Chapter 24~ Grocery Races & Mondays

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We walked into the grocery store on the other end of town to make sure no one would recognize us. We split the shopping list in half and decided to race, Kristen had one cart and Brandon and I had the other. Apparently I was walking too slow for him and he picked me up and threw me into the cart. He whipped around the corner and almost tipped over. We heard the manager yelling behind us,

"Stop! Stop right now!" He demanded.

"LIVING YOUNG AND WILD AND FREE!" Brandon sang the Whiz Khalifa song at the top of his lungs. We had everything else in the cart and were heading to the checkout when the store manager tipped over the noodles and cracker boxes in the aisle and slipped and fell down.

"AND NOW I'M FREE FALLING!" He sang a different song that corelated to the events happening at that exact moment. I realized we were not going to be able to check out or we would have been like, arrested. I texted Kristen and told her where we would leave the cart for her to checkout and Brandon and I ran out the doors and climbed into the car.

"I SEE YOU AND ME RIDING LIKE BONNIE AND CLYDE GOIN NINETY FIVE BURNING DOWN ONE TWENTY NINE!" He belted out Bottoms Up as we drove down the highway with the windows down and the wind blowing through the car. We laughed all the way when we realized we forgot Krist at store. I saw the blank look on his face as he remembered too.

"Uh, we should turn around,"

"Yeah that might be a good idea I will text her."

Hey uh......... we might have forgotten you..... and went home..... but don't worry we are coming back it just might a little bit.

Her response was, Yeah whatever I will be waiting

We strolled up to the front door and there stood a pissed off Kristen with 3 bags of groceries in her hand. She hopped in the back seat, and didn't say a word. I looked at a smirking Brandon and just like he read my mind he started singing. Only the problem was he read it wrong.

"SAY SOMETHING, I'M GIVING UP ON YOU!" He sang like the heart felt song it was. I jabbed him with my elbow to stop singing.

"You read my mind wrong, I was trying to tell you now is not the time." I shook my head.

"Oh thats why you didn't sing along I just thought it was because I was just the better singer."

I rolled my eyes at him before saying, "We are sorry Kristen we didn't mean too, we just got caught up in singing."

"Yeah I know, but you left a pregnant lady by herself and left." She explained slowly.

"Wait you really are pregnant I thought that was just a dream on Friday." Brandon looked shocked.

"Man you really are just an idiot aren't you?" I asked.

"But you love me anyways." He smirked

"That is to be determined," I smiled.


"Come on, come on! Its Monday and I want to meet your friends!" Brandon dragged me out of my bed until I hit the ground.

"Okay, okay. Let me get dressed first," I mumbled. I pulled on some Nike sweatpants, a random fitted t-shirt, and threw my hair into a pony tail and I was out the door. Brandon was driving Kristen and I along with himself to school. She was seriously pissed at Jordan she dodged his calls and texts all weekend. All 72 of them. I convinced her to finally talk to him when we get to school and I let her decide if she wants to tell all of our friends or if she want me to. As her final decision I am suppose to be the one to tell them but I don't know how I am going to do that yet.

"Heyyyy guys," we walked into school and Kristen flipped her hair dramatically in Jordan's direction.

"Stop being immature you two go and talk to each other, I will figure out how to tell them for you." They both gave me blank looks. "Go. Now." Kristen glared at Jordan and motioned him to follow her.

"Whats up with them? And what are we getting told that you know but we don't?" Mason asked, confused.

"Okay well, no one else knows and no one is saying a thing got it?" I demanded.

Mason's face went slack and I knew he knew what I was going to say, "Are they going to keep......" he trailed off.

"Well Kristen is for sure but how am I going to tell the slow ones over here?" I motioned to the rest of the group.

"Don't worry I got this,"

"What are you people talking about?" Laurel asked.

"Okay so on New Years Kristen and Jordan realized they loved each other very much, and decided to take it to the next level if you know what I mean." He wiggled his eyebrows, "That or they were very drunk, but they didn't protect themselves and now they have a mini them in Kristen's stomach." Mason calmly explained.

"Nice way to be subtle," I slapped on the back of is head. And just like that the entire group uproared and everyone was talking at once.

"Hey! Shut up! Are you all going to be able to handle this?" I yelled over the top of their talking. At that moment Kristen and Jordan came back and stood as far away from each other as possible. "Oh boy so I am guessing we didn't work it out did we?" I raised my eyebrows at the two of them.

"Oh we did but then another argument started." Kristen shook her head.

"What is it this time?" I was angry right now.

"Ugh he wants to either get rid of the baby or put it up for adoption and there is no way I am doing that."

"Well he is right no guy wants that kind of pressure as a senior in high school." Shane piped up.

"So what its both of their baby and Krist wants to keep it." Juliet yelled.

"But its not her decision." Shane yelled back.

"Uh it kinda is she has to carry it in her for 9 months."

"But what about Jordan he doesn't want to help."

"Maybe we are too different and we need to take a break." Juliet softly shook her head.

"Yeah that might be best." He walked away and so did Jules.

"Woah what just happened?" Mason looked astonished.

"They just broke up," I croaked.

"And we are keeping the baby," Jordan smiled at Kristen then kissed her.


Okay so... I changed their year of high school from junior to senior because I have things planned that can't happen in high school and I don't really want to write another year of school.

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