Chapter 22~ Mystery Man

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I slowly inched closer to the truck. I could see the glow of a cell phone lighting up. Kristen slowly shut the door quietly and tiptoed over to behind me. I looked back at her and my eyes traced her outline until I got to her hand she either had something in her hand, I was imagining things, or her had had grown like three feet long.

"You brought a bat!?!" I whisper screamed.

"Hey, you don't mess with the preganant lady and her friend."

"You are barely pregnant and I can handle myself thank you."

"You say that now, but when you get in trouble you will be like where is Kristen with her viscious yet graceful ninja skills and bat. And by that tim-" she started to ramble.

"Okay if I was in trouble I wouldn't have time to say where is Kristen with her viscious yet graceful ninja skills and bat, it will be more like 'Help'." I cut her off.

"Just figure out who it is, will ya?" She quietly laughed. Just as she stop giggling the light was turned off and the guy turned there head to face us.

"Hey sweetheart," he cleared his throat.

"Sweetheart?" I asked back.

"Oh not this again," he chuckled. I was so confused wait..........

"Mr Player?"

"Finally, whats happening Miss Sexy?"

"Why are you here?" I squealed and ran through the moonlit yard into his arms. I smiled as Brandon picked me up and spun me around.

"Well I called your dad but apparently he didn't tell you, I am coming to stay with you for the rest of the year and through the rest of this year until I go to college."

"Oh my god, why?"

"Oh he didn't tell you that either," he frowned and ran his fingers through his hair. "Um well my mom was killed by a drunk driver two weeks ago." He croaked.

"I am so sorry Brandon. Dad never told me...... but what about your dad?"

"Well that is another story, see my dad went to jail last week." I gasped as he finished, I was really close to is dad. "He found out that the driver that hit my mom was alive and only had a broken arm, he found him and then killed him. He was charged with murder, that he claims was self defense because he only went to talk. So he got 10 years instead of life." He continued.

"Wow." Was my lame response. I realized Kristen was still around the corner bat in hand. "Uh, Krist you can come over here now but drop the bat first he won't hurt you." I heard a clank and she appeared in the light.

"Well who might this pretty lady be?" Brandon flirted.

"This is my friend, Kristen. She is also living ith us for awhile."

"Well that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he took her hand and kissed it.

"Back off mister she is already pregnant and has a boyfriend that could kick your ass in a heart beat." I rolled my eyes as Kristen elbowed me in the side. "What did you want to tell him?" She just shook her head.

"Speaking of boyfriend, where is yours?"

"Um we are no longer together." My eyes wandered down to the floor.

"Uh, sorry? Can I ask why?"

"He was making out with another girl."

"Where does he live?" His eyes turned dark.

"Um other side of town why?"

He jumped in his truck and replied, "Cause I am going to beat the shit out of that bastard sweetheart."

"Oh no no no," I stopped him and pulled him back out of the truck, "Somebody already beat you to that he alrady has a broken nose, you can talk with him on Monday at school."

"Ugh, old Jackson already came home and beat him, damn." He shook his head.

"No, J didn't come home but my friends are the ones who broke his nose." I laughed at the thought. "Lets get you in the house so that I can yell at my dad," I linked my arm with his and we skipped to the house with Kristen laughing and walking behind us.

"Hey, I was wondering when you were gonna get here." Dad shook Brandon's hand and led him up the steps, to the guest room.

"Well I am going to bed and so are you because this fella," I felt her stomach while she giggled, "needs to rest, and so does its mom and godmother."


"Yup," I answered poping the 'p', "I called dibs on it since no one else knows."

"Okay I can give you that one," she chuckled.

"Are you gonna find out if it is a boy or girl?"

"Yeah, but not until he or she is 5 months along," she replied.

"Are you gonna keep it?" I expected she would but wasn't really sure.

"Of course I couldn't live with someone else raising my baby when I plan on having more kids."

"Night, Mom."

"Yeah whatever night."

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