Chapter 9~ We Should Go Somewhere

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I woke up this morning knowing that I was in for a lecture. First of all, I got home 2 hours later than curfew after the game last night, second I just left a message when I told dad that neither me or Ben were coming home and dad didn't get that until a hour after I was supposed to be home, and third probably the one dad was most P.O.ed about was that I came home last night, a little tipsy, ok, I was drunk. Well after the game we all went out to celebrate that we won, and one of the guys' brother or something like that bought us all drinks. Well dad was awake when I got home, and he was not happy that he smelt the stench of alcohol on my breath. He told me to go to bed, and we would talk in the morning. This is never a good sign. It either meant he was ticked, or "just disappointed." He plays that card a lot too. So I pulled my lazy butt out of bed and went to take a hot shower. I then got dressed and now I have to deal with the killer headache I have from a nasty hangover. I scuffed my feet down the steps and immeadiately smelled the sensation of bacon.

"Mmm smells amazing daddy!" I tried to make myself sound innocent.

"Yeah nice try, and you get no bacon until you tell me exactly what happened last night, and also why no one came home to help me with the rest of the farm." He demanded.

"Uhhh come on dad," I complained. "I want bacon!"

"I am serious, Tell. Me. What. Happened. And. Where. You. Were. Now." He said low and angrily.

"Ugh fine, okay, I called you yesterday afternoon at like 3 o'clock and said that neither one of us could be home until after the game, and then we stayed after the game. One of the players brothers' bought us all a couple drinks for the win, and then Ben brought me and couple of friends home, and that's when I came in the house and saw you."

"That's all that happened?" He asked like he was suspicious about something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Yes. Dad, now can I have bacon?"

"Fine yes," He said like it was painful. "But if you ever come home that drunk again, until you turn 21, I will kick your butt, got it?"

"Wow. Was I really that bad? But yeah, I got it." I said crunching a piece of bacon.

"Yeah you were." He said through his gritted teeth.

I finished eating and went back upstairs to check my phone. I had a text from Ben:

Hey, I will be there in 10. I hope your dad won't freak out about last night.

I texted back:

Okay. Don't worry, he already took it out on me. Maybe he will take out whatever he has left on you, or he will just save it for when I do something wrong later, and then he will jut blow up.

He took a second to think about what he should say, and then replied:

Sorry, I should have brought you home earlier. I guess I wasn't really thinking. I was just riding the high of winning.

I felt bad that he thought it was his fault because it really wasn't:

Hey, don't feel bad it really wasn't your fault. He wasn't as mad about getting home late, as he was that I was completely out of it from being drunk.

He replied before I even read what he said:

I still feel bad though. Oh, and I am bringing Mason, Shane, and Tenley with me.

I was a little surprised with that response. I mean these were city people that were getting up at 6 o'clock to come and work on a farm for the day.

Wow. What is wrong with these people they like doing this? Or do they just want hang out with people and go swimming. I'm probably correct with that statement.

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