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You and Draco get in the place where he got on his knee and propoused. You both get closer to the edge and look at the water and at the beautiful city. He looks in your eyes and trys to put his hand around you.

Y/n: Don't touch me... Now spill, we don't have all night

Draco: First I want to explain everything

Y/n: Go on then...

Draco: After we were done with the papers she and Mia left. I was waiting for you so we can go together at the next meeting. Then she comes back with a drink and she told me that you send her with it and that you will come too soon. I said thanks to her and take a sip, then my vision went blury. I don't remember anything from what I did. Dad, Voldy and Mia gives me a drink that cancel that potion and they told me everything I did. I killed Astoria and try to get to the airport before you leave but it was to late. I'm so sorry my love

Y/n: Omg.. I am so sorry Draco..

Draco: It's all my fault, please forgive me

You jump in his arms and kiss him harder. He kisses you back and wraps his arms around your waist. All the people look at you and clap.

Narcissa and Sabrina: Awww

Voldy: Finally they are happy again

After a while you break the kiss and look in each other eyes smiling.

Y/n: I miss that

Draco: Me too. I love you so much

Y/n: I love you so much too

Draco: So now we aren't divorcing, right?

Y/n: Right. So... I have to tell you something too..

Draco: What is it darling?

Y/n: I-I'm...

Draco: You are what love?

Y/n: I.. I'm pregnant...

Draco: W-what?

Y/n: I'm pregnant..


He picks you up and spins you around.

He lets you down and get on his knee

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He lets you down and get on his knee. He puts his hands on your stomach and kisses it a lot while you giggle. Then he gets up and kisses you again.

Draco: When did you find out?

Y/n: The same day you got under the love potion

Draco: How many months?

Y/n: Three weeks actually

Draco: Do you need anything my love?

Y/n: No bby, thank you

Draco: You have no idea how happy I am!

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