Are You Done With Me

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Katsuki's PoV 

We're all sat in class waiting for it to start, but Sensei is late. This concerns many of us, as Aizawa has never been late. He believes in punctuality, and makes a whole scene about it whenever anyone else is late. 

Bored, I look around the room, and see that one seat isn't occupied as well. Tape wasn't in class yet. I wouldn't bat an eye at that, but Dunce is in his seat. You usually don't get one without the other. Dunce himself seems kind of nervous. He keeps looking back at Tape's seat, biting his nails. I glance one last time at Dunce, before the door to the classroom opens. 

In walks Aizawa-Sensei with Tape following shortly behind. Teach asks for both Dunce and Tape to go to the teachers lounge after school; then starts the lesson. It was only homeroom, so it wasn't that interesting. All we have to do is stay in our seats, and not make too much noise. Most of the time though, people just walk up to their friends and just chat, ignoring the first rule.

The school day soon ends, and I quickly pack my school shit, legging it out of the classroom, not before grabbing my boyfriends hand. I had made my mind up, and I needed to talk to him. I drag him to 'our' room, and tell him to get changed. He tries to ask me all sorts of questions, but I don't say a single word. 

When we are both done, I take his hand once again, and guide him out of the dorm building. We make our way out of the school gates, and begin our little rendezvous. He kept giving me concerned glances as we walked, but kept a smile the whole time. Every so often he would squeeze my hand in reassurance, but it didn't help anybody.

I opened the gate to the local park, and we walked round for a bit. I needed to ask him, but I wanted to wait as long as possible. A sigh left my lips, as i cut my losses, and make him sit on the closest bench to us at this given time. 

"Kat, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

I could feel the pain in his voice as he spoke. I cringed internally at what I was about to ask him. I've come this far, I'm not backing out now.

"Ei, be honest with me. Are you..." I dragged on.

He nodded along to what I was saying, until I didn't finish my sentence. He lifted his brows in confusion and to see if I was going to continue.

"Am I what Kat?" He tried to keep the conversation going.

"Are you done with me? Like, do you not love me anymore?" I questioned.

Shock. That's all I could see. He definitely wasn't expecting that to of been my question, I could tell you that much. That soon faded into confusion, which turned into some sort of sad expression. Honestly, he was changing it so quickly I couldn't tell anymore.  

"Kat, why would you ever think that? No of course not. I love you very much." He spoke in such a soft tone.

His hand left mine, as they cup the edges on my face. He looked heart broken. Guilt surged through me when I saw him. I didn't mean to upset him. If he did feel that way, then I could stop him holding back, and to let go. I thought I was helping by asking this; clearly I was mistaken. 

"I'm sorry." I said in the lowest voice possible.

I hated apologising, and people who apologise all the time, but I felt like I had to say it to him. I would of hated myself if I didn't grow a pair to say two simple words. I only regret it as his face only turns to more sorrow.

"No baby, no. Don't apologise, just." He stopped.

He seemed to be tumbling over his words. Almost like he knew exactly what he wanted to say, but doesn't have the proper words to say. I could see he was getting angry at himself for not being able to do it.

Within a flash, warm lips were against mine. My eyes blew wide at the familiar sensation. Tears drip from my eyes, as I lean into his touch. I soon close my eyes, and enjoy kissing my boyfriend. Every emotion under the sun was running through me, as I didn't know what to do. It's nice to know that my boyfriend still loves me, but the amount of guilt that is surging through me for ever doubting him is immensely painful. 

We brake apart from our kiss, and he gives me the most sincere and loving smile I have ever seen. His hands leave my face, and join once again with mine. His thumb rubs against my knuckles in a soothing matter, as he gazes into my eyes. I return the loving actions; we just sit on the park bench til we had to walk back as curfew would start soon.

When we did get back, we received some glances from the people in the room, but nothing out of the ordinary from these extras. We go to our room, and I cook us up something quick and simple, but  still delicious. It was sort of my way to apologise none verbally for being so stupid. 

We ate everything, and then settled off to going to bed. That night we cuddled closer than normal, and made sure that the other was still there and okay. We soon drifted off to the sound of each others breathing. 

Denki's PoV

Aizawa-Sensei had asked me to go to the teachers lounge at the end of school, and I'm on my way up with Hanta now. My hands started to sweat as I held Hanta's hand, and I think he could sense my nervousness. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and a smile to match. I couldn't help but to smile back at my boyfriend, as I took a deep breathe, and knocked on the staff door. 

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