Chapter 40~ Graduation

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"Scooby, Daphne food is ready!" I yelled out to the dogs. Yes we did end up keeping the dogs that we stole in Florida.

So now we have 4 dogs, Scooby and Daphne, which we somehow ended up with, and Lucy and Russell, which we have always had. There are 11 living things that stay in my house now, the 4 dogs, Brandon, Kristen, Dad, Ben most of the time, Jackson when he is home, Blakelyn and I. Now you know why I am stressing out trying to get ready for graduation tonight.

"No one in this house cooperates!" Kristen yelled from her bedroom.

"Don't even start that conversation with me right now," I warned.

"What do you have to worry about? I have to make sure I walk fast enough, don't trip, fall, and kill my baby boy and your boyfriend and all your family is going to be there." She said rubbing her stomach.

"First you are not going to trip, second Jackson is going to be there and third your parents are idiots for not coming to our only high school graduation."

"Thanks Lex, now go get dressed." I saluted her and ran up the steps.

I put on a white dress with a rainbow color bottom and a peach cardigan over the top. I braided a piece of my hair and threw it in a bun. Then slipped on my white heels, a peach necklace and earrings along with a silver bracelet and perfume. I grabbed my white clutch, cap and gown and headed out the front door to the car.


I buttoned up the gown and handed Blakelyn to Adrian and the rest of them all sat down on the cold metal chairs. I hated graduations they took so long for no reason, all you had to do was say their name walk on stage and listen to a couple speeches.

They were doing the speeches last this year instead of first. We all waited patiently in alphabetical order to get our diplomas. We had specific instructions, that we had to walk onto the stage when our name was called, we would shake the principals hand with one hand and hold onto the diploma with the other. Then wait for the camera flash before we could let go of the principals hand, then the next name would be called and we to file off stage back to our original seat. Apparently these requirements were not understood by some of my friends because they did not listen.

"Mason Arden," the principal called out. Mason danced his way onto the stage which was then followed with a rock and roll sign for the picture instead of shaking his hand. The principal rolled his eyes and contiuned with the names.

"Brandon Anderson," Brandon tripped over his gown while walking which got a laugh out of everyone.

"Tenley Bama," I cheered as she walked on stage and this time it was the principal that didn't follow directions. He motioned for her to stop he then tossed the diploma in the air for her to catch.

"Juliet Bridge," he said flatly. Jules walked like she was supposed to except she dropped the diploma and totally missed the picture. The flash caused her to jerk quickly and she headbutted the principal.

After the principal took care of his nose he resumed calling off names, "Laurel Callahan," she recieved her hand shake and just as the camera flash she changed her face and closed her eyes while sticking her tongue out.

"Asher Dell," Asher didn't break the rules per say he just didn't abide by common sense. He wore his gown backwards with sunglasses on.

"Kristen Grey," she carefully waddled up the stairs and took her picture although instead of the principal shaking her hand he placed his hand on big stomach.

"Shane Hamiliton," instead of walking and shaking his hand. He ran and hugged the principal almost knocking him over.

"Lennox Jackson," a roar of cheers were heard from my friends and family in the audience. I walked up onto the stage shook and held his hand, held the diploma, smiled and left the stage.

"Ben Reid," Ben did the same thing that I did only he stayed on stage to give a speech.

After the salutatorian's speech Ben moved up to the microphone and began to speak.

"Hey, I am Ben Reid the Valedictorian this year. The most common question we get asked, besides our name because lets face it that on every sheet of homework we have ever had, is 'what do you want to be when you grow up?'. When we were 5 the answer was a princess or an astronaut. Then when we were 12 the answer became a little bit more thought through like a veterinarian or a doctor. And now people actually want a serious answer. Some of us know the answer and some of us don't, but the answer I am sure you get from all of us is free and independent. Thats what we are sure of.

So go out and make mistakes so that we actually know what job we want to do and we don't have to guess. We are going to have to go through heartache. We are going to wake up with headaches cause we stayed out all night and may have had the best night ever but we don't remember since we were drunk as can be. Because seriously how are we going to know when to draw the line with anything if we don't cross it a few thousand times. But most importantly we might have to kiss all different kinds of people before we ever really figure out what love is. And this maybe the longest speech of your lives but the next part is important to me.

It all started when my mom died a over a year ago. She never liked the player side of me and I continued with it because what child doesn't want to press their parents buttons. When she died she told me to find someone that made me happy. Find someone that I could trust as much as her. Then as many of you know my dad recently passed away and he left me a note saying that he wanted someone to change me, change me to a better less selfish person. And I have finally found that person that they were talking about. Lennox we have had our ups and downs I have been stupid and you have been less stupid. But you have changed me from snotty City Boy player to a person that puts others before myself. And I know that because I love that little girl Blakelyn more than anything and I am not her real father. I know now that you are the person that my mom and dad were talking about. I know that I leave in less than 3 months and this may be rushed. But I love you and I would love to have you as my wife. Lennox Rae Jackson will you marry me?" He knelt down on one knee right next to me.

Sometime during his speech he started to walk towards me. I couldn't even form a sentence so I just nodded and kissed him. Everyone in the gym started so clap and some even whistled. I was so happy right now.

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