Chapter 34~ Camping.....on a beach?

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(Lennox's POV )

"Okay, Kristen if you don't shut up I will hurt you pregnant or not. And what the hell happened last night? Where did these dogs come from?" Shane asked.

Kristen and Trey both started to laugh hysterically like they knew something we didn't.

"Well for starters, you made out with a flower pot, and apparently it is your girlfriend that has feelings. Lennox was going on and on about how rainbows aren't racist. Ben thought he was on the phone with Minnie Mouse and he was Mickey and they were going to have baby mice. And somewhere in there you and Lex managed to quote on quote 'nicely place the puppies in your purse and jacket' " Trey explained quietly to Shane and the rest of us.

"Oh god, I don't remember any of it, what did we name the dogs?" I whispered so my head wouldn't hurt.

"Scooby dooby doo and Daphne." Kristen laughed.

"Of course we did," I mumbled.


"What do you mean we are camping on the frickin beach?" Krist angrily yelled at me.

"I don't know, okay? They just decided we are going to some beach an hour away that no one ever goes to and we are gonna spend the night,"

"Did no one take into consideration that maybe, I don't know, I am pregnant and we are going to sleep on the sand!" She yelled.

"I know okay, but it will be one night and-" I was cut off.

"Hey Kristen how did things go with Jackson-" Laurel barged in and then saw I was with Kristen and ran back out of the room before Krist could yell at her.

"What does she mean how did things go with my brother?" I spat.

"Well I maybe kinda-" She started.

"Please don't say what I think you are going to say," I took a deep breath.

"Well thats kinda hard since I don't know what you are thinking," she lightly laughed.

"Don't tell me you slept with my brother," I warned.

"I would but that would be lying and I don't want to teach my child bad habits," she sheepishly said.

"Oh my god.....oh my god...... you are one of my best friends and you are pregnant and you slept with my brother," I shook my head trying to make it make sense.

"I'm sorry, but I just really like him and with sharing a room it just kind of happened, he even told me that he would be a better father than Jordan ever would and that he would help with Squishy," she started to cry. Man ever since she stopped having morning sickness she eats weird food and her emotions are so out of wack its not even funny.

"Shhh....shhh don't cry I am sorry it just took me by surprise and I want you to know he will be a great father I mean look at how protective he is of me, but if he hurts you, warn him that I will disown him," I said which made her chuckle.

"LETS GO TO THE BEACH, BITCHES," Mason yelled while running down the hallway.

"Mason I swear, I love you and we are getting ready but I will reconsider this relationship if you yell one more time," Laurel threatened.

"Aww come on babe you would miss me and my body too much," he motioned towards his entire body.

"Oh you can easily be replaced," she tsked.

"Yeah right, lets roll."


"I thought the beach was and hour away?" Laurel asked.

"Yup I may have miscalculated, it turns out it was three and a half not one," Ben half smiled scared. Just as my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Houston we have a problem," Jackson, who was in the other car, said like a captain of a ship in a deep voice through the phone.

"What did you do now?" I snapped.

"Why do you assume I did something wrong?"

"Because you called and the first thing you said was 'houston we have a problem' which in normal cases is a bad thing,"

"Okay your right I did do something." Jackson confessed.

"Spit it out J," I impatiently waited.

"Iforgothefoodbackathebeachhouse," he rambled so fast I didn't understand him.


"I forgot the food," he said a little slower.

"What do you mean you forgot the food!" I yelled.

"I. left. it. on. the. counter." Jackson slowly restated.

"Ugh idiot what are we going to eat? The house is 3 and half hours away."

"Looks like we are going fishing boys," He clapped someone on the shoulder in he background.


"So full," Kristen and I groaned.

"How are you that full?" Shane asked.

"You made us eat all that fish," Kristen answered.

"We didn't make you do anything,"

"Yeah you did, you said we caught all this fish now you are going to eat all of it, you all have to eat 3 fish," She rebuttled.

"Thats just dumb," Shane muttered.

"You're just dumb, I will poke you with a stick," I looked at the stick that we used to stir the fire with. "And I will use the side with all the ashes,"

Shane just stood up calmly, picked up the stick I was talking about and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then sat back on the log beside me.


I can't do this anymore. I made up my mind and I had to tell him. I walked into the tent Trey and I shared and sat down on the bed to wait for him.

"I think we need to break up," we both blurted out at the same time.

"Wow that was easier than I thought, um I just I can't do the long distance thing and I am just not ready for another relationship after the last one," I explained.

"No I totally get it I just think of you more as a little sister than a girlfriend,"

"Yep absolutely, " I agreed.

"Well we can switch rooms when we get back but for right now we just have to share the tent so good night, " I awkwardly stated.

"Uh um yeah night,"

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