Bakugo's Mum

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Eijiro PoV

Class came to and end, and we left for the changing room. I kept giving quick glances to Bakugo, but I don't think he noticed. We finished and I met him outside. I could see a small smug smile on his lips as he walks up to me. I give him a big smile back which makes him realise he's smiling, and go back to his angry face. A slight frown appears on me, but disappears just as fast.

I hold my hand out towards him, for him to jog up towards me and hold it. I turn my head to the side as a blush tints my cheeks. I turn my head after I hear giggling to see him smiling and laughing. A look of confusion spreads across my face, as I see him smiling and looking at me.

He looks down to presumably hide his smile, but I've already seen it. He's so hot when he smiles, he should do it more often. I feel my cheeks heat up even further, as I look at him. His smile starts to fade, and I can notice a blush starting to appear on his face too. This making me have a small smile on my face. I pull my hand from his (a hurt look on his face) till I start signing and he understands why I did that.

'Do you want to come to my place?' I sign.

'Um your sister and Pink chic is gonna be there aren't they' he signed back.

'Yea, is that a problem?' I sign.

'How about we go to my house. You could meet my parents' he signs to me.

'Oh really bro, you want me to meet your fam? Of course bro' I sign.

'First don't call me bro, and second it's family not fam' he signed back.

I just laughed as I grabbed his hand again, and nodded to what he said. We start walking to his house,and then remember no one knows where I am. I pull out my phone to message Mina, and Bakugo looks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing.

I finish writing and sending the message before showing him what I put. He looks and then we carry on walking. As we're walking, I think about were Bakugo actually lives. It must be walking distance as we have passed the bus stop.

We carry on walking for awhile (still hand in hand) before we enter this nice neighbourhood. All the houses here are so big. Everyone here must be rich. Well there is an apartment flat area, where I guess lots of not so fortunate people live, but damn.

He walks up to a gate and opens it. The house is two stories and looks very modern. It must cost a fortune. I didn't think Bakugo would be loaded. He tests the door handle to find it open. He opens the door, for me to hear a yell. He quickly drops my hand before making his way to left. The direction of which I heard the shouting from.

Bakugo's PoV

I know my mums home, as the door was open. I quickly drop Kirishima's hand, and walk toward the kitchen, where she usually is. As soon as I'm in view of the woman, I get a smack to the back of the head. I grunt as I pull an angry face, not having any affect on her at all.

She shoves two small items in my hand before turning around. I put them in and then await the sound I'm definitely gonna hear next. She's always yelling for some odd reason. Can she not find any reason not to yell all the time. Dad manages it.

"Katsuki! What have I told you about leaving your hearing aids at home. You can't understand the teachers at school, never mind any people as you threw Izuku away as a friend! How are you ever gonna find any one as nice as him who will want to be friends with a brat like you. I mean come-" she finishes mid sentence as she sees the boy I brought over standing in the door way.

She put on a smile I stoped seeing everyone since I lost Deku as a friend. The one she puts on when I have a friend over. She actually seems happy to see me with another person. Finally, a friend she approves of. Well, for now.

Mitsuki's PoV

I was yelling at my son for not wearing his hearing aids, when I suddenly see a boy standing in the door way. He looks about my sons age. He has bright red hair, and was definitely toned. They must be friends. How the hell has my brat of a child made a friend at school. Never mind that for now, I need to speak to him.

"Hi I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, mother of this brat just here, and who might you be?" I ask.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima, Mrs Bakugo" he replies.

He's very formal, and he seems like a nice boy. Nothing like the little brats Katsuki used to hang out with in middle school. I feel like he's gonna do just fine with this child.

"Oh no need for the formalities. Mitsuki will suite just fine. Tell me, how did Katsuki end up with a friend like you?" I ask.

"Oh you old hag don't go questioning him. Plus what do you mean, everyone wants to be friends with me, some people just aren't worthy!" The brat yells at me.

"You listen hear you little brat, don't make me look bad in front of your new friend!" I yell back.

I face my attention toward the boy again. I offer a friendly smile, which I'm happy to get one in return. I ask him if he's staying for tea, which he starts to refuse only to be dragged into it.

I had so many more questions for him, but the brat took him away before I could ask any of them. I'll just have to wait till tea. That reminds me, my husband will be home for tea today, what a great way for the boy to meet us all. This is gonna be fun.

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