Chapter 1~ A Fresh Start

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(Lennox's POV)

I just got off the plane from Panama City, and man was I tan. Ashley my best friend and I spent 2 months of summer vacation there. Even though I love living a farm I was thankful I got out of 2 months of farm work. I live on my farm with my mom, my dad, and my brother Jackson, who is 21, and goes to Florida State University for college, my dad has put out posters offering a job opening year round from 3:30pm to 8:30 everyday of the week. There is one week left of summer vacation and this Sunday is Labor Day.

I have my first day of public school on Wednesday and I am freaking out! See, I have always been home schooled that way I could help out dad with the farm, baling hay, milking cows, cleaning the barn, and spreading manure. That kind of stuff. But this year mom decided I needed an actual teenage experience for once in my life. Or as she called it a "social life".

I didn't even know anyone in this town, let alone my age, how was I supposed to just make friends? But maybe I would just hang with Ashley and her friends. Yeah that was a good plan. But all the sudden I started to worry what if they didn't like me and then Ashley would leave me and I would have no one. Oh my god what if that happened? What would I do?

My farm is surrounded by a wooden fence with white paint, that I don't know why we even paint, because it just chips every winter and spring when it thaws out. We also have 36 cows which I know all by name along with two pigs, Princess and Pippa. I have 2 dogs that live on the farm with us also, Lucy and Russell.

(Ben's POV)

I have always been rich.

That was until we lost my mother 7 months ago. My dad had lost his job and we were now broke. Dad told me we were broke about 2 months ago and we had to fire all the staff. It was too bad because I was starting my senior year in high school, and I was supposed to be partying, not worrying if I was going to lose my house! In return to that I made sure that I looked the best I could all the time, even if it meant spending half an hour on my hair. I just wanted people to think that I still had money even if I knew I didn't.

I was captain of the football team and I was always up for a good time. Sure I was known as the school player, but I didn't care that much cause it just made me feel good, even if my life was falling apart. Just then Dad walked into the room.

"Hey Ben, do you have a sec?"

"Yeah dad, whats up?"

"Um I don't know how to say this... But you need to get a job."


"You need to get a-"

"I know what you said" I interrupted "Why?" I snapped.

"You need to pull your weight, now that were broke."

"Ugh, its your fault that we are broke, not mine. Why did you lose your job anyway? I mean whatever you do can't be that hard, you must have majorly screwed up to make us in this position." I yelled.

"That is enough! You will not talk to me that way! Now you will get a job, and pull your head out of your butt and thats the end of this conversation." He slammed the door on his way out

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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