Chapter 4~ The Creek

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(Lennox's POV)

I woke up the next morning all on my own, without an alarm clock surpisingly. I must have had more fun yesterday than I thought if I woke up at 4:30 am. Today was going to be different because it was the last day of summer vacation, and tomorrow is our first day of school. I pulled on a different pair of jean shorts since the pair I wore yesterday were completely trashed.

City Boy got here at 5:30, a half hour before he had to be. Someone was eager to start working on a farm! We started with feeding the pigs, Priscilla and Teddy. The pigs eat slop, so there was no problem feeding them because all we had to do was pour it. The problem was Ben was a clumsy klutz. He fell in the mud trying to walk over to the feeder. He was covered in mud, surprisingly he wasn't that mad, until he saw his hair that was dark with mud instead of being its normal brown color. Then the hard part came, baling hay. It took 4 hours to get through what we could do for today. We had sweat through our shirts from baling the stupid hay.

When we were done for the day I took Ben down to the creek that me and my brother Jackson would swim in when we were young. When we got there had a confused look on his face, and I just smiled and laughed.

(Ben's POV)

I just followed her through the corn field and we got to a little creek, ok, I guess, it wasn't that little but still.

"Where are we?" I questioned even though it was pretty obvious.

"We are at a creek where me and Jackson used to come swimming when we were young."

"Who is Jackson?" I said with maybe a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"Jackson is my brother if you must know. It's nothing to be jealous about, that's right, I could here it in your voice." She said chuckling.

"Your parents named your brother Jackson, Jackson?" I laughed as I asked.

"Yeah they did. Really stupid I know."

"What are you doing?" I asked as she pulled down her shorts and pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her in only her orange bra and underwear. Man she was hot and had one toned body. Guess living on a farm did good for some people.

"We are going swimming, come, on I don't have all night!" She replied as she jumped in splashing the water everywhere.

"Cannonball!!!" I yelled as I jumped in only 2 feet away from her, dunking her under the water.

We both laughed and talked and stayed in the water before her phone rang, so she crawled out and answered it.

"Hello...............umm we were just walking the fields to make sure all the cows were in...............yeah we will be back in a few minutes we are just passing the creek now.............. no we won't go swimming daddy.................. I promise, bye." She hung up the phone and almost fell over laughing.

"That was a close one, why does he care if we go swimming or not?" I asked.

"Cause you're a teenage guy, and I am his daughter, that is not wearing a swimming suit." She said like it was obvious.

"Well obviously he doesn't trust me very much then, does he?"

"Not at all." She giggled.

"Well we should go back shouldn't we?"

"Yeah probably, come on," She said holding out her hand helping me out of the water.

Sorry I felt this chapter was important to her background but what happens next is goes along to add to this chapter. Thanks for reading. Don't be afraid to comment, I love hearing your suggestions.

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