Chapter 30~ Blakelyn Danielle Jackson

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My stomach is like doing flips right now. Instead of going to Grandma's house she is going to bring Blakelyn here. Dad, Jackson, Trey, Kristen and Brandon. Are going to meet her first since they live here then everybody else will come after lunch. I took a shower and curled my hair into shallow rings. I have dark wash jeans, with a cream long sleeve shirt and brown faded boots. I bought Blakelyn a new outfit that was similar to mine only I gave her a cream flower headband and silver shoes instead. The door bell rang and I ran to the door before anyone could beat me. Grandma stood solo at the door with a baby bag and some toys.

"I left her in the car, I wanted you to be the one to introduce her to everyone else." She smiled as she hugged me.

"Thank you so much for this,"

"Its no problem sweetheart, I know how scary it was when I had your father," I let her into the house to meet everyone in there and went out to get my sweet little baby girl. I opened the door to the back seat and Blakelyn sat their smiling back at me. I lifted her out of the car seat and looked at how big she had gotten since I had saw her a month ago.

"Mommy loves you so much Blake," I kissed her and squeezed her tightly. And with that I started to walk towards the house when I heard tires coming down the driveway. I whipped around and saw Ben and everyone in the back of the pickup truck. Great, since when are these people early for anything.

"Since when are you guys 2 hours early?" I yelled out to them.

"Not my fault they showed up at my house, and were driving me insane," he smiled.

"We had motivation okay," Shane stated, "Thats Blake?"

I just nodded and turned toward the house. I walked through the screen door to see Jackson right in front of the door, I could have ran into him if I wasn't paying close attention.

"Aw Lex, Can I hold her? Can I hold her? Can I hold her? Can I hold her? Can I hold her?" He chanted like he was a little kid. I handed her to him and she wrapped her tiny arms in his hair. He smiled thinking she was just being cute then his face scrunched up when she started to pull his hair and laugh.

"You go Blakelyn, show Uncle Jackson whose boss," I laughed. He shook his head and handed her back to me.

"Not a fan of babies?" Dad asked from behind.

"Not ones that think its funny to pull my hair." Jackson patted his hair down.

"Come to Grandpa," Dad held his hands out to her and she jumped from me to him. "Can she walk yet?"

"Uh, not really she can walk with help but on her own she falls right away," I commented. We all turned around the second we heard the yelps, awes, and screams coming from the door. Of course it was my friends because they just don't know how to keep there mouths shut.

"Okay, so this is going to be nuts, you talk and introduce yourself to my grandma and then you get to hold Blakelyn until the next person is done. If everyone is done you can either like play with her again or I really don't care after that," I yelled over the top of them.

The first people in line were Tenley, of course, Shane, which, was probably cause they have a name in common, and Trey which surprised me.

"Ten and Shane can you hand her off and come with me?" I asked since I had finally made up my mind.

"Hey, she is so adorable, whats up?" Tenley asked.

"Well I was wondering if you two want to be the god parents?" I hesistantly asked not knowing what they would say.

"Of course!" Shane exclaimed, I rose my eyebrow at him but he just shrugged it off.

"I would love to Lex," Tenley hugged me.

"Okay, but we don't have to like tell this to anyone unless they ask cause I don't want anyone to feel bad okay," I instructed. They both nodded but I felt like they weren't really listening. We walked back into the living room.

"Okay people, hand over the baby, godparents coming through!" Shane and Tenley announced pushing through everyone. I slapped my hand over my forehead and shook my head as they directly just disobeyed me.


After awhile we were playing games and watching tv. We were all sprawled out on the couch, Blakelyn was snuggled in sleeping on Shane's chest. I decided now that I made up my mind and was going to talk to Grandma. I stood up and pulled her with me into the kitchen.

"Hey, I have to go out of town this weekend, so I was wondering if you wanted to keep Blakelyn here with you until like Tuesday?" Grandma asked.

"Oh my god, I would love to. Thats kind of what I wanted to talk to about, I wanted to know if after spring break, which is in a about a month, if Blakelyn could live me permanently, I am ready."

"Oh dear lord, of course, she is your daughter,"

"Awesome, its just beginning to become so much more difficult leaving her and I don't know how much longer I can do that,"

"I will move her in while you are in Florida for spring break."

"Thank you so much,"

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