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I finally finished this book. It took me a long time, and I'm happy it's come to an end, finally. I finished it like i did so if anyone wanted to come write a second book, i could. I think its safe to say that this has been a long time coming, and I'm so happy with all the support you guys have given me on this. I have so many more books for all kinds of crazy ships lined up to write, all including Katsuki. So if you have a preference to what ship with Katsuki you want next to be wrote, comment and I'll do that one next. Other than that, I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and have a look at my other books.

With all the love I could possibly have ~

I really hoped i wouldn't have to write something like this while i was writing this book. This book specifically has a lot of controversial issues that happen. I include them as that's how i wanted to move the story along, but now I'm staring to regret it, especially with one specific part. Abortion. I understand that people have mixed feeling about abortion, but that's why i include warning in the bio of the book before you read it, and also at the start of the specific chapter that it happens in. No matter what your opinion is on abortion, it is a legal medical procedure. If it was illegal or had a similar problem to that then i would understand the controversy in the comments, but even so, there were warning signs, and if you don't agree with it, then just don't read it. It makes me feel shitty about my writing and how i decided to write my books. I spent i really long time on this one specifically, so to get people having an argument in my comment section about a controversial topic i decided to include, really just makes me rethink myself as an author on this platform. Please just stop with the abortion argument, it's annoying for everyone, even the people who aren't involved.

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