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Eijiro's PoV

Weeks went by as normal. Mina and Atsuko all lovey dovey all the time. Kaminari fantasising about Shinsou as Sero sat and listened with a sad face. And me hitting on Bakugo every once in a while. He always flushed with blush when I do, but I'm not manly enough to ask him out. Maybe one day I'll grow a pair and ask but until then, a tease is all that I'll do.

The USJ attack has already been and gone. That was a experience and a half. I though Bakugo was very manly to try and go against those villains, even if it was also a bit stupid.

His hero costume is very cool too. It looked like the hearing aids he had. I blush every time I see him in it. I can't help that he has muscles and all. He's hot ok, it's not my fault.  Today though we were going on a little vacation type thing. We're going into the woods and training with real hero's. Sir said that they were proper hero's and a group one at that.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

We got off of the coach and lined up on the concrete road. We looked at what was in front of us to see a whole lot of trees. A forest to be exact. We all looked at Aizawa with confused faces until he says something like.

"Go through the forest and come to the cabins at the other side by six, or you won't get anything to eat."

We all screamed a what in unison except a few. As in two. I looked over at Bakugo (which has become a habit of mine) and see what his expressions was. I asked him if he knew what was going on for me to just go and sign what was happening.

He only smirked and leaped off of the hill we were on. Is he crazy, we are quite high up and he goes and jumps. Well I mean how else are we gonna get off of this hill. I shrug and run off of it too, landing on the ground with my quirk activated.

I ran into the forest, for the forest to attack back. Well this is new. Before I get hit by a tree branch, I duck and make a run for it. This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.

~~~~~~~~Another Time Skip~~~~~~~~

I finally finished going through the forest, and man am I worn out. I nearly got hit a lot. Thank god I didn't because when Tsu did, she looked really hurt. We were all sat down eating and talking, till Aizawa came out and said that we would be the ones cooking tomorrow, and that we all will be training.

Yay can't wait to train tomorrow! That was sarcasm. If training was anything like today, I'm not really excited. It's so hard and not really helping train my quirk.

We finish up eating, and go to bed. All the boys are in one cabin and the girls in another. I end up sleeping on the floor next to Bakugo as no one else really wanted to. It's fine though, I don't really mind.

The day passes and we are training. Luckily it's nothing like yesterday at all. We're all training separately on our own things. It's definitely more fun than it was. The only thing is, I can see Atsuko sat on a bench by herself. She can't really strengthen her quirk. She can only practice her gymnastics.

I feel a bit bad for her honestly. I mean she's always had this weight on her shoulder. This thing she has done in the past that she can never tell anyone. The only reason I know, is because I was there when it happened. She has always hated herself ever since, and the quirk she was given that made it possible.

You would think the thing she did would make her parents hate her and not the gay part, but our parents aren't like that. She was only seven when it happened after all. Most people don't remember what they did at that age, but what she did was unforgettable.

Atsuko and I had an older brother growing up. He was cool, I didn't really get to know him. We were only seven when he was gone. The reason why he's gone is Atsuko's fault, but I would never tell her that. I love her after all.

As you know Atsuko, has two quirks. The one we're she can turn anyone to rock if she touches them with all five fingers, and can turn them back with the clique of the finger. Her second quirk is a bit more tricky. It's a mind one.

If she stares at you for fifteen seconds straight she can make you do anything she wants. In my opinion, it's really cool. You just have to stare at someone for a while and boom, they're under your control. But Atsuko thinks otherwise.

You see, when we were both seven our parents went out and our older brother was looking after us, and then Atsuko had a temper tantrum over him not giving her ice cream. I mean, she was seven it happens, it's normal.

She was yelling and screaming and stomping her feet. She stomped and stared at him with anger filling her ruby red eyes. A layer of water shone over them as one thing went over her mind.

'You are so mean! I wish you would just die! I hate you!'

And just that thought is what changed her life and mine forever. As soon as that one thought and an unannounced staring contest began between the two, it all went down hill.

Out of no were he just stood up straight and twisted his neck right the way round in front of us. The horror look on our faces and tears ran down them. The scene that just unfolded in front of us was one that we wished never happened.

If Atsuko could just forget about that ever happening she could be an even better hero, but she will never forgive herself. It's just one of those things.

While I was thinking of all of that, it turned out that I had punched a big hole in the middle of the rock wall in front of me. A big smile plastered on my face as I jumped down from it. I sat down next to Atsuko and we talked for a bit, before she got back up and on a mat to continue her gymnastics. Thank god she's flexible or that quirk would not be very useful.

Training soon came to an end, and we cooked a meal as a class. We ate, and now it was time to relax and just chat with one another. Or so I thought. I did really bad on the test now me and my dumb friends have to take extra classes while everyone else rests. How is this fair.

We were just doing some maths with Vlad and Aizawa, when we hear loud noises outside. That can't be good. I hope it's not those stupid villains again. If they ruin another trip I'm going to be so mad. Next thing you know Aizawa is outside and I'm stuck inside not being able to help. Long story short I'm mad and I want to help, but the stupid 1-B home room teacher won't let me leave the room.

Lots of things happen and we find out it was villains. I get even madder when I find out that they kidnapped Bakugo, and I couldn't do anything about it. What kind of man, friend or hero am I if I let this happen. Not one at all.

I need to find him, and bring him back!

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