The Rescue Part 2

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Eijiro PoV

Me, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida and Yaoyo-momo met up in front of the school gates. I didn't really have any idea of how to get him back, so I asked for some ideas. Midoriya came up with a really good plan, and I think it will really work.

——Time skip to when there in the sky——
——about to save Bakugo——

We're flying across the sky and I see Bakugo stud confused as to what is going on, and I stare at him. Then I scream at the top of my lungs,

"Bakugo, take my hand!"

But that's when I realised a big problem in our plan. Bakugo was deaf and couldn't hear a thing that I was saying, I just had to hope he saw us before it's too late.

Worry fills my head as doubt and all the thing that could go wrong, go wrong. We're not gonna be able to save Bakugo. I'm gonna never see his beautiful ruby red eyes, or that cute smile he pulls every time he beats you as he always does.

My thoughts flash threw my mind, and I'm not able to concentrate on one for more that a second before another one replaces it. That all soon stopped as I was dragged out of my daze from eyes meeting mine. His lips curve into a slight smirk as he looks at me in the sky.


His loud, orange explosions leave his sweaty, caramel scented palms. He glides across the sky imitating Michel Jackson, but in my opinion looking so much hotter. His rough hands clasp with mine, before we start to decrease in height. He caught a glimpse of us at the best possible moment.

We soon came to a land as Bakugo touches the ground I immediately engulf him in a hug. Tears run down my face, as I embrace him in my arms. Nothing can beat this feeling. The feeling of finally having something I've lost and has been taken away from me, just for me to come and get it back.

My quiet sobs fills the air around me, but Bakugo can only tell I'm crying from the dampness of his top. I step back and stare him straight in the eye. (A/N Or as straight as he can). Tears bordering on releasing from my eyes.

'Don't you ever leave me again! You hear me!' I sign.

'Well I cant hear you, but I will never leave you again Kirishima' he signs back.

I shake my head in disappointment at his lame joke, and slowly inch closer to him. I place my hands on his shoulders so we aren't too far apart. The gap between us became smaller, as time grew. Soon enough, we were about a few centimetres apart.

I find myself staring into his gorgeous blood coloured eyes once again. I could stare into that pool of wonder all day, just trying to find all emotion he is hiding deep inside.

I bite the corner of my lip, while looking him up and down. Hope filling me that he won't kill me if I kissed him right now. Would that be such a bad idea? If I just straight up went and kissed those smooth looking lips of his, would he mind?

Before I could answer any of those questions building up in my mind, something was placed on my lips, bring me out of my trance. Almost instantly, my eyes widen at the sudden contact. When I look at what was happening, I soon calmed down.

The contact on my lips was Bakugo kissing me. I close my eyes and move my hands down to his waist, and pull him closer if it was even humanly possible. I deepen the kiss with slight head movement.

(666 words)

We just stood there kissing so I decided that I would nibble at his lip, and see if he would let me in. He kept his mouth closed, so I squeezed his arse. Soon enough he gasped from the unexpected contact, and I had a way in.

I waist no time to explore his mouth. My tongue gliding across every crevice within. He let out a slight moan from my actions, before I realised we were still in public. I pull away and stare at Bakugo with lustful eyes. A string of saliva still connecting us two together. Removing my hands from his waist, I wink at him and step back.

'I mean after that, I think it's fine for me to ask you to be my boyfriend. So will you be mine Bakugo?' I sign to him.

'You literally just had your tongue down my throat, I think it's ok for you to call me Katsuki.' He signs back.

'Is that a yes?' I sign.

'Oh my all might, yea it's a yes Eijiro.' He sign.

'Since when did I give you permission to call me that?' I sign.

'What you gonna do, punish me?' He signs.

'I didn't know you were into that kind of thing Katsuki.' I sign back.

With a smirk plastered on my face, I bite my lip. Blush covers his face making me believe I've just found out something I shouldn't have. I was just teasing, but this might come in handy later along in the line.


A loud noise came from a big screen on the side of a building in a city centre. Not expecting it, I jump slightly and reach for Katsuki's hand. Realising what I've done I just stand there and hold his hand, and pretend that I didn't get jump scared. He wouldn't know, he didn't hear it.

I pull on his arm, and point to the screen. He follows my arm with his eyes that lead to the big LED lights on the side of a skyscraper. I let go of his hand, and I swear I heard a grunt from him as soon as I let go.

I sign everything that is being said, but I don't think he is paying much attention to my hand gestures. He's just staring wide eyed at the video that is being presented live to us.


I would just like to say at the end of this chapter, I was reading all your guys comments. I swear some of you guys are the funniest people I have ever met. I appreciate every single comment and vote I get on this story. Some of you guys caught on to the whole keeping Mineta just to take the mick out of him later. I'm just so happy at all the people who are reading this and I would love to get to know you guys more as well as the other way around. I hope you continue to read as I'm planning some lemon or smut later on in the story. Can't tell you how good it will be but I will try. Anyway have a good one.
Bye - Jean

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