Chapter 42~ Goodbyes & Hellos

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It has been 6 weeks since the wedding, the honeymoon has come and gone, and now it was time to say goodbye to Ben for 8 months until he can visit again. The honeymoon to Tahiti was amazing, 7 days of scuba diving, swimming and laying on the beach.

Kristen is 35 weeks pregnant and busy preparing for the baby boy. She looked like she was going to pop and through every mood swing Jackson, surprisingly, was there by her side. He had transferred to UW Madison and was living back on the farm.

Today Ben was leaving for the naval base and I couldn't help but feel bad. The past couple weeks we had been doing different things like going to the zoo, washing the cows, we even went up to the lake house for a couple days like we had in the past. And even though we tried to have fun 2 things were in the way, one being we both knew it was going to be difficult once he left and two I have been feeling awful the last couple weeks, I couldn't go a meal without it all coming back up.

Ben doesn't know it yet but I have 2 surprises for him at the airport. But right now he was packing and putting his uniform on. He trodded down the steps dressed in his Navy uniform with a smile wide on his face.


Walking to the airport terminal with Ben was..... depressing, to say the least. We reached the boarding area and there stood one of the surprises. Our high school football team, our friends, and my dad.

"Did you set this up?" He asked.

I couldn't speak I was so choked up, so I nodded as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

He pulled me into a hug and whispered, "Don't cry baby, I need you to be strong for that little girl over there," he pointed at Blakelyn in Adrians arms, "And Kristen and her precious baby boy okay?"

"Yeah I will," I kissed him lightly.

"Good, I love you so much you know,"

"I know and you better come safe okay?" I punched him in the arm.

"Ow! So little yet my wife can throw a big punch," he laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, I have another surprise for you but I want you to say goodbye to everyone else first," I smirked.

(Ben's POV)

I walked up to Juliet first, "Hey gurllllllll!" I used my falsetto voice with her, "I need you to make sure Shane doesn't go anywhere near potted plants when he is drunk, that him and my wife don't have anymore of those shot offs, and that they don't steal anymore puppies while I am gone okay?"

She smiled and nodded her head, "I can't promise you they won't get drunk because all of those things happened when they were drunk...... but I can promise you that I will try to keep on the moron away from plants, and puppies."

"Thats all I ask." I hugged her and moved onto Shane.

"Shane listen closely okay?" I talked to him slowly like he was a toddler. "Stay away from plants, puppies and my wife when you are drunk,"

"I make no promises," he stated.

"I thought you wouldn't Captain Obvious."

"Thats cause you know me too well Lieutenant Sarcasm,"

"That I do, take care okay?"

"You too and I want to see you with all of you limbs in tact in 8 months got it?"

"Yes Sir," I mock saluted.

"Whatever Moron," He shook my hand and I moved down the line.

"Laurel all I need you to do is not get knocked up with my idiot best friend over there before you are ready okay?" I looked down at her.

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