Chapter 26~ Hospital Days & Heart Break

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After sobbing my eyes out onto Trey's shoulder I felt terrible. He just kept rubbing my back and telling me it would be okay.

"From what I have seen through the last few days and what I just saw now, you are the strongest and bravest person I know. Okay fuck that guy he is just a dick and can't see that he made the biggest mistake cheating on you. However he really does still, care about you. And I know that you probably won't ever get back together with him but the least you can do is forgive him. I know it hurts but it will make you feel better,trust me I know." he said.

"Thanks, you know you aren't like my brother at all and for that I like you better than him," I chuckled.

The days I spent in the hospital were complete and utter hell, from the food to the bed, everything. The only part of my day I looked forward to was the 2 hours of my day, one which I spent with my friends and messing around in the hospital room, the other hour was when Trey came up and sat with me and just talked, like really talked to me. I get to go home today and but Jackson and Trey are on some break so they are going to pick me up and come with me home. I found out that the crew and I are going to drive to Florida for spring break, the only way dad allowed it was cause we are going to rent a beach house and Jackson and Trey will come and stay with us.

The nurse pulled out my IV and handed me my clothes to change into before I could go home. I felt fine I was just supposed to 'take it easy', but we all know that with my friends that wasn't going to last long at all. I took the elevator down to loading and unloading when I saw 3 familiar faces 2 of which I wasn't expecting to see. I squealed when I saw them its been so long since I've seen these two goofballs.

"Okay, landing yourself in jail not the smartest idea boys," I tried to hold in the laughter as I mocked what my dad would say to them.

"Yeah, probably not one of our best choices so far," Shane chuckled.

"And guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what?" Mason chanted like and excited puppy chasing his tail.

"What now Mase, your not going to tell me your that excited about like you killed a guy in jail or something right?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Ha, that would have been totally awesome, but no I am excited cause our parents kicked us out for a week!" Mason exclaimed and did a happy dance.

"And thats good how?" I laughed.

"Well cause your daddy is letting us stay with you as long as we help with farm work and since today is Saturday we get to stay up all night and drink and eat and watch movies!" His eyes widened as he shouted.

"Well thats just awesome isn't it, now I have 6 lunaics living in my house with me," I muttered

"6? Who else is staying with us?" Notice how Shane added in us staying with us not staying with you no, staying with us.

"Well lets see there is you two, Jackson, Trey here, Kristen and Brandon."

"Whoa we do have a full house, but why is Kristen staying in our house are you like pregnancy friendly or something?" Mase asked and again notice the we have a full house.

"Oh she didn't tell you, her parents kicked her out so I called dibs on Godmother and told her she could live with us. Can we go home nowww," I whined.

"Yep lets move," we made our way to the car.


I just got done popping popcorn for our movie night and was laying on the couch with my head on Shane's stomach and my feet feet propped on Trey, when the door opened to reveal Laurel and Juliet.

"What are you doing here and how did you get in?" I questioned sitting up.

"We are here for a bonfire lets go and you don't hide your keys very well," Juliet said jingling the keys to the house in her hand. She then trotted over to Brandon, sat on his lap and kissed him on the lips right in front of Shane and I. I could tell Shane was furious but he hid it well.

"Hold on, did I miss something?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, so when you were in the hospital we started to talk to each other and now we are together!" Jules exclaimed.

"Wow. Well if you hurt her Brandon I swear-" I started.

"Easy killer." Juliet laughed.

"Okay, well we were going to watch a movie.." and I was cut off by the door opening again.

"Hey lets partayyyyy." Jordan, Ben, and Asher walked in the door.

"How did you get in?"

"Keys, not a good hiding place," he shook his head.

"So you just invited yourselves over to have a bonfire?"

"Yep, now lets go," Jordan shook the can of gas and matches.


So it was now 11:30 pm and we were all getting bored.

"What should we do......" I whined.

"Lets play truth or dare," Mason smiled evilly.

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