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Eijiro's PoV

I woke up to my phone alarm. I grown, and hit the stop the sound. It was seven o'clock, and I really didn't want to be awake. I pull the covers off of me, and walk out of the room. I was a little confused, because I thought Katsuki was here last night. Maybe it was just a dream. That thought got interrupted, when I saw the devil himself standing in front of the oven.

I take a deep breath, and walk up to my boyfriend. I hug him from behind, and lean my head on his shoulder. I still didn't want to be awake. I could hear a slight laugh from me. I would ask him something, but didn't know if he had his hearing aids in. I still need to ask him about why he doesn't wear them all the time.

I see him turning off the oven, so I take my hands away from him, so he can continue with whatever he is doing. He plates the food that he made, and places the plates on the table. I sit down at the table in front of one of the plates. I thank him for making food, and we both start eat. After we finish the food, I wash them up in the sink.

I hear him say that he is going to his room to get dressed for school. I go to my room to do the same. I hate that I can't wear my binder all the time. It makes me feel really bad about myself, but when I'm older I'm gonna save lots of money, and get top surgery. Once I was dressed, and my hair was done, I sat on my bed. I started to text Katsuki.

Me : R u comin bac 2 my rum 2 pic me up

Katsubabe : Ye I'll b rite there babe

Me : O ta names new ; )

Katsubabe : Wateva I'm comin now

Me : I sed ysteday I wasn rede yet

Katsubabe : OMFG I hat u so much

Me : No u don

Katsubabe : Ur rite I don

(Sorry if you can't understand this, this is just how I message people. I thought it only best to involve text language if they're texting. I can right out it in the comments if you don't.)

I was about to message him back, but there was a knock on my door. I put my phone down, and open the door to see Katsuki. I smile, and hug him. I lock my dorm door, and turn around to walk to class while holding my boyfriends hand. When we get into class, I sit on top of his desk, and I continue to talk to him. We continue to talk until, the bell goes and Aizawa Sensei 'walks' in.

He did the register, and then just went to sleep. This was pretty normal for him. He was still a pro after all, and a night one at that. His quirk doesn't help the fact that he does work at night. I feel bad for the guy. He doesn't seem to affected by it though. What I'm more concerned about is how I didn't realiser that him and Mic Sensei were together. They had been coming over for tea a lot, before we got put into dorms. For all I know, they still go over.

When the bell goes at nine o'clock, Aizawa left the classroom, and Mic Sensei walked in. He taught us English, but damn is it a hard language to learn. We continue being taught by different teachers different subjects, until its lunch at 1:30pm. We did have a break at the mid-point, but it wasn't very long. I sit down at a table, because Katsuki always brings food to me. I talk to Kami, because Sero is getting his.

I wonder if they're dating. I mean I knew Sero liked Kami, but he always goes on about Shins-. Wait a damn minute. Ever since Kami ran out the room crying, I haven't heard a thing out of Kami's mouth about Shinso. Maybe he is dating Sero. If I'm being honest, I hope they're. If they were then I don't have to worry about them being relationships with people that don't deserve them. I wont have to be a feral friend, and deduce if a person is good enough for them.

"Hey Kami, are you and Sero dating?" I ask the lightning user.

"Wh-what l-lead you-you to that-that con-conclu-si-sion?" He stutters with a blush.

"Well you seem very close recently, and he is getting you food." I state to him.

"Damn Kiri, you're good. Yea we are, but don't tell anyone. I don't want people to know I like boys." He says.

"What's wrong with liking boys?" I say with a stern voice.

"What nothing, I'm literally dating a boy Kiri. I just don't know how other people will respond is all." He said like it was obvious.

Katsuki and Sero walk over with our food, and sits themselves and the food down. Mina, Atsuko and Jiro were sitting with the girls today. I think they were talking about having a sleepover with just them girls. That would be fun. Maybe I could invite my bros over for a sleepover. I mean my dorm is bigger than everyone else's, but then they may ask questions. I mean it might be time I tell my bros. Man why is it so hard to come out to people.

When I was thinking that, I thought came to my head. I still haven't talked to Katsuki why he doesn't just wear his hearing aids all the time. This would be a good time. I don't want to sound rude or dumb though. What if it's a really obvious answer, and I look dumb in front of Kami and Sero. Wait this is Kami and Sero we're talking about. I'm not gonna sound stupid to them. They are two of the most stupid people I have ever met.

"Hey Katsuki, why don't you wear your hearing aids all the time?" I finally question.

"Well one. because they make me feel like an old man, and two. If I wear them too long, I get a ringing in my head that gives me a headache. I would rather not be able to hear, then have a ringing in my ears." He said.

Well if I'm being honest, I feel the same. I mean if you have friends that know sign, then there is no point in wearing them for too long. I nod at his answer. I've learnt so much since I've been with him. He has made me more aware. You would of thought that I would have known what he asked me, since I have a deaf sister, but she never did get any. But then again Atsuko was born deaf, and Katsuki wasn't. Maybe my sister can't get them for that reason. I really need to do some research.

"Why don't we have a sleepover then?" Sero questioned.

"What?" I questioned. I didn't hear the other part of the convocation.

"The girls are having a sleepover in the common area, so why don't we have one in one of our rooms." Replied Kami.

"Don't you think our rooms are a bit small for all four of us to sleep in?"Sero questions.

"Eijiro's isn't." Katsuki butted in.

"What do you mean? Is his bigger?" Kami asks.

"Yea its like a fucking flat. We should have one there." Katsuki continued.

"Since when have you liked doing things you don't have to with them?" I asked kind of annoyed he ratted me out.

"I don't want them to be sleeping in a room with you without me." He whispered.

"Oh is little Katsuki jealous?" I taunt.

"No! But I'm still going, and it should be at yours. We should do it tonight so we can get it out of the way too." Katsuki says.

We all agree with what Katsuki said, and continued to chat about random stuff. The bell went and we had our last lesson. When we had finished that lesson, we waited for each other. We did this, so we could walk to the dorms with each other. When we did get to the dorms, we split and put on some casual clothes. I waited patiently for them to come to my dorms. I sat preparing myself for the questions I was definitely going to get from the two. This is going to be a long night.
Happy anime day everyone. This chapter was just under 500 words longer just for this day and I also cosplayed Jiro, if you wanna see a picture of this cosplay (not that it's any good) then put it in the comments. If I get enough I might have the self esteem to post it. I hope everyone has an emotionally stable day/night.
~ Jean

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