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Katsuki PoV

Ow! Why is there this loud banging in my head. It's like a fucking marching band up in there. Not to mention how the room smells like smoke and lager. What type of place would a high schooler be taken with those two.

Blinking a few times, with pain being laced through my whole body in doing so. Just this tiny movement is causing such pain. My surroundings and senses are coming back with every blink I do, decreasing the pain of blinking as I do it more.

A wave of pain goes through my whole body being first placed from my thigh. I slowly lift up my head, and look down at that location. My head shoots back and my eyes widen in what can only be described as shock.

Wincing as jumping back caused enough pain as it is. Why the fuck is there a fucking knife in my leg. I glance back down at the blade in my thigh to see some feet in the corner of my eyes. I raise an eyebrow and slowly look up the body of the person the feet belong to.

As I keep slowly raising my eyes I see that their wearing a skirt and a yellow school jumper. They must be a high school girl. That was my first thought before I got to their face.

Her bright yellow twin buns that match perfectly with her eyes that shine under the reflection of the light on the blade she held in her right hand. Her smile showing fangs on either side of her petite face. Nails on each hand perfectly cut to size but not painted a colour. The only thing I couldn't register was the look in those bright yellow eyes of hers.

Within seconds, I went to back up, but was faced with the fact that I couldn't. I had only just realised that the slight tingling from my wrists were from thick rope. And the fact that I couldn't even stand, due to even more of this strange rope around my ankles.

I smirk as I look at the rope. It's only rope, my explosions can brake right through them. As my hands go to do so, I receive another flash of pain going through me. My head flying back with this new found feeling.

I look back at the girl who was standing in front of me before. That same smile still on her face, as drool slides out the side of her gaping mouth. What kind of monster enjoys seeing someone in pain. Moreover, who is she, and where am I, and how did I get here? So many questions, and none of which have been answered.

She walks up closer to me and sensually puts her hands around both knives that she has placed in my thighs. Without a blink, she pulls them out. A scream leaves my chapped lips, as blood oozes from my newly open wound.

My breathing becomes heavy, trying to control the amount of pain I'm feeling. My eyes glued shut, and palms clenched tight. Awaiting for her to replace the knives in me once more. My breathing slightly slows down, and I open my eyes once more. The pain is still there, but more hasn't been given.

My eyes stare down at the women who has 'graced' me with this 'present' of pain. She laughs as she continues to stare back at me. She comes towards me, once again, but doesn't stop when she's in reach of my legs. She goes closer and closer, until she is so close that are legs are touching.

I continue staring at her with my blood coloured eyes, with murderous intent as she lifts one of her legs toward me. She places her thigh against mine leaning all her weight on my open wound. More pain flows through me. She repeats with the other leg and is now straddling me.

She leans towards my neck and I get more pain through me, but the cut she gives me is not as deep to probably make sure I stay alive, but still go through masses amount of pain. Red blood drips down my neck, but doesn't get far before she catches it with her moist tongue. I shudder against this new touch.

She slices me and licks it all back up for who the fuck knows how long, till she starts to get bored and my legs go numb. She climbs off of my legs and blood is still seeking out of them.

She slices my arms and laughs historically at the pain being shown in my facial expression. I stare at her, as her lips move. I'm presuming that she's saying something, but I can't hear her. I raise my eyebrow and a strange look is flashed her way.

She rolls her eyes and continues to talk to me. Over the years I've learnt to learn how to read lips. I'm not a professional, but I'm pretty good. I can feel a sting cross my eyes as I read what she says. I know I'm not, but do other people think I am. It can't be true.

'People must hate you and your attitude. I mean they must only talk to you because of pity you for being deaf right.'

I mean I've never really had friends until people found out I was deaf. Deku is the closest I've come to having a friend till Kirishima came around. But he only really cared when he found out I was deaf. Maybe it is all pity. Maybe this lady is right.

My face grows wet with every passing thought that crosses my mind. Every single one worse than the one before. Realising that I really don't have any real friends who care about me.

A loud scream leaves my lips begging for her to inflict me with more pain. Anything that she will give me I will take. All I want is to be beat and bruised till I can't even feel a hammer hitting my ribs. I need to be punished. I need to be inflicted with pain as I just make other people's lives more difficult.

She beats me and slashes me and bruises cover me from head to toe. Tears are covering every inch of my face as well as a puddle around the chair I'm sat in. My eyes are aching and are itchy and dry from crying so much.

My head feels so heavy and my arms have lost all motion. My vision is in and out of focus, blinking to try hopelessly to stay open. Within a few more blinks my blood loss takes the better of me, and I loose consciousness. The whole world goes black, and I live to fight another day in my now pointless life.

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