Chapter 16~ Christmas Presents

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1 month later.................

I hit the alarm clock to shut it off. Today is the last day before Christmas break. The girls and I are going shopping for the guys after school today.

All of the girls met at my house. Juliet pulled up in her red convertible. How stupid was she? It was cold and the winter in Wisconsin and she brought her convertible without the top on! No brains, no headaches, I guess. The ride to the mall consisted of blaring country music and singing all high pitched like girls at a Justin Bieber concert. Also not to mention we were freezing our asses off the whole ride there. After about a half an hour of slamming on the breaks, thanks to Jules, we got out at the Lakewood Mall.

"Ok I got this. We are going straight to Scheels! All guys, besides Ben, have been talking all about the BallisLife socks, well and maybe some actually good smelling Axe because they smell like sweaty cows! Scheels here we come!!!" Tenley exclaimed. She was a very excitable person sometimes.

"Ok but that still doesn't help me with what I have to get Ben."

"Uhhh, well he does like going outside in the sun. So we could go to Lacoste and get some shades for him." Kristen said. It was a really good idea, I thought.

So we grabbed our Starbucks coffee and headed to the store. Tenley suggested the orange and blue pair because the logo for Lacoste is a gator and of course she was thinking the Florida Gators. Like usual though, we all kept our mouth shut and let her coments go right between our ears. I chose a red and white pair because those are his favorite colors. I really hated the $100 price tag but hey, anything for my man.

We drove back and it was even more cold because it was snowing and -3 degrees. What a great idea Juliet! A convertible in the middle of the winter! Where were our guys when we needed them?

"Juliet Rose what the hell were you thinking bringing the convertible?" Kristen shivered.

"I wasn't, okay? I wanted it to be summer, so I grabbed the keys from the counter and left." Juliet answered.

"Its not even Christmas and you want summer?" Kristen asked, as we pulled into my driveway.

"I can dream can't I?" Juliet replied.

"Not when it involves me and my body temperature." She snorted.

"Body temperature?"

"Yeah body temperature."

"Hey old married couple get out of the car and get in the house, I am cold." I intervened. They rolled their eyes and ran into the house. I ran in behind them and hit J with a thud. I hit the floor and looked up at him.

"Ha, loser." He chuckled.

"Just help the loser up will ya." I shook my head.

"Nope," he replied popping the 'p'. He turned and ran away from me down the hallway.


I felt hot air blowing on my neck. I squinted my eyes open and saw Ben laying in my bed with his arms around me. I was so confused I sat up and felt him shift around. He was in his dress pants, red button down shirt and he had his dress shoes untied but still on his feet. Then it hit me it as Christmas day and the entire crew was coming over to open presents and eat lunch.

I stood up trying not to wake Ben he just groaned and rolled over. Dramatic. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water run before my phone rang. I stepped out of the steamy shower and picked up the phone. It was a number I didn't know.

Sorry it was short the next one will be too.


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