Chapter 2~ The Job

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(Ben's POV)

I have to find a job.

I was walking around town when I stumbled across a newspaper ad for farm help. I could be farm help, right? I mean it couldn't be that hard, I'm pretty damn strong. So I drove over to the huge red and white colored farm with 2 big barns and a small white farm house on the corner. I walked up the little wooden steps and knocked on the creaky mesh door. I was greeted by a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, who looked to be about my age in her pajamas, looking severely tired.

"Who are you?" She snapped.

"Uh, I am here to see Robert Jackson about farm h-"

"Dad!!!!" She yelled before I could finish.

A tall man with broad shoulders came to the door.

"Uh, Robert?"

"Yes sir." He replied.

"I'm a here to see about a your ad asking for farm help."

"Well are you able to get dirty with that pretty hair of yours?"

"Yes sir."

"Well then you are hired now. As payment options goes, I can pay you $200 every 2 weeks, or I will pay you $1 a day, and double it everyday for 2 weeks. What would you like?"

"I will take the $200 a week if that is ok sir. Thank you so much sir." I gratefully thanked.

"You start tomorrow at 6am, but then when school starts, just come over before school for 2 hours and after football practice."

"Thank you sir I will be here."

I can't believe getting a job would be so easy, and for $200 a week. We will have to see what happens tomorrow. But I just hope I get to see that pretty girl again, or maybe even a lot.

(Lennox's POV)

I went to open the door and standing before me was a prissy city boy, whose hair looked like he took an hour on it. He is never going to survive here.

"Who are you?" I snapped, not wanting that to sound as harsh as it had just came across.

He started talking again but I wasn't really listening, I was just staring at his pretty face. So when he stopped talking I just yelled for my dad and walked away. Dad came back in the kitchen 10 minutes later and said that he hired him. I couldn't believe how the city boy was supposed to work all day in the heat. I bet he will quit after a day.

Sorry this was a short chapter, it was meant to be a filler chapter. Please comment because I want to hear you suggestions and opinions on what should happen next.

Thank you!

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