Chapter 23~ Supervising

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Kristen and I rolled out of bed at 10am the next morning and were left a note that read:

Brandon is still asleep, I milked and left to go to a town meeting. Be home in 5 hours, show Brandon the farmwork that he has to do. DO NOT let the pregnant girl ( aka Kristen) lift anything. Love, Dad.

Krist and I made breakfast while we waited for Brandon to wake up. After an hour of waiting we decided that he was not going to get up without help. Kristen trudged up the stairs baseball bat in hand, I quickly followed and stole the bat from her hand. I knocked on the guest bedroom door and when we didn't receive an answer we just opened the door to find that Brandon was half way out the window. Kristen stormed over to him and pulled him back in by his ear.

"Ow, Ow, Ow, wow you really will make a good mother." Brandon stated through grit teeth.

"Thank ya, now there is work that we have to, and by we I mean you, we get to supervise."

"Fine it can't be that hard."


"Ugh, how come you guys get to supervise?'' Brandon whined for the hundreth time, as he was cleaning the barn.

"Because one, Kristen can't lift anything, and I don't want to, and two, I have done it for the past 17 years and it's only fair if you start now."

"But I don't want to.........." He dragged on.

"Did I ask what you wanted... I didn't think so, suck it up and deal with it cause I am trying to sleep." Kristen complained.

"Fine, whatever mom." Krist just rolled her eyes at his comment and rolled back over. "Ugh can I take a break?"

"No, you have only been working for an hour," I laughed.

"But I need a break," he gave me the puppy eyes.

"Fine, you can have a break once the barn is clean," little did he know that, that was the last thing he would have to do today anyways but.......

"Yes!" He exclaimed as he burst out into dance. Kristen was laughing and shaking her head at his moves.


"We should do something tonight," Brandon said as he through the tennis ball in the air.

"Like what? Krist can't drink, you don't know anyone, and I fear that I if I take you anywhere Ben will be there and you will get into a fight, plus its a Sunday night,"

"Fine, then what if we go to the grocery store?"

"The grocery store why would you want to go there?" Kristen and I said at the same time.

"Hey, three teenagers in a grocery store what about that doesn't sound fun?"

"All of it, including the grocery store," I giggled.

"Fine, then I will go by myself," he turned his nose up and headed towards the door.

"Oh no you don't, first of all you don't know where the grocery store is, second I still don't trust you to go anywhere let alone by yourself we are coming with you,"

"Now thats what I wanted to here lets go,"

Sorry for the short chapter! Thanks!

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