Chapter 8~ Man You Are A Klutz

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And love like crazy!

My phone rang with Ben's ring tone and my eyes shot open. I answered quickly, keeping my eyes closed.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Hey gorgeous what's up?" He asked all peppy like he had 3 cups of coffee or something.

"Well the ceiling is above my bed, and the back of my eyelids are closed right now. What about you?"

"Ha-ha very funny, sorry did I wake you up?"

"Uh yeah, it's ike 4 in the morning." I stated like it was obvious.

He chuckled and said, "Sweetie, it is 7 o'clock in the morning, and I was calling you to tell say that I will be there to pick you up for school in ten minutes."

"What!? Why didn't my alarm go off? Ugh, ok I will see you then."

"Oh about the alarm... I may or may not have accidentally disabled that last night while I was on your phone." He said really fastly.

"Ben how in the world? You know what, never mind I gotta go and get dressed. I'll be quick."

"Ok see you in a little bit, babe." He said coughing.

"Bye City Boy." I said giggling.


We got to school and Ben came to walk me to my locker. We were still laughing about how we almost got caught by daddy on the way out of the house this morning.

"Hey, did you put a tank on under that sweatshirt?" He asked smiling.

"Yes..........why?" I said and immediately and I felt my face heat up.

He handed me a mesh red t-shirt as I cocked my head. He said, "Go put this on."

"What is it?" I questioned as my face scrunched up.

"That is my football jersey, I would love you to where it since we have a game tonight, plus you look pretty awful." He croaked out through his giggling.

"Oh your funny, thanks Ben! I will for sure wear it for you." I laughed and then blushed when he said the next part.

"You know I was kidding. You look beautiful in whatever you are wearing, and have ever since the first day I stopped by your house in your pajamas." He said acutually quite sincerely.

Now that I thought about it, I was wearing pajamas when I first met him.

"Aww, thanks City Boy." I mumbled pulling him in for a kiss. He backed up and said something, it sounded something like, only if you stop calling me City Boy. I don't remember what I said, but I think it was something like, it's not going to happen City Boy, and I pulled him back in for that kiss.

I pulled the sweatshirt off and put the jersey on over my head.


After school, Ben had practice so Juliet, Laurel, Tenley, Ashley and I stayed after school and walked around town dressed in our red and white, well that is everyone except Tenley, because she was wearing her burnt orange and navy blue Auburn colors. She is something! I decided that I should probably call dad, I had to tell him that neither Ben nor I were coming to the farm until after the game.

We walked over to Subway, and somehow all of the sudden were eating our subs as we walked down the street to the football field. We were just talking about who plays, all the people we knew, and who was dating who, all that new gossip. Turns out that all of us had a boyfriend except for Tenley. And was a little hostile towards the subject and there was no way we were getting into that arguement again. She says she would rather have friends then more than that. It bugs me that she always say "I would rather go to prom with my friends." I always tell her that, well you have guys as friends, and then she goes irrate at me.

There was 15 minutes until the game started. We were all sitting down watching the boys have their little pep talk on the bench. Ben just looked up at me, rolled his eyes, and smiled. I gave him the hand motion that I was watching him, and that now he really should pay attention. He looked down at his phone and I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I reached down and pulled it out and read it.

How can I pay attention when the most beautiful girl is sitting there in the stands, waiting for me to come and take her home?

I replied,

You pay attention,and I will be right here for you when you walk off that field.

He just looked up and smiled that evil looking smile of his.

At half time we were winning 21-14 and we were all surprised that Ashley was like addicted to football, and she knew almost every random fact that there was to know. Half time was over and Ben headed out back on the field, he yelled hike and just like that he was about to throw the ball when he was sacked. Dang it!! But I felt something wasn't right because he didn't get back up like he had before. The coaches and refs went out to help him up. They stood him up and helped him get to the bench. They got him sitting on the bench when I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out and answered it.

"Ben? What are you doing calling me in the middle of your football game?" I asked worried.

"Coach told me I could have one person come down and help me get ice and stuff for my ankle, since I will be out the rest of the game. I picked you."

"Oh, you picked me, instead of your parents, why?"

"Cause I figured you would just kiss me, instead of giving me a lecture of how I should have gotten rid of the ball faster and that would not have happened."

"Ok, I will be down. Just give me two minutes." I said and I hung up the phone, turning to face my friends.

"Well, I have to go help Ben, I will be right back, ok?"

Then I got a whole bunch of yups, do what you need to do's, and tell him not to be a baby. That last one came from Tenley, always brutally honest as always. She was the tough one.

I got down from the bleachers and hopped over the fence, down to the field. I saw City Boy with ice on his ankle, and his head against the wall. I slid over next to him and pulled his head up, and kissed him. He smiled against my lips and I pulled away to talk to him.

"How do you get hurt in everything that you do, City Boy?"

"I don't get hurt in everything that I do, thank you very much!"

"Yes you do, man, you are a klutz!"

"I am not a klutz. I just check gravity more than the others, plus that one was not my fault. I just got tackled, it's not like I just fell like before."

"Yea, whatever Ben." I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

Sorry if there was any spelling errors, I tried to fix them. Thanks for reading!

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