First day at Hogwarts

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In the morning, you wake up and get ready like usually. When you get downstairs, you heard someone called you.
S:"Y/N is that you sweety?"

This is Sabrina, your mother's best friend. When she died, Sabrina moved in your house to help you.

Y/N:"Yes it's me. Good morning Sabrina! I am skpping breakfast today, I had to arrive at platform to go to Hogwarts.

S:"Why you don't just use a spell, sweety? It's more easier"

Y/N:"I know, but I just want to make more friends. Since with my work, I never had time to go out.

S:"I know, you are working so much everyday and-

She didn't finish and Dennis comes to eat breakfast running to you because he didn't see you for a week. Dennis is Sabrina's son and your little best friend.

D:"Why are you leaving again? I will miss you so much"

Y/N:"And I will miss you too honey! Now go and eat breakfast and I will come to get you to Hogwarts in a week, ok?"

D:"Ok Y/N"

Y/N:"OMG, I am going to be late. I love you guys! Bye!"

Both:"Bye Y/N"

You arrived at the platform 9 3/4. There you saw some people staring strange at you. You ignored and get in the train. In the compartiment you sat alone behind Draco, Pansy and Blaise. You put your airpods on and put your favorite music.

D:"Who is that girl behind us?"

P:"It's the new girl, Y/N Y/L/N. Don't tell me you didn't hear about her!?.."

D:"Well, sorry for disappointed you, but I don't know who the hell is she"

B:"Mate, she is the business woman from the newspapers! The girl who parents died 2 years ago and one of the youngest bilioners."

D:"The bitch who think that it's more rich than me and my family? I already hate her! Gosh.. this will be a looong year..."

P:"Oh comon Draco, she is not that bad. I am going to talk to her right now and if you offens her or something I am going to Avada Kedavra your ass!"

D:"Ok, jeez.."

Pansy comes and sits next to you.

P:"Hi, I am Pansy Parkinson, you must be the new girl right?"

Y/N:"Yes, that's me. I'm Y/N btw. Nice to meet you."

Than you hear Draco yells.

D:"Orphan bitch"

Y/N:"I least, I don't have a daddy issuse, asshole!"

D:"Dare talk to me? You filthy little mudblood!"

Y/N:"Are you the faimos Draco Lucius Malfoy? Interesting. Well, first, I'm a pureblood, and second watch your mouth before I will transform you in a ferret!"

D:"You wouldn't dare!"

Y/N:"Watch me."

And then you get your wand and transform him in a ferret. Pansy next to you is dying laughing and Blaise too.

P:"I think we will understand perfect! Best friends?"

Y/N:"Of course!"

And then you and Pansy hug.

B:"Um..sorry for interupting, I'm Blaise btw. Can you turn Draco in a human again, please."

Y/N:"Nice to meet you Blaise. I'll turn him now."

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