Atsuko Revealed

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Atsuko's PoV

Blood started to rise to my cheeks. I know I grew the courage to come here, but I don't know if I'm manly enough to tell him. I know he wouldn't mind what it is as he's trans for god sake. It's still scary though.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly turn my head round to face him again. His eyes glimmer with curiosity. Ugh I don't know if I can do this now. Thinking about doing it, is way harder than actually doing it.

Ok so all I have to do is move my hand about, and then he will know. This is the simplest thing in the world. Taking another deep breath I begin to sign.

'Well you see Eik-Eijiro, I kinda, maybe, just a little bit' I trailed off.

His face grew inches closer as he awaits for the answer he so desperately desires. Oh I dont know anymore.

'You kinda, maybe, just a little bit be what?' His patience has clearly grown thin by now.

'I'm a lesbian' I quickly sign.

Clenching my eyes shut so I can't see a reaction. I'm so scared he doesn't like me anymore. Who am I kidding, he would never do that to me. He loves me too much to ever put me through that.

I feel something tap my leg. I giggle a bit as to realising we've been sat on the floor outside his door for a while now. Slowly opening one eye and then the other, Eijirou begins to sign.

'Why were you so scared to tell me this Atsuko?' He signs.

His emotion isn't happy at all. This is not the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting either a hug or a slap to the face. Not a sad look that rips my very soul out of me.

'I was scared you wouldn't wanna see me ever again. It's stupid.' I sign.

Sadness clearly shown in how sloppy and slow my movements are. Not to mention the slight frown tugging at my lip-glossed covered lips.

'Atsuko I'm literally a different gender from birth. Why would I care about your sexuality?' He signs.

This time with less sadness. He was clearly trying to make sure I would stop frowning. He adds a light laugh to the end of his sentence. I think. I mean it looks like when people laugh. I hope so, otherwise he might be dying.

'I know, but coming out to someone is always gonna be nerve racking. Weather you know they are gonna be fine with it or not' I sign back.

We exchange glances to each other as well as a small light hearted smile. It's a nice moment if you ask me. One of the moment you wish you have with your crush, before they ask you out. But this is only my twin so, I mean at least I get this moment.

He leans in, and raps his hands around my waste again. Leaning his head on my shoulder, while rubbing loving circles on my back. Now this is what life is all about. Why can't everyone be like Eiko. Eijirou ugh that is gonna be hard to remember. But I will do it for him, as I love him with all my heart.

I got pronouns nailed down over a year ago, so I should be ok with the new name. It's not that different from his dead name, I think the technical word to use for it is.

Eijirou (yes!) releases me from the hug and stands up. It's about time. He lets out a hand, and I gratefully take it. Going into Mina's house for the first time in a long tome felt weird. It was like deja vu.

'So how long you staying for Atsuko?' Eijirou signs.

'That's also what I wanted to talk about.' I sign.

At this point, Eik-Eijirous confused face may as well be his normal face. He's shown it more than his smile, which says a lot. He's always smiling and laughing. I guess me saying all these things are confusing.

'Mum and dad found out about me' I sign back.

I now have a frown on my face as I look down. This is the worst feeling ever. I feel so ashamed of myself. I don't know why, but when my sexuality was hidden I didn't mind it. But now that my parents are being mean about it, it makes me not want to be one.

I don't care for my parents approval, as it isn't worth anything. That thought process was soon interrupted but a lift of my face, from a finger being under my chin. Eijirou is showing me a genuine soft smile before I continue.

'They said I need to find a place elsewhere like you did as they didn't respect my "decision" with my life' I signed.

I could feel my eyes glaze over with water, as they start to tear up. I never thought I would be thrown out of my own home. Never mind asking my brother to let me stay with him. Wait I haven't done that part yet.

'Hey it's ok you can stay here with me. I'm sure Mina doesn't mind.' He signs back.

A smile grows on my face. He talked as if he was reading my mind. He always knows what to say. He's always had that as a hidden talent. He can comfort anyone, even if he has only just met him.

Jumping in his arms as I bring my stuff inside. I had to pack my stuff up earlier. I also had to tell him I got into the hardest hero school to get into in Japan. UA! I'm in one of the top classes too. I can't wait to see his reaction.

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