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*Your time at Hogwarts it's about to finish. You have about a week and you will graduate. Your bestie's wedding is comming in the same day when you finnish school and all is ready. In these time you and your friends hang up and speend your last two months together planning Pansy's wedding. Dennis comes more often at your and Draco's dorm and speends time with you both. You and Draco got to the Malfoy manor 2 more times and Narcissa was the most happy to see you again. Everything is perfect.*

In the morning you woke up by a call from your work. You pick up quickly not to wake Draco up.

Y/n: Hello?

Mia: Hi boss! You said you are looking for a new house, right?

Y/n: Yes?

Mia: I find some if you want to see them

Y/n: Perfect dear! Thank you! I'll call you back in a little

Mia: Ok boss

You hang up and look at Draco who was still sleeping. You smile and kiss him softly not to wake him up. You get up and get ready. You get back to Draco and shake hin gently.

Y/n: Love... wake up...

Draco:*sleepy voice* Why...

Y/n: Because we had to get in class..

Draco: Ok darling

He sits up and kisses you. Then you smile to each other and he goes to get ready. You call Mia

Mia: Hello boss

Y/n: Hi! About the house, I am going to see them after the wedding

Mia: Ok boss, I will set everything

Y/n: Thank you dear! Bye

Mia: Bye boss!

You hang up and Draco comes from the bathroom. He hugs you behind and kisses your neck. You giggle and kiss him.

Draco: Ready to go darling?

Y/n: Yes love

You leave the room holding hands. In the Greate Hall you meet Pansy, Ginny, Harry and Blaise.

You amd Draco: Hi guys!

Them: Hi guys!

Draco: Where are the other's?

Harry: Ron and Hermione are in class already, the twins don't have this period and Luna with Nevile are in classes too.

Ginny: Ok! Enough talking, I'm hungry!

You all start eating and talk. When you were done you get in the class. Hours later you all met in the Greate Hall.

Y/n: What are we doing today?

Blaise: Me and the boys have to go for a Quidditch match. Wanna come too?

The girls: Yes!

Draco comes closer to you and hugs you behind. He kisses your cheek and whisper in your ear:"Get Dennis too and after the match me and him are going to practice"
You smile and kiss him. Then you whisper in his ear too:"Already planed on love! That's really sweet from you"
Dennis comes in the Greate Hall and see you and Draco.

Dennis: Besties!

He runs to you and hugs you both thigh. You and Draco hug him back and kiss  his forehead.

Draco: Hello buddy!

Y/n: Hi honey! How are you?

Dennis: I'm good! I missed you

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