Grose Grape

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Atsuko's PoV

Pinning Mina to the ground was easy, she's never been that strong compared to me. But then I realise the position were are in, and I start to blush. Oh why does Mina have to be so pretty.

She tilts her head to the side to hide her blushing face I presume, but I've already seen it. This puts an idea in my head. I tilt her head so it's facing me again with my hand while still having her pinned with my other. A smirk slides onto my face as I continue my hand to rest softly on her face, gently stroking her face with my thumb. Her cheeks grew visibly more red as I do so and so does my smirk.

Leaning forward so our faces are mere centimetres apart, her eyes widen. The surrounding around us have disappeared a long time ago. Right now it's just me and her on the ground.

I finally put this painful situation to a stop, as I close the gap slowly. My red glossed lips softly collide with her pink ones. This is what I've been waiting for, for a long time. I hope she doesn't mind me kissing her, or this might be bad.

Pulling our lips apart, and slowly opening my eyes, I lowly laugh at what I just did. I'm so proud I managed to do it. Looking at her features, I can see clear happiness and shock on her face. I'm so glad she's not mad at me for kissing her. I've dreamt of this day for so long.

Standing up and then helping her up, I smile at her awkwardly. Holding my hand out to her to see if she would take it, and she thankfully does with a smile. We walk to the bench next to were everyone was mostly sparing, we sit down. I laugh to myself as I realise my mistake. Something I still needed to do. I tapped Mina's shoulder to get her attention, so I could sign to her.

'Um so since that happened and you don't hate me now. Would you wanna ... maybe be my girlfriend?' I sign to her.

Hope plastered on my face. Looking down not ready for the answer. Fear of rejection clearly shown, but it is all put aside when she softly grabbed my face to look at hers. Happiness shown all over it. Not a sight of sadness or disgust upon it. That makes me worry less.

'Of course I will silly! I love you so much.' She signs back.

'Did you just say you love me?' I questioned with blush spread across my face.

'Um I guess I did huh. Well it's not like I didn't mean it. Wait, were you not ready for that? I'm sorry! Oh I'm so stupid' she trails off.

Pushing her hands down and leaning in for another kiss, I smile into this one. No worry or regret present in this moment.  This loving moment was soon interrupted by a purple haired boy.

Mina's PoV

Atsuko just asked me out before me accepting and then mumbling, for her to kiss me. This moment was so nice. Key word, was nice. This purple grape haired dude came up to us and shouted "ew lesbians!" What kind of person would do that. Not a hero that's for sure.

Atsuko clearly didn't hear it, but I did and pulled away. Shame plastered on my face. Atsuko looked at me confused before telling her what the purple haired boy in front of us said. Blood boiling could be shown clearly in her face, as she stood up tall compared to the boy.

His expression from proud to scared changed in an instant. He was clearly scared on the girl in front of him, so what courage did he have in the first place to tell us we were gross for liking each other.

"You inconsiderate selfish grape looking twerp! I hope you die and go straight to hell! With what your saying, there is no way in hell you could ever be a hero. They should of kicked you out instead of Sato! I bet he was a better person then you could ever be!" Was all she said before slapping him across the face and turning him to stone.

How the fuck did she just talk. I know she's deaf, so she couldn't hear what she was saying. That's unbelievable. I'm so proud of her.

I run up to her to give her a kiss on the cheek and smile, before questioning it to her. She doesn't let me question her, as she pushes my hands down. Just smiles before signing she'll tell me later. If she can speak, why is she signing. I'm so confused.

—————During all of that —————

Eijiro's PoV

Knowing who I wanted to spare with, as soon as we go onto the field, I ran towards them. Well not ran, but a quick jog. I wanted to get to them before anyone else did. Not that anyone else had the guts to go against him anyway, but I didn't want to chance it.

Tapping Bakugo on the shoulder to get his attention, to then ask him if he wanted to spare. Our quirks were really compatible. I could harden my skin so his explosions couldn't hurt me. We're a match made in heaven, if I do say so myself.

He thankfully agreed and we started to fight. It was fun to try and dodge his attacks and not just take them. I couldn't harden forever and I needed to practice dodging attacks anyway, so this was good practice. As expected, he pins me to the ground and wins. He stands up, and offers me a hand. Smirking to myself and grabbing his hand, to then pull him down next to me.

He lands with an 'oof' before looking at me mad. That's not unusual. I laugh and then sign a sorry for him to just look up at the sky. It's nearly the end of the school day so it's starting to change colour. It's really pretty. I really wanna take a chance, but I'm a bit scared to.

Taking a deep breath, I face my fears and just do it. I slowly place his hand in mine. This was so scary on my behalf, so I didn't look for a reaction from him. I soon realised he clearly didn't hate it, as he didn't pull his hand away.

Maybe I have a chance after all. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up. We are only holding hands after all, but baby steps. This could be the beginning to a romance I've been waiting for. I hope it lasts. What am I kidding. I just hope it even begins.

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