Sero Snitches

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Denki's PoV

Here I am again. Dancing on the same cold pole, in front of a fleet of drunk men. Drug exchanges being made while I'm on stage. Nothing that goes on in this room is legal, actually, nothing that goes on in this house is legal. 

I was actually used to it, before Hanta came along. Now no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about him. Sir hasn't been best pleased about that though, as my performance has become sloppy because of it. 

The curtains soon close, and I'm removed from the pole. That was my last shift today, so as long as I don't have any special requests, then I get to sleep. We have a math test coming soon that I should really study for, but I never have any energy for it. I want to do well in school, but I'm lucky when I'm able to do my homework. 

I kiss sir goodnight, and go upstairs to my room. I quickly get changed out of my performance clothes, and into a baggy t-shirt. Then I just collapsed on my bed. It wasn't really a bed, just a futon on the floor. I've never had a bed in my room, as sir said it was a waste of his perfectly good money.

He said if I want to sleep in a bed, I can just use the one in the basement. The one I see all my clients in, but I can never bring myself to enter that room unless I have to. So I just sleep on the floor instead. It's not really a big deal though, as many people still like to do it out of tradition. 

Tomorrow is Monday, so we have school again. I need to get as much sleep as I can, as Monday means hero training. Why would they make us do it on a Monday of all days. Sure, we still do training on other days, but they could of chose a different day for the extreme type training. 


Hanta's PoV 

Denki still won't let me tell anybody, but I've had enough. I can't sit here while he's being used like that. He's my boyfriend, and my best friend. If he won't let me tell the teachers about it, then I will just have to make sure that he doesn't find out that I was the one who told them about it. 

I knock on the teachers lounge door, and wait for it to be answered. When the door is opened, I'm greeted with Cermentos. I give him an awkward smile, and ask if Aizawa-Sensei is in the room. He nods, and just walks away, leaving the door open. I look in the room, and see that Aizawa is sat in his yellow sleeping bag, just sat on a sofa. 

His sleep-deprived eyes stare into my soul, before he asks me what I want. I tell him I want to talk to him about something concerning one of my classmates, and illegal acts, and he jumps out of his cocoon, and drags me out of the room, and all the way to the head teachers office. I confusingly follow him. Not that I really had a choice. 

Once we're at his door, Aizawa-Sensei knocks on the door, saying that it was an emergency. I mean I know that what I said was eye catching, but this seems a bit over kill. I haven't even told him what the thing is yet. I feel like they think I'm going to tell them something different to what I have to actually tell them, and now I feel like I'm letting them down.

The sound of our head teacher telling us to come in soon resonated in the the hall way. Aizawa-Sensei opened the door, and led me into the slightly bigger office. I know he is the head of the school, but I didn't expect his office to be this big. When we walked in, I could barely see the guy sitting at the table, with his head popping just above the edge. 

He waved us over to the table, and got off of his chair. He instead decided that it would be a better idea to sit on the table so now I could see him better. He was wearing his usual suit type outfit on his rat body. At least that what I think that is what he is with his tail, whiskers and ears. 

"What is this about Eraser Head, you said it was an emergency?" Nezu asked.

"Sero, here, says one of my students are doing illegal acts outside of school." Aizawa replied.

"Not by choice!" I quickly butted in. 

I didn't want them to get the wrong idea. The principle seemed to peek in interest at my sudden outburst. Well, the whole situation in general. It probably isn't usual for one of his students, from the hero course no less, to be doing illegal activity, without him knowing of course.

"And who is this student you speak of?" He asked overly polite.

"Denki Kaminari." I gave a direct response.

Aizawa seemed kind of shocked when I said that Denki was the subject of topic. I don't know who he thought I was going to say, but it clearly wasn't Denki from that reaction.

"And what is said boy doing that is illegal enough for you to call him out on it?" The principle continued to ask questions.

"He's uh, um, well." I stuttered around my words for awhile.

I was starting to doubt my decision now. I know it's the right thing to do, an it's what needs to be done, but I can't help be feel like I'm violating Denki's trust. He told me to wait until he was ready to tell everyone, but he just keeps putting it off. If I don't tell someone now, then I might never tell anyone, and that isn't an option.

"Denki's dad, he um, using him." I finally finish my sentence for them.

They stayed quiet with confusion littering their expression. It seemed they were waiting for me to continue, before asking any questions to the topic. I'm just not quite sure how I should put this, without straight up saying that Denki has become a prostitute.

"His dad pays him to do certain acts with people in his basement." I continue to speak.

I didn't really want to say anything more. I love Denki, and it hurts knowing that my boyfriend is being used and violated like this. It hasn't been as bad since the dorms has been instated, as it used to be daily, but it shouldn't be happening at all. I shouldn't be relieved that it's only two days a week instead of seven. It should be none at all.

The two men in the room seem to be shocked at the statement I just gave them. I mean it's not everyday that you hear that your student is being used as a sex slave by his own father. I was just as shocked as them when I found out myself. Once the shock started to wear off, I could sense the disgust radiating from Aizawa-Sensei. 

"Are you completely sure, Sero. This is a very serious allocation." Nezu asked.

"I wouldn't joke about something like this." I stated, somewhat offended they would ever think that this was a laughing matter.

Principle Nezu stayed silent. I could only presume that he was thinking the situation over, and coming up with what would be the next best step. He picked up the porcelain teacup that sat beside him, and took a generous swig from said material. He pondered on the situation for a minute more, before a smirk graced his fur covered face.

"Ok so here's the plan." He spoke with such certainty.      

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