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Sero's PoV

I woke up and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and get dressed. I walked down the stairs, and greeted my mum in the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of toast that my mum must of made for herself, but I just quickly put my shoes on and picked my bag up from the door. I yelled a quick bye and love you, while she yelled at me for tacking her toast. I giggle and wait for the bus.

The bus soon arrived and I took a seat towards the back. I went on my phone, while waiting for the bus to come to my stop. It didn't take too long, and I got off of the bus. I walked up the hill, and into school. I get to my classroom door, and open it. When I look in, only a few of my classmates are here. I sit in my seat, and doodle in my science book while I wait for my friends to walk in.

When I was in the middle of doodling Kami's face in the margin, I get a tap on my shoulder. I panic, and close my book. I look up to the person who tapped me. I breathed out when I realised it was just Mina. I smile and talk to her and Atsuko. I think that they really suit each other. I mean on the first day, I thought she would be great with Kiri, but boy was I wrong.

We chat for awhile and Kami is nowhere to be seen. Class is gonna start soon, I hope he's ok. And with that thought, guess who came into the class room. The devil himself. I internally sigh, and smile at the boy. He looks at me and smiles back. He looks like he's nervous, and that's when I realised that I basically confessed to the poor boy yesterday. Damn it Hanta you're an idiot.

Kami came over with his smile still on and sat in the chair in front of me. It wasn't his, but the teacher wasn't here yet, so it doesn't matter. He sits there awkwardly and took a deep breath. He looked at me and took his hands in mine. I looked at our hand before looking back up to him. We made eye contact, but he had a mixed look in them. I couldn't really tell how he was feeling.

"Sero. I want you to know that I do truly love you, but I'm hiding so many things from you. If you really knew me, I don't think you would love me anymore." He said kind of sad.

"What do you mean by secrets? They can't be that bad. I love you Kami, I promise. You can tell me anything." I replied.

"You won't like me anymore. You would think that I'm disgusting, and never want me near you again. I really want to tell you, but I don't want to loose you." He replied.

His eyes started to water, and sadness came into his expression. I was so shocked. Was the secret that bad that he starts crying over it. Kami was the happy go lucky guy, that new every vine to ever exist. This is the first time I've ever seen him cry. He didn't even cry when he was having a panic attack yesterday. I look at his pitiful expression, and it makes me want to cry.

"I'm so sorry Sero, that I haven't told you the whole truth about me. I really do love you, and don't let any of this make you think otherwise. If this stupid secret didn't exist, then I would date you. I'm sorry."

After he said that, he ran out the room crying. I stare at him as he leaves the room. I could feel everyone staring at me, but all I could do was let my tears glide down my face. I couldn't do anything. I just sat there crying, and looking at the door, hoping at any moment that he would come running back in the room, and laugh saying it was all a joke. But it never happened.

Aizawa-Sensei walked in and looked at us strangely. I just stand up and walk out of the room. I couldn't handle being in that room anymore, with all their stares. When I shut the door behind me, I walk to the nearest bathroom. When I got in there, I could hear that another person was already in here crying. I was gonna walk out before I heard their voice.

"Kami, is that you?" I ask.

"No?" He replied with a questioning voice.

"Kami, I know it's you. Please come out." I said. (that's what she said)

"I don't want you to see me like this." He continued to give excuses.

"If you don't come out, then I'm coming in." I argued back.

He came out of the stall, with teared stained cheeks. I look at him with pity in my eyes. He walks up to me and stops with his hands coving his chest. I walk towards him, and envelope him in a hug. At first he didn't respond, but I don't think he could hold back anymore. He wrapped his arms around me, and cried into my shoulder. I hug him tighter, and I didn't ever want to let go.

I put one of my hands on his head and the other round his waist. I pull his head closer to me, and put my head above his. Tears continue to fall from both of our eyes. I'm not very good at comforting people, but when it came to him it was almost natural. I kissed the top of his head, and whisper to him compliments and reassuring him that I wasn't going to leave him.

It took awhile, but he did start to calm down. I pull away and put my hand that was on the back of his head, and underneath his chin. I look him in the eyes, and his eyes are full of wonder. I don't know what he is thinking, but I hope it's good. I smile at him, and he gave me a soft one back. I move my head closer to his, and go to kiss him but he pushes me back.

"Sero, before you do that, I need to tell you something. I know you are going to hate me for hiding this and the thing I am hiding, but you need to know." I said.

"Please continue, because I will never hate or leave you." I say.

"I'm what some people would call a prostitute. It wasn't really my choice, but sir's. And sir also said not to tell anyone, so I guess I'm braking his rules now. God he's going to be so mad." He starts to mumble to himself.

"Kami you're a what. Wait so you mean to tell me that you let people fuck you for money?" I ask.

"I told you that you were going to be mad, but it's not my choice I swear." Kami said.

I didn't know how to react. I mean I just found out that my best friend and crush is a prostitute. How am I supposed to react? I just stand there dumbfounded. Then I realised something. He keeps saying sir. Who is sir? He seems to be afraid of him. He also said that this guy is forcing him to sell his body for money. What kind of person does that?

"Kami who is sir?" I ask.

"Um I'm not aloud to say his name. That's another rule." He replied.

"You've already broken a rule for me, does it really matter?" I say back.

"Well he's my dad, but he doesn't like me to call him that. He said it feels like incest when he uses me. He doesn't agree with that, so I have to call him sir." He said.

"Wait your dad has raped you, as well as sell you for money!" I raise my voice a bit.

"No, please don't yell. It's not rape if I let him. Please don't tell any one Sero. I don't have anymore family. He's the only one I've got left. If he leaves then I don't have anyone left. Please Sero." He pleaded.

How could I say no to him. He is literally begging me. It was kind of hot. Wait! No! Gay thoughts leave. This isn't the right time. I take a deep breath and hug him, one last time. I reassure him that I don't hate him, and that I wont tell anyone about his dad. Damn it! How could someone do that to there own child. It's disgusting!

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