Chapter 10~ It Is Going To Be Okay

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I stood in the middle of the parking lot, absolutely shocked. I picked up my phone that I had dropped on the ground when I had finally processed what dad had just said, and then hung up on me. I rushed back into the strobe light and music infested building to find Ben and everyone else. I found him dancing with the rest of the guys and Tenley but the girls were no where to be found.

"Hey Ben, I need you to take the rest of the guys and Tenley out to the truck while I find the girls, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up, are you okay?" He said completely clueless but kindly.

"No, not really, but I will explain when we get to the truck." I said.

"Okay." He hollered at all the guys and Tenley and she jumped in surprise, "Everyone in the truck now. Move it." He sounded like a drill sergeant. They all filed out to the car like they had just been scolded. I made my way through the rest of the room and found the girls dancing. I had to pull them with me out to the parking lot. We got in the truck and I told Ben to drive us to the hospital. I went to go sit in the back of the truck with everyone else. I explained why we left early and where we going, they all felt bad for being stubborn when we had to leave. But I told them it was okay, and not to be sorry because they didn't know what was happening.

Ben pulled up to the hospital and I jumped out. Ben said he would park and come in. I reached the front desk and asked the lady if my mom had been checked into a room, she said she was on the third floor, Room 318, and she pointed me in the direction of the closest elevator. When I reached the floor and wandered around for awhile, I finally saw dad before me on the floor. I quick texted Ben to tell him where we were, and then I ran to dad.

"Daddy, what happened?" I asked out of breath.

"Mom had an aneurysm." He choked.

"Well, is she okay?" I questioned nervously, and felt tears coming on.

"She's gone sweetie." He said as the tears ran down his face. I didn't even respond, I just sobbed into his arms as we sat on the floor for along time before I finally said something.

"Did you tell Jackson?" I sniffled.

"No, I haven't talked to anyone but you Lex." He said quietly.

"I will go call him, okay?" I mumbled and he just nodded.

I walked down the hallway aways before I dialed his number, and waited for him to pick up.

"Lennox? What's up little sis?" He asked completely oblivious to what had just happened.

"Mom had an aneurysm J, she is gone." I told him as the tears ran down my face once again.

"What? How could this happen? I wasn't even there." He mumbled frustratedly, and then I hears him start cursing under his breath.

I got off the phone with Jackson after awhile of sobbing and motivational speaking. I just tried to calm him down. I walked back to where dad was sitting when I left, but he wasn't there. I just sat down and waited for him to come back. When the elevator opened, I hoped to see him walk out and sit down next to me, but it wasn't him. It was my entire crew that came with me. And man they were a sight to see in a hospital. All dressed in their club attire, walking in a clump down the middle of the hospital hallway towards me. They all just sat down around me. I thought I told them to wait in the truck, but I guess they didn't care. That made me feel good though, it meant that they cared enough to come and sit in a hospital with me. Ben put his arm around me and I just sobbed into his chest. When I was done crying, I explained what had happened. They all just stood up and hugged me. Then we all sat down on the floor snuggled against each other. We eventually fell asleep in the middle of the hallway. Not surprisingly Ashley, Laurel, and Juliet fell asleep with People magazines on their laps, and Tenley with a Bachelor magazine. I woke up and saw everyone was sleeping except me and Ben. He looked at me and smiled.

"It's going to be okay, okay." He whispered. I just nodded and he moved closer to me letting Mason fall and clunk his on the floor. It woke him and he smacked Ben in the back of the head for letting him fall. Ben turned around and looked down at him as he chuckled. Then he looked back at me and said, "I will always be here for you no matter what." He then pressed his lips against mine.

The next hing I heard was, "What the hell?" and immediately I knew it as dad. Ben jumped and turned to look at dad, keeping his arm around me. Daddy was scowling and I knew this was not going to be good. This is not the way that I wanted to tell him.

"Hey, daddy where have you been?" I looked at him like everything was normal.

"Don't hey daddy me, and you get away from my daughter," he scowled. I felt Ben start to pull his hand from my waist, but I put my hand on his and pulled it back.

"No daddy, Ben is my boyfriend." I said firmly.

"Whoa, three questions, one, he is your boyfriend?" He asked making it sound more like a statement.

"Yes, and I believe you have two more questions." I was annoyed now.

"Okay, question two, what are all these sleeping teenagers and this dude doing here in the middle of a hospital hallway?" He asked pointing at Mason who we forgot was awake and listening to everything.

"Oh yeah, hey Mason. When I went out tonight, I went with all these people, my friends, and when we came here I told them to stay in the truck. But they cared to much to stay there so they came in with Ben." I said it like it meant the world to me, which it did, that I had someone besides Dad here for me.

"Oh, so on top of lying to me about Ben, you lied about it just being a girls night out!" He stated a little louder than normal.

"Daddy, you would have never let me leave, and also what was your third question?" I quickly changed subjects.

"How in the world would you think that dress is appropriate, and when did you get?"

"That is two questions, but I will answer them I guess," I sighed. "The dress is just fine, and mom and I bought like two years ago I think." I told him solemnly.

"Oh, I am sorry sweetie. I remember now when you came home with that dress, I freaked out and your mom calmed me down, and I said that you would never wear it around me, and that I would eventually forget you even had it. And I guess I did." He smiled and chuckled remembering mom.

"Yeah, and she told you to shut up or else, even though she was shorter than you by a lot." I giggled remembering mom's sense of humor and how she wouldn't back down against daddy. Then I noticed that everyone was awake now and smiling at us. We all looked at the clock half asleep and read that it was one in the morning. We stood up and did one of those big group hugs.

"You are all welcome to spend the night at the farm." Dad smiled while all ten of us looked at him in shock. I mouthed thank you daddy to him and he just nodded. We all walked, arm and arm, leaning on each other, trying to stay awake down to the parking lot. We all climbed into the back of the truck and daddy went to his car. We drove back to the farm and stumbled up the stairs to my bedroom. We all just passed out in random places. Tenley, myself, Juliet, and Ben landed on my bed, Asher, Mason,and Jordan squeezed onto my tiny bean bag, Laurel slept in my closet, which was kinda weird, Shane on my piano bench that only fit half of his body, and the other half of him hung off the side, and Ashley slept in a card table chair that was in my room.

Sorry it was really short. If you see any spelling errors please comment. If you want anything to happen I am open to suggestions.

Thank you!

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