The Register

704 19 15

Eijiro's PoV

The weekend came and passed, and it was another Monday morning. I wake up to the sound of the alarm on my phone. I turn it off, the turn to look at the boy besides me. I smile as I stoke his face with my thumb. I lay just looking at his face for a few minutes, before deciding that it was time to get up, and ready for school. I shake Katsuki awake, and we get dressed.

We enter the lift for the ground floor, after getting in our uniform, and all of the other stuff we do in the mornings. Walking into the living area, as we ate breakfast in my room. We usually sit in my room, and watch tv until it was time to go, but I made Katsuki come down today. Katsuki sat on the corner, and I cuddled up next to him on his left.

I look at the lift, as the doors open. To my surprise, Todoroki and Shinso exit it. Didn't think that they would be down so early, they both don't particularly like social interactions. They walk into the kitchen, and grab some cereal. They aren't the cooking type either I see. Just then, I feel the vibration of a phone. I check mine, but nothing. I look confusingly at Katsuki. He never gets messages from anybody but me, and sometimes his mum.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket, and looks at his screen for a few seconds. I see his face scrunch up, before shaking it. He lets out a low tch, before putting his phone away. His whole attitude just changed in a matter of seconds. How bad was that message he just received. I go to question him about it, but he speaks before I could.

"You get one too Icy-Hot?" He asks Todoroki.

"Yea. Can't say I'm not surprised at how quickly they chose one though." He replied.

"You like it, or are you going to dismiss it." Katsuki questions him.

"I'm not complaining, I get to loose this shitty one." He casually curses back.

I look confusingly between the two of them. I see Shinso smack Todoroki out the corner of my eyes. They both got the same message. What could it possibly be? It really must be important if they both got it. Why am I being excluded from this, I'm his boyfriend?!

"What's going on? You're confusing me with all this talk." I ask.

"Our parents have decided on a surname already." Katsuki states, not even looking back at me.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! What did they pick! I need to know if it will have a nice ring to my name." I say excitedly.

"Shienen. Kind of stupid if you ask me, but it's meant to be meaningful." Katsuki replies.

"Eijiro Shienen. Hm... cool. A few more years, and I can get rid of this dreadful name." I say exerting a breathe.

"Already thinking of marriage, damn your committed." Shinso speaks, lifting his head off of the table just to say that, and then placing it down again.

"Well yea, what's wrong 'ping' with oh hi Midor-oh this is gonna be a problem." I say seeing Midoriya appear frorm the lift with Tsu.

"So you two got a message aswell." He lets out a sigh of relief.

"We still have the whole name problem though." Todoroki? points out.

"Why don't you do what the Kirishima twins did, and split the name." Shinso suggests.

"It only splits into two, and they're three of us." Katsuki informs him.

"Well what if everyone just called Izuku Deku and we just split the name." Todoroki fixes.

"But who get's which part of the-" I try to ask a question to be interrupted by Katsuki.

"Dibs on Nen." He calmly says.

"You can't dib on a name, plus I wanted Nen." Todoroki replies.

"Too bad, first comes first served." Katsuki argues.

"I mean he's right. Snooze you loose man, you get Shie." I state.

I could tell by Todoro-Shie's done face, that he really couldn't be bothered to argue with us. He just continued to eat his now soggy cereal. I turn to look back at the tv, to carry on watching the show that was on, but Katsuki stood up. I looked at him for a second, and see him reaching for his school bag. It was time for school already. I grabbed Katsuki's hand, as we walk to school. He always carries both of our bags, because and I quote 'I'm better than you, so I have to do everything for you.'

I roll my eye at the memory, and then realise that we were already at the classroom. As usual we were one of the first people to be here. Katsuki always likes to be early to everything. The only people here were Iida, Uraraka and Momo, like always. I sit on Katsuki's desk, and just ramble on to him. The class slowly fills in, and the BakuSquad was the last to have all it's members present, thanks to Sero and Kami.

Our homeroom teacher does end up showing himself, and taking the register, but Katsuki decided to be difficult. Why didn't I see this coming. When Aizawa-Sensei said Bakugo, he didn't answer. Technically he was still a Bakugo, as they haven't done any of the paperwork, but he was just being an arse. Katsuki just sat in silence, with a smirk on his face.

"Bakugo, why aren't you answering your name?" Aizawa-Sensei asks.

"Sir, he doesn't go by that name anymore." I state annoyed.

"This boy better give me a good reason for holding up the register." Aizawa says angry.

"His mum is engaged, so he goes by Shienen now." I inform him.

I could see a confused and shock look cover his face, but soon goes neural again. He looks back at his screen just done with life, before just going with it and saying the name. This is were it got interesting. Three voices were heard when he asked if Shienen was here. This is going to be a long day. Aizawa then just looks at me, asking for another explanation.

"Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki's mums are engaged to eachother." I say.

You could hear a collective amount of gasps at that. No one saw that one coming clearly. Sensei just slowly rubbed his temples with an frustrated face and sigh. Before he completely ditched the idea of doing it normally, and just signing everyone as here. He could see that they all were, the school just asked for it to be done this way for some form of similarity to what a normal school is like.

It's not even been a year, and this school is anything but normal.

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