CHAPTER 4 : I become a Judge (cough, cough) (Malcolm)

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I had so far thought that I was very strong even if i was small and puny. Now I had to make many corrections, I was strongest of all in my previous school because there was no other like me. But now I could see people flying all around the ground when we were going to our classes and bigger students harassing younger students, we all decided to stay put as a group and turned left and entered our class. The class was a havoc of students playing in the class, throwing erasers at each other. when we all entered they watched us with a maniacal gleam in the eyes and asked  "you new students"  Sam said "yes" and they all exploded , throwing aluminium foil balls at us and erasers. I could have stopped them with my air element but i was being showered by erasers and foil balls and someone was even chucking wood pieces at us. Suddenly everything came to a stop and I looked up Rose was standing their with her hands controlling the erasers. Ohh yaa telekinesis, and then she said "now it's our turn" and she  thrust her hands so the erasers and whatnot pelted towards them. 

Mr. Xenolophius chose that moment to enter the classroom, he snapped his fingers and everything got clean, we were staring at him in awe when he said "well ?? take your seats will ya and don't waste my time" We all took one chair and sat. He taught us History and this was for the first time I was listening carefully because it was way more different than that we studied before. All the unknown things that could not be explained before were explained by him. According to him (and the book) this was all the work of mutants.

To give us am example he said "see at this photo and tell me, do you find anything weird ??" We all scrutinized the image but could not find anything, suddenly Hikaru, a girl with dark almond hair and sea green eyes who was most probably sir's favorite pointed out "how come there is a hand on the shoulder of that woman but no body connected to it ??" He beamed at her like 'yeah !! that's my girl !' and then he said "Exactly...... don't you see that mutants existed from the very past we will study this past." We all nodded. He started from the Big Bang theory about how George Lemaitre who discovered the Big Bang theory, was a well known mutant with the power to time travel. We studied about his whole life and how now time travelling power is almost impossible. When the topic was just going to get finished, I stood up and asked "Sir how did he die ??" He looked at me with those unnerving eyes and said "well a very good question put by you Malcolm. You see everyone has a limit, George could even stay at one place and could travel in past mentally, that was another part of his power but he tried to cross his limits and tried to be at multiple times at once which he could not survive and died." The bell suddenly rings and he says "well students pack it up, we will continue from Earth tomorrow." And we all file out of that classroom to reach another one.

Our next subject was Mythology. I had been quite excited about it because I had always found mythology interesting and always hoped that they will turn out to be real and not just a myth. Our teacher named Thebes was literally named after Athena. she was smart with startling red eyes and red bushy hairs she told us about chaos and the formation of Tartarus and Gaia but I already knew about it. She must have noticed my carefree attitude because the next thing I knew in the sky and my hands were stretched straight and no matter how hard I tried, i could not bring or move my hands anywhere and then she said coldly "Next time I want you to be attentive or else you will have fate worse than that kid" I nod and she snaps her fingers and I again fall down, people snickered at me some girls were giggling and Kevin was feeling sorry for me. I don't know how but somehow now Kevin was the best friend I had and we both had grown close to each other after the incident/accident (take whatever you want, according to me, it was just a small mistake). I stood up and ignored the snickering once again. I listened to Mrs. Thebes whole lecture and others kept staring at me, not with a smug smile but their eyes contained fear. The class ended and we went out for lunch and when i was going Kevin and Jane comes jogging from behind and Jane asks me "You okay ??" 

"Yeah never felt good" I said and Lily comes and then punches me , "you, and were okay ??? plz don't make me laugh you know it started raining in the campus when you were getting busted"

I look at them and said "Guys just chill, it happens when I get a little offended there is no need to take tension" though I was stressed out as to why this happened, I try for a brave smile. They are still looking at me with concern and I say "Come on let's go down and have some quality time , after all there is a one hour break now."

When we entered the ground, it was indeed wet. Gosh ! I will have to control my powers or else I could bring the whole school down. As the ground was wet, me and Jane went upstairs again to our room and Kevin and the others decided to stay on the ground and sit there.When we reached the room, Jane started examining the cards she had taken from me. I looked at those cards and a twinge of sorrow stabbed  me at my back. My Pokemon cards which I had collected with so many hardships  now weren't mine in a single morning. Jane says without averting her eyes from the cards "Hey no need to feel that sad I can always share it with you and besides the cards aren't gonna teach me how to play themselves you know" I pout, she was seriously annoying I said  "We need a game mattress specially designed for that lady" Now she pouts at me and says "lemme guess, and you don't have any ??"I nod and she throws the box at me.

"What ?!?" I ask her as I dodged the tin box of cards and glare at her

"That was because you didn't  have any stupid"

"Well we all had one different things like my....." I had to stop in mid sentence because I heard some screaming in the distance of a girl which suspiciously sounded like Lily's . 

"What was that ??" she asks and we both rush towards the place of sound.

                                                                            * * *

Apparently it turns out that the place was the ground with Lily crying, Kevin getting beaten up by fourteen other students and Rose was nowhere to be seen and the students were senior to us. I ask Lily "What happened ??" she just cries and points at Kevin who was seemed to be so puny that I wanted to take a photo of him and show that he was not that strong that he claimed and bragged to be against others. I go to the fighting scene and try to stop them but I was getting pushed away by the seniors again and again. I try to stop them again and again but got pushed every time. "I ask lily, "can you hide this scene ?? and probably make it sound proof ??" she nods and she starts to concentrate, I could feel the magic swirling around me to hide the scene and then Jane resonates her voice and says "STOP !! " and everyone stops for a minute and looks at Jane and then I take everyone's attention by saying "why are you hitting him ??" they grunt as if they don't have a good reason for it and then I warn them "Next time I see you doing this....." I shake my head "you all will be in big trouble" and I take Kevin to the room.

                                                                               * * *

Lily is dabbing Kevin's head with some antiseptic lotion, I look at my watch and tell them "there are only fifteen minute left to start the class can you bit please hurry up a little ??" We four didn't know where Sam and Rose were and honestly, almost everyone would have seen it if Lily had used her magic but those two hadn't come. I said to Kevin "Hey buddy, how come you are always who falls in danger ?? I don't get it" Kevin looked at me and mouthed his obscenities and I took it as a friendly gesture and returned him the favor. Jane whispers to me "see, they are looking good together aren't they ?" I look at her weirdly  and whispered back "Kevin just fought for Lily so that is why she is worried for him stupid" I again look at my watch and exclaim "OMG Guys !! It is 12 : 00 already now we really need to go" 

And we speed up to the classes which was on the top most floor and opposite to the stairs of the classroom. 

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