work giving Malcolm a concerned look. I just sit at the balustrade of the ship and keep wondering about trivial things. Suddenly the ship jerks to stop and I was jarred from my thoughts thankfully I didn't fell down or I too was gonna get a slap or two. I glanced at Malcolm and his eyes are closed deep in concentration and he is all sweaty- sweaty. I jump off the balustrade waiting for him to make some moves and that's when my surroundings become a blur and the ship starts moving at a supernatural speed. I lunged at the fence for support or I would have been left behind without the ship. I was feeling nauseous because of the speed so I closed my eyes.

The ship once again jarred to a stop and I opened my eyes. At last, we had reached the spot. I stood up and jumped down the ship, thankfully I did not throw up. Malcolm jumped out too, he was expressionless and seemed unharmed with Lily while Sam and Kevin too were limping a bit.

It is then when my brain processed our present predicament, "Oh nooo Rose is gonna kill you Malcolm !!" That's when the trapdoor of the ship creaked and a smile flickered on his face. "What the h-hell just happened here" I could hear Rose.

This was just a filler because I had to show their journey from the island to Australia and I didn't much know what to write. Hope you liked it and please vote and comment !!!

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