Table Talk

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Rei's PoV

I'm nervous on what our children's reaction will be. The way they react will determine so many different things. Just take a deep breathe and everything will be fine. There is no need to worry about any of this. The sooner we get this out, the easier it will be.

"Hey why isn't dad here? I mean mine is the only one who is ever here, so why isn't he?" Katsuki asks.

"That has the same answer as this. You see " Inko started to explain.

"Your dad is a cheating bastard, that I'm divorcing. There I said it, it's out." Mitsuki blurted out.

"Are you kidding me? That was the only thing I had over these two and now this. Great." He responds.

"Katsuki that is a very selfish thing to say! Did you hear why she was getting a divorce? He cheated on her! Don't you think that she's upset as it is?" Fuyumi shouted at him.

"Yes that was very rude of you boy." Natsuo chimes in.

"Well it doesn't bother me anymore. He's been doing it for years. Anyway, were getting off-track." Mitsuki says.

"Please just say, this is getting confusing." Izuku complains.

"Us three have dating each other for just over three years. There I said it." I rush out.

The whole room goes quiet. The kids all have either confused or shocked looks on their faces. I mean I know I just laid it down quickly, but Mitsuki does that all the time. Did I do it wrong? I just wanted to do what people call rip off the band-aid. The silent room is starting to become deafening. Are they going to say anything?

"Your what?!" The three youngest screams at the same time.

"Nonononono. I can't be related to these two. FUCK!" Katsuki screams.

"We wouldn't be related Katsuki, it would all be step stuff anyway. I'm starting to question how smart you actually are." Shoto calmly says.

"Hey! I knew that! You know what I mean though! We would be actual family though in stead of this bullshit!" He continues to shout.

"It can't be that bad to be related to us Kacchan. Plus, you should be happy for them. They are all getting away from toxic relationships for someone they love." Izuku says.

"Shut it nerd! There are plenty more women out there they could of chosen to love, but they picked each other. I wouldn't mind that, because they can be tolerable, but with you two attached. I would rather die!" Katsuki yells.

"Katsuki! That is too far you brat!" Mitsuki shouts at him.

"Can I just say congrats, but mother, that doesn't explain why we are in this house." Fuyumi says.

"Well Rei's divorce will be done in less than a month, meaning she won't be able to live in the hospital in Enji's name anymore." Inko states.

"That's why we all bought a house together, to accommodate all of us." Mitsuki cuts in.

"Great." Katsuki says with an eye roll.

"Is that all the new? Not to be rude (unlike a certain someone), but I'm really hungry." Natsuo says.

"Yes son you may continue to eat." I say.

Just like that, everything continued like nothing even happened. Everyone grabbing more food every now and then. Fuyumi talked about work, and Natsuo about college. The kids talked about recent school events. Everything was normal until Natuo asked a question. It was inevitable to happen, but I wasn't expecting it to come from Natsuo.

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