Training has been completed

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Time skip 1 year 9 months (because who wants to read about the boring and same training for a while)

Riley says "Ash this is all I can teach you so your training is complete from me, what are you going todo now?" I say I am going to meet up with my friends now, and thanks for training me, bye now. Riley says good bye and we go our separate ways. Once I am at the bottom of the mountain I think about where my friends would be and teleport there (kinda like he used aura to see where they were now). I am in Kalos in luminos city because I see prism tower when I get there. I quickly go to a shop to get a disguise so when I spy on my friends they won't know it's me, I walk out of the shop in my disguise and you should call me red if you speak to me now (did I break the fourth wall idk but don't really care)

Ash then finds all the traitors except his mom at a restaurant and goes in and sits near them esdroping on their conversation after he ordered his food. Misty says "it has been two years since Ash ran away I don't think he could of survived this long." Dawn says "your right and now our fake story doesn't really matter if he is dead." Iris says "well too bad we couldn't get any of Ash pokemon I bet I could have trained my dragonite to beat his charazard in a rematch." May says "what would we have done with his other Pokémon then because they wouldn't really suit our needs" I wanted to yell at all of them and show I'm alive but I shouldn't that would be boring revenge. Cilian then ask Brock, Max, Serena, Clement and Bonnie what they thought about the situation.

They all were finally ready to admit the turth to their friends. Then Brock says "we never wanted to betray Ash we all thought he should continue his dream." Max, Serena, and Clement say "ya that's what we thought too." Bonnie says "why would you give up on Ash he helped you get closer to your dreams. I heard from Ash that he and Dawn would use each other strategies in his battles and your contests. So Dawn dose that make it right to tell him to give up his dream?" Dawn says "yes it dose we were always in danger with him." Max says "well you guys could have left any time you want and we are not your friends anymore, also May I am not your brother anymore." They all get up and leave, after hearing this Ash is shocked that he actually had some supporters and they stood up for him. That's all he needed to know and decided to go back to shinno next and train on mount coronet alone.

Wow I'm surprised I put out 3 chapters in a day, so I'm putting a funny thing I finished which other people didn't, because I might have broke the fourth wall in this chapter idk (the author is saying all these lines below except the question line.)
Author: prepare for trouble
: to protect the world from devastation
: to unite all people within our nation
: to denounce the evils of truth and love
: to extend our reach to the stars above
: author
: team author blast off at the speed of light surrender now or prepare to fix the fourth wall
Me asking or should the last line be: team author blast off at the speed of light surrender now or prepare to break the foruth wall

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