Quidditch game

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Meanwhile with Draco: He plays with Dennis a lot. Dennis start to get tired

Dennis: Draco, I am tired

Draco: Let's go to sleep then buddy

He picks him up and puts him in bed. When he was about to leave Dennis said: Can you stay, bestie, please? I'm scared if Y/n isn't here...

Draco: Of course bestie..

He get in the bed with Dennis

Dennis: Draco?...

Draco: Yes buddy

Dennis: When Y/n, comes back?

Draco: Soon honey.. Why?

Dennis: Well,when I was 4, I wait for her to come back from work, but I falled asleep. When I wake up I hear mom crying and Y/n was messed up.. But she told me that I just dreamed about it..

Draco:..she was hurt?..

Dennis: Very hurt! It was like someone tortured her! She was full of cuts and she bleeding a lot.. *start crying*

Draco: hey, hey.. it's ok.. It was just a bad dream. Ok buddy?

Dennis: Ok Draco..

Draco: Now come here..

Dennis comes closer to Draco and falls asleep on his chest.
*Draco's pov*
I start to worry. What if Dennis didn't dreamed about it?... What if she really get hurt.. And It's very late.. what if she get hurt.. Omg.. Love, where are you...

Dennis was asleep and Draco was still waiting for you. After 10 minutes you walk in the dorm carefully and walk in the bathroom thinking that Draco and Dennis are sleeping. You look at yourself and see that your face is a little messed and have blood on it. You start to wash your face but you start coughing blood again. Draco comes near you and rubs your back

Draco: D-darling are you ok?..

Y/n:Yes love I am good

It was dark and Draco didn't see that you are bleeding. He put his hand on your green wound. You make a face like it hurt trying not to screem. Then Draco moved his hand and see your blood on it


Y/n: First.. stop screaming.. Dennis is asleep.. and second I had a little fight at work. Nothing important I am fine, but I need you to make a spell on me..

Draco: a little fight? You could dye! W-what spell..

You told him the spell and he make it. Suddenly your injures were gone

Y/n: Thank you love

Draco: No prob. Now let get you clean up and you tell me what's happened..

Draco helped you clean and you tell him all the story.

Draco: I am going to kill Cedric and Cho!

Y/n: No, you won't.. now let's just go to bed.. ok love?

Draco: Ok...

You get in the room and Dennis wakes up

Dennis: Y/NNNN! *he jumps in your arms*
Draco wanted to take Dennis because you are still hurt but you make him a sign to don't say anything

Y/n: Let's go back to sleep honey. It's late

Dennis: Ok bestie

You put Dennis in bed and layed with you. Draco wanted to go to his bed but Dennis said: So you leave me now?..

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