Entering The Dorms

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Eijiro's PoV

Today is a Saturday, and I don't know what to do. Oh wait! I have to pack for the dorms that we are moving into on Monday. This is going to be so much fun. We can have sleepovers and parties. Lets just hope that they don't find out about my secrets. But other than that, I can't wait. I hope Katsuki is as excited as I am about the whole dorm thing.

I pack most of my cloths in my bag. It was pretty easy as I've done this once before. I go to the bottom of my wardrobe, and grab my alcohol. I hope that they don't search our bags, or I'm going to be in so much trouble. I cast that thought away, as I put the drinks in my bag. If they take them away, I can always get some more.

"Lunch time kids!" I hear Itsumi shout from downstairs.

I close my bags, and head downstairs for lunch. We chat about the dorms and how exciting it is. We finish eating, and I go to help the girls with their packing. I don't think Atsuko needs help, but Mina definitely does. I walk into their room, and my jaw drops. I stand at the door, just looking at the supposedly thing in front of me called a room.

There were clothes all over the floor, and the wardrobe had fallen over. Not to mention the fact that their were shoes everywhere. The curtains have somehow came down from the window and became a blanket on the bed. How did they make the room look like such a mess. I shake out of my dumbfounded state, and walk into the room.

I take the curtain of the bed, and take a seat on it. This was going to take longer than I thought. Especially since everything looks the same. Pink. I take a deep breath and get to work on organising everything. I separate everything into their own piles. By the time that the girls have came up to carry on packing, I had put everything into sections. You could actually see the floor, not to mention I put the curtain back onto the window.

The girls look shocked at the room. They look at the floor, and then at me. I look confused at the two. Mina walked over to me, and sat down. I told her about the different piles, then continued to help her put what she wanted to take with her to the dorms into a bag. She ended up with more bags than Atsuko and mine combined. It's kind of funny how she can have so much stuff.

I got back to my room, and play some games on my mobile. I do this till Itsumi calls us down for tea. We eat the food that she had so kindly made for us. Kimiko was with us this time, unlike at lunch. I talk about how bad the girls room was, while they say I was exaggerating. I show them a picture I took of the room, before I cleaned it. They start laughing, and we continue to eat.

Sunday was pretty boring. It was mainly me just waiting for Monday. I usually would hate Monday's, but the whole dorm situation made me impatient. Monday finally rolled around, and Kimiko drove us to school on the way to work. I grab my bag, and some of Mina's. She definitely couldn't hold them all herself. We waved goodbye to Kimiko, and made our way to the gate.

We go in, and are immediately greeted by a table. We walk up to it, and the pro at the table asks us for our class. We tell her 1-A, and she points to the direction in which our dorm were situated. We walk into the building with our class name on the front. We go in and see all our classmates in a room that looked like a living room. We walk up to everyone, and take a seat. I sit next to Katsuki, and lean my head on his shoulder.

'Why are we all here?' I sign to him.

"There was a note on the door that said we needed to wait here to be told who would get what room." He spoke.

I say a quick ok, realising he was wearing his hearing aids. It must be easier for him to wear them. I don't understand why he doesn't wear them all the time. I'll have to ask him at some point. I sit there waiting for someone to tell us were we will have our rooms. The class didn't have to wait to long for Aizawa-Sensei to come threw the doors.

He told us about how this floor was called the common area. There was a kitchen for everyone to share. He went to every door, and told us who's room it belonged to. We were on the third floor, and only a few people were left. He did the right side first, so all the girls were gone and most of the boys. When we got there, I realised this floor only had three doors. I was confused, but listened to Sensei. He pointed out that Katsuki had the first room, and I had the middle. Shoji had the last one.

Aizawa-Sensei walked up to me and said he found out about my little situation. I looked at him confused. He pointed at his chest, and I instantly understood what he meant. How did he find out. He just looked at me sympathetically and whispered Kimiko in my ear. Oh. He told me that my room was bigger than everyone elses, because it had it's own bathroom and kitchen.

I waited for everyone to leave before entering my room. I didn't want them to be jealous that my room was different. They would start asking questions that I didn't want to answer yet. I was kind of glad that I got my own kitchen. That meant no one had to find out about my alcohol. Yea I kept it in my wardrobe normally, but it doesn't last as long as if it were in a fridge.

I set my room up, and sit on my bed. I was impressed with myself. It looked very manly, in my opinion. I even got Itsumi to bring me a punching bag. I gave her the money that it cost, but she didn't want it. She never wants to take the money I offer. I know she sees me as her son, but I don't like her spending her own money on me. I feel bad.

I get brought out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. I walk up to it, and poke my head out. I didn't want people to see my room. To my shock it was Uraraka. I say hello and ask if she needed something. She nods and tells me about how everyone is gathering to show off their rooms. I didn't want to, but then Katsuki walked out and said he was doing it. I wanted to see his room, so I reluctantly agreed. I hope people don't ask questions.

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