Class Confession

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X Warning Mentions Of Suicide X

X F Slur Is Used X

Eijiro's PoV

I wake up to a knock on my dorm door. It was kind of hard to hear from the bedroom, but I did nonetheless. I go to answer the door, when arms I didn't even realise where around me, tightened. A smile crosses my face, as I see Katsuki. I carefully take his arms off from around me, and grab my phone. I look at the time to see that is was six pm. We had a three our nap after our fun.

There was another knock on the door. I grown as I put my phone down. I leave my bedroom, and answer the door. I really didn't have the energy for this, but Katsuki was asleep. He also didn't have his hearing aids in, so he wouldn't of been able to hear it anyway. I look around the living room for my keys, to see them on the kitchen table.

I unlock the door, then open it. Whoever knocked better have a good reason for waking me up. When I looked who was there, I saw the whole class. I looked over them, and they all held confused or shocked faces. Then it hit me. I wasn't wearing my binder! I slammed the door closed as quickly as I could. Why are they even here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well it was Bakugo's turn to cook, and he wasn't at his dorm. We figured that he was here." Iida answered.

"Well he is currently asleep, do you want me to wake him up?" I questioned.

"Is he asleep in your bed?" I heard who I think was Mina almost squeal out.

"Yea, but that didn't answer my question." I spoke.

"That is most inappropriate behaviour, but we would like him awake if you would be so kind Kiri." Iida replied.

I went to my room, and shook Katsuki awake. He groaned, but smiled when he saw me. I kissed him, and sign about the class outside. He seemed to of forgot that it was his turn to cook. He went back into the bathroom, and put his hearing aids back in. He kissed my cheek, before leaving to go cook. I waved goodbye, and sat back down on my bed.

I had a smile on my face from his cute actions, but it soon shifted to a frown when I remembered what happed before that. The class were going to find out tomorrow in class anyway. I hate not being able to have a flat chest. I was hoping that I would be able to tell them on my own terms, but my dumbass wore my binder to long. Ugh, why can't I be born a boy. I sit there sulking about my dysphoria, when I feel some arms wrap around me.

I look up to see my boyfriend. He always knows how to cheer me up. I don't know if he knows this, but he does. I rub his arm with my thumb, and lean into the touch. If he is here, that means that the food is ready. Man, how long had I been sulking for? I push that thought away, and look at Katsuki again. I peck his lips, and stand up.

"Is the food ready Kat?" I ask him.

"Yea, did you want me to bring you some up here, or are you eating with everyone else?" He questions.

"I will eat with everyone else. They need to know why I have tits at some point." I sigh out this reply.

He only nods at my statement. We walk hand in hand to the lift. I press the G button, and it takes us to the Common area. When the door opens, everyone looks at us. I say a simply hi, and sit in an empty chair. Katsuki takes the one next to me. We went most of the meal eating in silence until Mineta decided to speak up.

"So how come you have boobs Kiri?" He spoke. Everyone seemed appalled at his statement.

"Mineta, you can't just ask someone that!" Mina yelled at him.

"It's ok Mina, they have to know at some point." I said.

"Know what Kiri?" Midoriya asked.

"I'm transgender. I hope this doesn't change your opinion of me." I spoke, looking down ashamed.

"Of course we don't Kiri, you're still the manliest guy in the class." Uraraka said.

"Really?" I questioned.

A chorus of yesses came from the class. I smile at the response that I got. I don't know why I was so scared of coming out to these people. They were my friends after all. I'm just so happy that they all accept me. A few tears leave my eyes. I can't believe that I'm crying over this. I just wish this moment would never end. But like all good things do, it did. Too quick in my opinion though.

"So you aren't a fag after all, you're just a silly little girl seeking attention." Mineta spoke.

That single comment made my whole mood do a one eighty. I mean I've dealt with homophobia, but never transphobia. I never stayed long enough with my parent to hate me for it. I look at him with a hurt look. What was I expecting. He's not wrong though, I am just a silly little girl. More tears left my eyes, but these weren't happy tears. They were proper ones.

"You're right Mineta. I am just some silly little girl, who needs to get her act together." I reply.

When those words left my mouth, he seemed to be proud of himself. I let go of Katsuki's hand, and ran out the room. I could hear people chasing after me, but I wasn't about to stop running. I pressed the button for the lift, but it was taking too long. I bucked it up the stairwell. I ran up four flights of stairs, with the whole class shouting at me. I couldn't really understand what they were saying, but it was probably hate.

I was going to stop on the fourth floor, but then realised something. If I went to my dorm, then I would still be there for them to hate me. Then a thought that I haven't had in years came to me. The thought was very appealing. I ran the rest of the way, and locked the door shut. They could bust it down, but it was to stall them. I turn around with a little sigh, as I feel the breeze of the cold air hit me.

I walk to the railing that separated me from my goal. All I had to do was step over it, and let go. How hard could it be. Even me (a silly little girl) could manage that. Right? I hold onto the railing, and let the air hit face. Tears never stopped dripping down. I look at the sight in front of me. This would be the last thing I will see. I step over the railing, and hold it. I close my eyes, and let out a content sigh.

But just before I was about to let go, there was a bang from behind me. I turn my head to see Katuski. I smile at him. He is the best boyfriend I could of asked for. He looked me in the eyes, and I could see all the emotion his eyes held. He was scared, no petrified. Why was he so scared? If I left, then he could have a real boyfriend. Not some girl, who wanted to be one.

"Eijiro, please listen to me. Please don't jump. I love you so much, god damn it. Don't leave me now, not ever. I haven't even proposed to you yet, never mind have an anniversary. Please don't do it." He begged.

Tears flowed from his eyes. He really didn't want me to jump, but I couldn't understand why. Why would he want me to stay in his life. My eyes widened when I saw how desperate he was for me to step away from the edge. I wanted to let go so much, but instead my hands just tightened on the railing. I was torn. I had two options, one more appealing at the minute than the other. I turn to look at the ground beneath me, before I made my decision. I know what I'm going to do, but will it be the right one, I couldn't tell.

Unintentionally Loving it (Bakushima) (Trans Kiri)Where stories live. Discover now